Glad you enjoyed it so much

! The only thing I'm a bit confused about is why you'd want the "
so mellow...." Lunar Eclipse in sacred grounds, but whatever
. And speaking of which, it seems I've forgotten to upload the new version of Lunar Eclipse. Will do this very soon.
And, since you asked, lyrics to Soldier's Prayer:
Too many times have I failed. Too many lives lost for my incompetence. King, the fierce guardian of his villagers, unable to protect them in the end. Toroko, deprived first of her innocence, then of her sanity, and finally of her life. And Curly, my dearest Curly, she saved me, but alas, I could not do the same for her.
I'm going through is cave and it's very dark and dangerous,
but that is nothing compared to this feeling that there's no hope for us.
I have been told that no one can defeat the king, I don't care.
I will succeed where no one else has so I sing this soldier's prayer.
Soldier's prayer.
I pray for all of those for whom I care,
for the defeat of he who bears the Crown,
even if it brings this island to the ground.
Too many times have I failed. All those lives I should have been able to save slipped through my fingers. But I will not fail this time. Circumstances have changed this time. Never has my objective been clearer. This time, I go not to rescue. This time, I go not to protect. No, this time, I go only to kill.
I will not show any mercy for the one who wields the power of the Demon Crown.
Never again will mimigas be forced to swallow mouthfuls of Red Flowers down.
I will not stop till the world is rid of this terrible power that tyrants can bear.
I will not stop till The Doctor falls from his throne, so I sing this soldier's prayer.
Soldier's prayer.
I pray for all of those for whom I care,
for the defeat of he who bears the Crown,
even if it brings this island to the ground.
I will fight for what is right,
even if it pulls this island from the sky.
I will not fail and you should be scared
if on your head the Demon Crown you wear.
Soldier's prayer
Soldier's prayer.
I pray for all of those for whom I care,
for the defeat of he who bears the Crown,
even if it brings this island to the ground.
I will fight for what is right,
even if it pulls this island from the sky.
I will not fail and you should be scared
if on your head the Demon Crown you wear.
Soldier's prayer, soldier's prayer, soldier's prayer, soldier's prayer, soldier's prayer.