Jan 8, 2011 at 11:18 AM
Join Date: Apr 5, 2008
Posts: 776

lol @
(12:12:58) flashygoodness@live.com:
these guys did a much better job than nicalis
(12:13:02) flashygoodness@live.com:
on the music
(12:13:04) flashygoodness@live.com:
(12:14:17) flashygoodness@live.com:
but in my opinion it deserves better cover art... hahah
(12:17:02) flashygoodness@live.com:
there are lots of great artists on dA who i could have enlisted!

lol @
3 new albums of cave story remixes? I'm... I... so EXCITED! HUZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!