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Color Story (V0.3.5)

Nov 26, 2015 at 5:53 AM
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you guys keep spelling colour wrong
Noxid why.
Well... I guess someone would have done it anyway.
oh I get it!
Spoiler the spur is gonna be all colorful when some color is restored, ain't it?
Yep, the weapon icon for the Spur is already like that.

EDIT:Okay, the second demo is out now, I fixed quite some things, including the Unknown Cave ORG.
I also made the mod generally a bit longer, including a boss. It's still a bit short though, although a bit less.
Link is in the OP.
There's a little secret somewhere in the mod, if you can find it, you get a little suprise... It's kinda overpowered though.
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Nov 26, 2015 at 8:22 PM
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I played the second demo.
I liked how you introduced the boss, with the bridge going to it. It was satisfying to have the weapon upgraded after that, and to have some color restored.
There wasn't much after that, try getting more done before you release the next update.
Overall, I liked it.
Nov 26, 2015 at 8:37 PM
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I played the second demo.
I liked how you introduced the boss, with the bridge going to it. It was satisfying to have the weapon upgraded after that, and to have some color restored.
There wasn't much after that, try getting more done before you release the next update.
Overall, I liked it.
Thanks. About the lack of new things: I just wanted the Unknown Cave org to be fixed, and I also fixed quite some stuff.
I also wanted the demo to contain at least some content, and I reached that.

I forgot to add <END commands to the door and sign in the Underside, causing the former to repeat the on-entry cutscene, and the latter to freeze the game.
I fixed these now and updated the mod, so don't worry.
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Nov 26, 2015 at 8:59 PM
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this mod is very lacking in mod

Nov 26, 2015 at 9:02 PM
The miracles of alchemy...!
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
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this mod is very lacking in mod

I really need to stop forgetting things.
The launcher should be there now.

EDIT: I decided to show what Underside is gonna be like, so I updated the demo again(You know, the second one). It might take a while for the next update, for several updates.
Then again, maybe it will happen a bit faster..

UPDATE: Okay Third Demo is ready now.
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Dec 4, 2015 at 5:18 AM
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Pretty good stuff you've got going here. I have one concern though: the night cats in the under area can be a bit of a pain. Fighting them all at once at varying distances at 10 hp with a level 1 machine gun is a bit unfair. I recommend using H/V triggers and the <CNP command in your script to toggle them one by one to remedy this. Other than that, everything else is good.
Dec 6, 2015 at 9:06 PM
The "C" in "college" is for "crippling debt".
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
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Third demo comments:
  • Some errors still present in the intro. I still think the dialogue is weird but that's probably just me.
  • When something is a definite fact, do not say "seems". It does not "seem" like there is a note on the chest, there is a note on the chest.
  • This looks oddly like a Mario level now.
  • The animation and execution of the boss fight can use some work.
  • The sign in the grey room does nothing.
  • When you exit the grey room you need to have a <PRI instead of <KEY command because the enemy NPCs still shoot you.
  • The whole night/day thing confused me. I didn't get much farther than that.

Still needs some work. Making progress though.
Dec 10, 2015 at 10:40 AM
Catz R cool
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Time to make my comments:
  1. The Underside (Both night and day) has some serious tiling issues.
  2. In the UnderSide (Night), I spent five hours and half my health killing a night spirit, only to be OHKO by a random night spirit projectile screaming in from outside the screen at a zillion miles per hour.
  3. Before the Pooh Black fight, you are stuck in a block.^Inside.PNG
  4. Also, when you check the door, a #200 pops up in the message box. You probably forgot to put a <EVE0200 at the end of the event.#200.PNG
  5. What's with the difficulty spikes m8? Also, the boss fights are extremely boring due to the fact that your guns do so little damage!
  6. After fighting Puu Black, you can access the left door again; the same message will appear, as well as a new boss health bar, but no new Pooh Black for me to fight. WHICH MEANS I HAVE TO FREAKING RESTART THE UNDERSIDE BECAUSE OF YOUR FREAKING MISTAKE! (No, it doesn't really matter, just fix it)
  7. If you want your weapons to stay at level 1, please do some asm to make it stay that way. Because with your way, I basically kept resetting to kill 9999 enemies to level up my polar star!
  8. The title still says 'Studio Pixel Presents'
  9. To conclude, a good start, but not without serious game-breaking glitches. Please fix these mentioned bugs, or else you might get a lot of haters.
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Dec 11, 2015 at 7:45 AM
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Before the Pooh Black fight, you are stuck in a block.
Huh? Thought I fixed that. Well whatever, I'll fix it, don't worry.
Also, the boss fights are extremely boring due to the fact that your guns do so little damage!
I wanted the fights to be a bit longer than normally.
If you want your weapons to stay at level 1, please do some asm to make it stay that way. Because with your way, I basically kept resetting to kill 9999 enemies to level up my polar star!
Why would you even grind for that?
Anyways, I'm not really change much there because I don't want to mess thsse things up before I finished the whole thing.
The animation and execution of the boss fight can use some work.
If you are talking about when you beat the first boss, I was actually planning to improve this for the next major update.
Speaking of major updates, it might take a long while. Not only because Christmas is around the corner, but I have no idea what I'm going to do after the second boss yet. So it will take a while.
Dec 14, 2015 at 7:28 PM
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Now that I'm in the mood to test out some of the more recent mods, I might as well give the current demo for Color Story a try. Apologies in advance if I bring up issues that are already being worked on in the next demo.

Let's get this show on the road.

In the intro cutscene before the title screen, you may want to change "Studio Pixel presents" to something else. You already changed the cutscene itself, so it wouldn't hurt to put the finishing touch on it.


"lenghty" should be "lengthy"


There should be three periods in a set of ellipses, not two.
Also, "reasearch" should be "research"


"absorbtion" should be "absorption"


"The" shouldn't be capitalized


There's a random space/break here when there probably shouldn't be


Another random space

I agree with you; the intro dialog could use a little work. It sounded a little stiff, or awkward.

Why does the first map of almost every mod have to be called "Start Point"?
I mean, I know that it's literally the start point, but a little variety would be nice


totally not the hermit gunsmith's house or anything


The design of the First Cave looks a little too spacious/sharp. So much negative space and so many sharp corners.


"Now" shouldn't be capitalized


"color's" should be "colors" unless you're referring to the POWER of the colors, in which case it's fine; still sounds a little awkward, though
Also, "automaticly" should be "automatically"


This sign does nothing when I try to inspect it


When you go through this door, there's a wall behind it instead of a black space


It may look better if you have the dialog starting from "...It's" in a new message box.


"is sure" should be "sure is"
Also, "since I seen" should be "since I have seen"

It seems like you've been having a problem with cramming a bunch of text into a single message box with no usage of <CLR


You may also want to not put one of the flying Gaudi where it can fire at you as soon as you enter the map. With the long stretch of dialogue there, it looks strange getting shot by it to no effect


"it's" should be "its"


not really a huge fan of how you had a Hoppy jump into me within three seconds of coming through this door

I know it's been mentioned already, but having all those ghosts spawn at once in the night version of Underside is pretty annoying


dick move tbh imo smh fam


the Gaudi here can fly into the floor above it


you may want to put a sparkle at the statue here so the player can easily tell that they're supposed to interact with it

thank you for the no saves anywhere


same thing, different statue


when I spawned in on this map, I was in the floor below the door instead of right in front of the door
luckily, jumping fixed it

why are you making me fight Puu Black with a maximum of 15 health, a level 1 machine gun, and no save
what did i ever do to you

wow would you look at that
i died

wow would you look at that
i have to redo the entire underside thing again


just a gun
what kind of gun


it would have been more fun if you weren't allergic to save points

All in all, this looks like it could be a neat mod when it gets polished. Other than what I had pointed out in my notes, the dialog in general could probably use a once-over. It may just be me not being used to mods playing in 1st-person perspective, but the dialog just feels a little weird.
Dec 16, 2015 at 10:47 AM
Catz R cool
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Jan 6, 2016 at 9:43 AM
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Sorry for the bump, but I was wondering if you were still working on this. Not trying to rush you or anything.

I just wanted to know if this mod was abandoned or not, I really liked it.
Jan 6, 2016 at 9:57 AM
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Sorry for the bump, but I was wondering if you were still working on this. Not trying to rush you or anything.

I just wanted to know if this mod was abandoned or not, I really liked it.
It's not exactly abandoned, I just currently have no idea what I'm going to add next yet.
If I get any ideas I will see if I have time to continue it.
Jan 7, 2016 at 1:21 AM
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It's not exactly abandoned, I just currently have no idea what I'm going to add next yet.
If I get any ideas I will see if I have time to continue it.
Try messing with some of the flags of the NPCS, see what you get, then you might find inspiration for what to do next in your mod.
Jan 9, 2016 at 1:53 AM
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Well, if you ever want any help, I could help you with the story line and the scripting (Cause I suck at art and level design).

(Sorry for the really late response.)
Jan 27, 2016 at 3:06 AM
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It felt a little wierd how the main character has a personality opposite to the one represented previously. He talked plenty and it felt like he knew exactly what was happening, and just filled in the gaps if what we didn't know. When he tried to sound like curious, it came off a little stale or cliche. Much unlike the silent and amnesiac Quote I know. But the way you did the dialogue action, with the music stopping to add to the dramatic effect, and the wait between the elipses were pretty well-implemented and I liked the touch it gave. On occasion, the level design felt a little trolly, with the save point at the edge of a cliff, killing the impatient people like me, and bumping my head on the ceiling to get to the health pack at the end of the demo. The color weapon at first also felt severely limited in range and might need to be extended. The level design outside of the small spots was actually pretty enjoyable, and felt new and fun to try to dash through on occasion. Otherwise, this game had a lot if unique mechanics that gave it a cool charm to it. I say keep working on this game and keep doing what your doing in terms of mechanics and most of the level design.

Also try not to take offense from this, because I liked the game in general. It was just a bit short and was a good play. I just want to specify the issues.
Feb 15, 2016 at 8:52 PM
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Oh hey a new update.
I finally went and fixed a lot of small issues from the previous versions, hope I got most of those down now.
Download Link
Here is a list of most changes(Ripped from the new readme file):
+Added the Main Room, which leads to 6 different upcoming sub-areas.
+Added the first sub-area, but isn't yet accessible.
+Added a new secret.
+Implemented the Infinite Mimiga Mask hack, allowing for a greyscaled mychar to be added.
+Added a few new sources of health, you might or might not notice this.
+A extra save point in the Underside because difficulty.
+Added the file you are reading right now.
•The title screen's area now actually looks like the Underside like it's supposed to be.
•A few small balance changes.
•A few small area changes to generally make everything look a bit better.
•The Underside boss is now heavily nerfed as it was way too tough.
•An already existing secret is now easier to reach, but it's effect is halved.
•The bats and critters in Unknown cave no longer drop EXP, for obvious reasons.
•Instead of a sign, the first heal sign itself will tell you that it heals.
✓Fixed some grammar in most dialogues. Although some dialogues still make me cringe.
✓Fixed spawning under the door in the Underside boss room.
•Maybe some other things I forgot.
Using save files from the previous demo is unadvised.
EDIT: It seems I forgot to block off the first sub-area in the area after the Underside, like I intended to. I've done this now, but please do not save after beating the first sub-area, as there are no flags yet to indicate you have gotten past it. Saving in the Main Room after getting past the Underside is still fine.
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Jul 16, 2017 at 9:09 AM
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