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Oct 23, 2021 at 1:37 AM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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Yeah I made a mod, probably not the best and I don't own any of the music, sounds, characters (Except for my own). Ok I wanted to say that so this ain't get no take down doe.
Yeah ok, the stuff belongs to Toby Fox, and uh me. Here is the download link for all you epic poggrz fanzz: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ivj70zuebtt173q/CaveRune.zip/file
Oct 23, 2021 at 8:28 AM
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Really epic. It is a funny mod, and I hope if you plan on updating it that you change more of the dialogue so it is less similar to vanilla Cave Story. All of the custom stuff is golden, my friend.
Oct 23, 2021 at 9:24 AM
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After playing CaveRune, it changed my life. I haven't been the same since. To mark the occasion of the release of my favorite Cave Story mod ever made (even better than the false prophets Jenka's Nightmare and Rave Story) I have made some artistic masterpieces. Truly a work of art. Thank you for blessing us, Brite.


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Oct 23, 2021 at 5:03 PM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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Lol I didn't expect this good of feed back.
Oct 23, 2021 at 5:19 PM
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I must say, I'm actually quite impressed with the effort you've put into this mod. You've pretty much re-worked all the levels up to a certain point to look like the cyber world from Deltarune Chapter 2, and it all looks pretty good, with some respectable liberties taken in its layout and terrain. The mod didn't take itself too seriously, and it's obvious that you decided to just have fun with it.

I found myself chuckling throughout this playthrough at the various silly little modifications that meshed Cave Story with Deltarune Chapter 2. I loved that little Kanpachi joke, that was pretty good. In true Toby Fox fashion, it subverted my expectations whilst making fun of typical video game tropes. Oh yeah, and at the beginning, "Now you may proceed." I see what you did there, you slippery snowgrave.

The darkened effect in the basement was pretty cool. It might have helped add to the effect if Quote was darkened in that room too, as well as the doors that you enter through. I'm not quite sure where the demo ends. I seem to have reached a dead end in the basement. I can't get through the door in the upper right region, and I can't figure out anything from the shootable blocks in the lower right region of the map. I backtracked a bit and was able to get on that extra tile that gave me the save point, but I wasn't able to backtrack much farther than that due to the spikes.

First off, I want to reiterate that this mod very clearly had some work put into it, and you've definitely shown great improvement in your modding skills over time. That being said, this mod still could have done with a little bit more testing and polish before releasing. I'd like to go over some of those points.
When you're in the "Hermit Gunsmith" room, after getting the items, it starts by trying to resume the "A CYBER's WORLD" remix, but then stops. Not sure if you meant it to resume fully, or if you didn't want it resuming at all until you go back out into the first cave.

The door in the first cave doesn't have a background doorframe. When you go through, it's just blankness. Same thing with the Mimiga Village/Cyber World door that leads to the Assembly Hall, and the door that leads back out.

When coming into the cyber version of the shack before there's any sort of Balrog fight, I notice that there's no door there. But when I go through the doorframe back out to the cyber mimiga village, a "door open" sound plays.

When falling into the Cyber World transformed Mimiga village, Quote falls twice for some reason. First, he falls off to the side, then afterward he falls like normal in the cutscene.

I thought that was pretty funny how when coming out of the reservoir, Toroko knocks King off the edge, and then if you talk to him it does the whole "god mimiga" thing. However, it would probably be good if you set a flag so that if you interact with that NPC again, the text box will show something more brief, because the weird Lancer expression and jingle gets old after the first time.

After King fell to the floor, I went into the save room, and came back out, and he was back up on the platform at the top instead of lying unconscious by the door to Arthur's house. Was this on purpose?

When I shot Toroko in the shack, and tried to leave the room without interacting with her, it said "It won't open!" Kind of weird that the door that isn't there won't open.

In Arthur's House, there's a stray tile from PrtCave:

I tried to enter the "Ma Pignon" room in the Graveyard, but then I got some garbled error and the game crashed.

Also, it might make sense to scoot the beds over one tile to the right, so that the bed on the left isn't cut off.

The "Save Point" in the cyberfied Egg Corridor could use a bit of work. First off, neither of the doors leading back out make the music start playing again when you get back out. The lower door doesn't have a frame behind it, and the places that you transition to when transitioning into the save room are off.

The door from the cyberfied egg corridor to Egg No. 00 doesn't have a doorframe behind it.

And the open doorframe from the cyberfied egg corridor to the "Side room" disappears when I enter through it.

When returning from the cyberfied egg corridor, "Mimiga Village" is playing instead of "A CYBER'S WORLD" when returning to find Sue in the cage.
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Oct 23, 2021 at 5:54 PM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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Thanks for your feedback, Uh I think that is an outdated version, or the zip file messed it up, because there is supposed to be a background for 90% of the worlds. And other things like. But I do see where you are coming from. I should make a hint that you need to use berdly in the basement, so that uh, you can understand, or "Find out" what you need to do next. I think I zipped the beta version, so I uh, I'm sorry bout that.


I tried to enter the "Ma Pignon" room in the Graveyard, but then I got some garbled error and the game crashed.

Also, it might make sense to scoot the beds over one tile to the right, so that the bed on the left isn't cut off.

The "Save Point" in the cyberfied Egg Corridor could use a bit of work. First off, neither of the doors leading back out make the music start playing again when you get back out. The lower door doesn't have a frame behind it, and the places that you transition to when transitioning into the save room are off.

The door from the cyberfied egg corridor to Egg No. 00 doesn't have a doorframe behind it.

And the open doorframe from the cyberfied egg corridor to the "Side room" disappears when I enter through it.

When returning from the cyberfied egg corridor, "Mimiga Village" is playing instead of "A CYBER'S WORLD" when returning to find Sue in the cage.
Yeah uh... I see.


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Oct 23, 2021 at 7:11 PM
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I did come off as a little cynical in my initial review, so not all of it was COMPLETELY accurate to how I feel towards the mod. However, I do feel like there was some effort put in here, in some places. The tilesets were very nice, and the vibe you were trying to accomplish with the mod was done very well.

A lot of my issues are shared with Hayden, but I still liked what I was able to experience. My first initial review I posted here was mostly a joke, and the art there were just little things I drew to go along with that. In all seriousness though, I like what you made here. There was some clever things you did and there was clearly a good amount of effort. Good job, man. Seriously.
Oct 23, 2021 at 7:15 PM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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Oct 24, 2021 at 7:21 PM
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Oct 25, 2021 at 11:57 PM
"It's dangerous to go alone!"
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Nice. I've never played deltarune, but I heard of it before.
Jan 11, 2022 at 7:21 AM
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"Officially Worth 1 Rupee"
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I am stuck, where can I find the key?
