In case you haven't read the title, Cave Story is about to celebrate it's 10th anniversary. Now, although it's still somewhat early (Cave Story was released Dec. 20), I still find it kind of cool that Cave Story will soon be a decade old. Sooo...
How did you first find out about Cave Story? And, if you are to celebrate, how will you?
Personally, I have no clue. Perhaps mix the beta and final version of some music, or draw something, I really don't know.
In all honesty, I probably won't do much at all. Maybe I'll play Cave Story on that day, or I'll actually get Steam and find out what CS + is like. Either way, I will play the game if I remember to. It's still a long way from now.
How did I find out about Cave Story? I listened to the soundtrack that someone shared on another site. I shared this on another thread but I'm on a mobile and trying to find it now would close this reply.
I found CS from brental floss's "cave story with lyrics", after that I was hooked with the game. I'll probably spend the day trying to beat all my records and speed run the game and try to get my hell challenge out of beta.
I found a game called "Cavestory" pinned to the front page of the eShop. This was on my Wii, mind you. Upon searching up the name "Cavestory" into Google, I found a free executable containing the game.
Oh geez, just imagine all the people who decided to visit the forums from that article, and all the disappointment and disgust they may have experienced.
Talking of how people got to know cave story, maybe someone's just found out about the game because of that. Or maybe not. But hey, it's still pretty cool.
I found out about cave story by playing the wiiware demo, and I really loved it. Then I actually bought the game, and loved it even more.
Ah, Cave Story. First and foremost my exposure to the game mainly stemmed from the Nintendo Channel on the Wii and on the March 22nd show of Nintendo Week (4:40), they had a talk with Tyrone and all that good stuff, the little overview they had was enough to catch my curiosity. (Though, even Tyrone did change little details. Mimiga Island. Balrog being a Toaster-Robot Square Suitcase Creature, all that stuff. Also in hindsight I kinda call BS on the Player deciding what Ending they get in CS.)
Nintendo Week 3/22
Though, what really peaked my interest was the Cave Story Developer's Voice Video that accompanied the Show of NC that week. The setting shot in Kyoto, Japan. The first song of CS I ever heard was Pulse (At least the Wii Version). It felt rather atmospheric seeing another land before actually getting to the interview. The song at 1:25 was pretty catchy too, and then I learned that was actually the Main Theme! And here, now, I still wonder why they haven't released that version of the song just yet. I think it would've been a good replacement of the current Main theme. Just me. Pixel's Voice (Developer Interview)
Then we actually got to his story (2:45) and it really was captivating to me. Seeing how unsure and just how big his game would be is a bit funny now, but I'm kinda feeling like him right now, with my own Mod, Jenn's Journey/Jenn and Saki (It may be a CS Mod, but I frankly plan on making it its own story with just a few hints of CS here and there). Then there was all the drawings of his characters, Ame, and development sketches, the work on the game, and this one line from him (4:35):
"I know there's been a lot of chatter on the Internet about the game, but if you can, I recommend that you play it without knowing anything about it. It's more fun when you can discover things on your own, like "Woah, look at that," or "Whoa, you can do that too?!" So I definitely hope that new players will come to the game with no previous knowledge."
I took that advice to heart, and the rest was my own personal experience of the game and led me to try and become a Game Developer, albeit slowly but surely. It was nice to recollect and remember what led me to these forums, meeting what I can call my best friends, making the Skype group, working on Jenn...
I found out about Cave Story when I got my Wii and went to the Wii Shop channel and found the demo. At first I thought it looked and sounded stupid, til I actually played the demo. I loved the game as soon as I started playing, I downloaded the PC version a few months later and it just happens to be one of my favorite games of all time!
I first found out about Cave Story on the 3DS. I thought it looked interesting, so I Googled it, saw brentalfloss's video, and found the tribute site. I then proceeded to download Cave Story Deluxe.
I first found out about Cave Story on the DSi. It was 1000 points ($10), so I thought it would be worth it. And it was. I now have every [retail] port except for Steam.
How am I celebrating? I'm doing the "12 Months of Cave Story", which shows off aspects of Cave Story/CS Mods, all leading up to 12-20-14 on my YouTube page.
I stumbled upon CaveStory while looking for flash games somewhere in 2009. Heh.
I think I probably got the "purest" experience, because I'd never heard of it before playing it (and I got straight to playing it; found a download and a patcher and started) so my experience wasn't spoiled by seeing any media about it beforehand. This was probably for the better, because I got more emotionally invested in the game then I thought possible for a game of its caliber at the time, and after playing the game nearly continuously for 3-4 hours (Suprisingly addicting!) Curly's death actually hit really hard. I think the fact that a game like Cave Story can have that kind of emotional impact is wonderful, and it got me super invested in the game to the point where I had to see the end.
Unfortunately I also thought that the Outer Wall ending with Kazuma was "it", and after running around with the Booster 0.8 looking desperately for something I missed, I resigned to look up a guide on the internet. I then learned that you can save Curly. Shit. Still finished the game the way I had, though, then replayed it again, and then again, and again...and here we are now. Funny, I never beat Hell until somewhere in 2011-2012. That's a long time to be stuck!
I'm not really celebrating, save for making mods for the game. I considered making a mod for the 10th anniversary, but eh, someone else can do it. I couldn't do it justice, and it'd probably be cliche as hell.