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Cave Story Remix Project 2

Dec 7, 2011 at 12:59 AM
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I would like you to recall, cheese, the rule of inverse productivity.
Also you can't start on this until after the tenth.
Dec 7, 2011 at 1:13 AM
graters gonna grate
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I'm aware. In fact, I can't do any cleaning up of glitches unless I'm at home, due to not having access to my keyboard. And I won't be going home until the tenth (technically the ninth, but I won't be getting in until late at night), so I won't even have the temptation to work on this instead of Aslan's until then. Furthermore, I won't be able to have my recording session with Laura until after that weekend, since I also require my keyboard/CD burner in order to make a piano-only recording of TJGO for her to sing along to. And I did make a good dent in Aslan's during/after our IRC conversation last night.

For those who don't know what Lace and I are talking about, I'm currently composing a piece for a competition whose deadline is Dec. 10. The piece is the song Aslan sings near the end of The Magician's Nephew by C. S. Lewis to bring Narnia into existence. I'll be sure to share it with y'all once I'm finished :chin:
Dec 25, 2011 at 5:13 AM
graters gonna grate
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Yup, this shit doth finished be :mrgreen:.
Dec 28, 2011 at 11:45 PM
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I'm cool with reworking some of the songs. The choir in my Moonsong remix sound really out of rythym, so I wouldn't mind getting that corrected and re-upload it to youtube and the remix site
Dec 29, 2011 at 4:28 AM
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Dec 29, 2011 at 6:59 AM
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I was thinking of uploading the bonus album to youtube to go with the rest of the project, and then I realized we don't have cover art for it. Should I just use one of the other images based on how the song sounds and treat the bonus album as separate "bonus tracks" that would go with each album?

Edit: In the event that you want it done the way I suggested, I'm thinking "Oppressive Moon", "Cruel Fate", and "Like a Boss" would have a Choir of Demons picture, "Selene's Dream" would have Azure Resonance, and "Undersea Adventure" would have DoaCT. Perhaps they wouldn't be "Bonus tracks" and would be labeled as "Bonus album: n/5" (unless we want to open the bonus album up again to willing composers).

Also, I have to say, your instruments sound really amazing
Dec 29, 2011 at 2:21 PM
graters gonna grate
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Thanks! I agree with your categorization of them, though I kinda think it'd make more sense to have a separate album art for the bonus album. I have no ideas for what that album art might look like at the moment, so I'm open to suggestions/submissions.

Also, I have to renew the domain before November 19, or the whole thing'll go up in smoke. I'm 99% sure I'll remember on my own, but it probably wouldn't be a bad idea for someone to shoot me a VM at the start of November to remind me.
Dec 29, 2011 at 7:43 PM
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There is no way I'll be able to remember something that takes place 11 months from now.
Dec 29, 2011 at 8:24 PM
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I fixed up my Moonsong remix by changing the choir a bit and added a couple things, so hopefully it sounds more complete. I'd like to know what you guys think before I start doing anything to the youtubes

Also, assuming I still have my phone in 11 months, I set an alarm for Nov. 1 for me to remind Cheese about the website
Dec 29, 2011 at 8:45 PM
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Those are some pretty nice remixes, cheese. Since I didn't contribute anything last time (:heart:) I might make something now, I dunno.
Dec 30, 2011 at 8:03 PM
graters gonna grate
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Safu: Thanks, and by all means, go ahead.

Nail: I like it! The first time I listened, I kinda felt like the trumpet was out of place, but the second time not so much, so idk. Maybe I was just too used to hearing it without the trumpet.

I think I'll wait until we have some album art for the bonus album, and maybe wait even more in case there are any other changes to be made, before re-uploading stuff.
Jan 14, 2012 at 1:00 AM
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Can someone please redo Soldiers prayer, the voice literally gives me a headache...
Jan 14, 2012 at 7:37 PM
graters gonna grate
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Blarghy. I've come to the conclusion that recording equipment just hates me in general. Believe it or not, people irl tell me I actually have a nice voice, but for some reason I can't make a good recording for shit. I do think the newer version (updated on Christmas) is better than the old, but it's still not great, and I've pretty much given up on making it better. That is unless somebody else wants to attempt to do a voice-over of the accompaniment, which would require me to post an accompaniment-only version, which I won't be able to do until the start of February, due to my being at college and not having access to my keyboard.

And I guess I might as well post nailcliper's updated moonsong soon, since it's looking like we're not gonna have any bonus album art (maybe next Christmas xD).
Jan 20, 2012 at 9:01 PM
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Awesome art for covers FTW.

Fallen Hero to me atleast,tells a story. Quote was killed in the battle with the doctor. he tried so hard...and failed.

Doukutsu Death Dance is a unique take on Final battle. its more calm....like your galantly marching off to your doom,and you know, "This is it....live or die. Final destination ."

Cave Story War is more of a "NO GUTS NO GLORY! TIME TO DIE BALLOS!"-y type.

Stronghold of the Wind......Stronghold of the Wind.....*Single tear falls* Beautiful. Simply beautiful.

Through the Labyrinth is a great way to look at the labyrinth. Remixed some of my favs to.

The Journey Goes On is just plain awesome. it might as well be the theme for Cave story.

Pinnacle perfectly describes what was in both my and Quote's head when we got up there. "Well....this is it. Its time to face the doctor. I hope Curly's alright...."

Lunar Eclipse was amazing. It was what would have been playing in my head when in the scared grounds. Its so calm.....so mellow....

Soldier's Prayer was beautiful,and the fact it was in Quote's perspective was awesome....and i want the lyrics. NOW.

Boss Runner was amazing. It is what i would play if i was gonig on a boss rush. not that im gonna,just sayn'.

Path of Ruin once again,perfectly describles what was in my head in Egg corador?. "Ah the egg corador-OH MY GOD! WHAT THE SCARED GROUNDS HAS HAPPEND HERE?!"

Like a Boss was a close secont to Boss runner,VERY close. would play during main,Boss runner used when fighting Ballos.

Pillow of Fire was great,it was almost better than Last battle. its THAT good. should have been played when fighting ballos.

Imminent Chaos is also great. Would have been played when going up agenst ballos's third form.

Stone White Wall.....Beautiful. what i would play at Kings funeral. Should have been used for the credits of the Best ending.

Nemesis....eh. Not the worst,its the cave story theme,how can you go wrong? :mahin:

All in all,was great. loved it. 5.5/5 only problom:Hero's end was almost NEVER used.

http://www.csrp2.org relinking for you.
Jan 21, 2012 at 8:21 PM
graters gonna grate
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Glad you enjoyed it so much :D! The only thing I'm a bit confused about is why you'd want the "so calm.....so mellow...." Lunar Eclipse in sacred grounds, but whatever :p. And speaking of which, it seems I've forgotten to upload the new version of Lunar Eclipse. Will do this very soon.

And, since you asked, lyrics to Soldier's Prayer:

Too many times have I failed. Too many lives lost for my incompetence. King, the fierce guardian of his villagers, unable to protect them in the end. Toroko, deprived first of her innocence, then of her sanity, and finally of her life. And Curly, my dearest Curly, she saved me, but alas, I could not do the same for her.

I'm going through is cave and it's very dark and dangerous,
but that is nothing compared to this feeling that there's no hope for us.
I have been told that no one can defeat the king, I don't care.
I will succeed where no one else has so I sing this soldier's prayer.

Soldier's prayer.
I pray for all of those for whom I care,
for the defeat of he who bears the Crown,
even if it brings this island to the ground.

Too many times have I failed. All those lives I should have been able to save slipped through my fingers. But I will not fail this time. Circumstances have changed this time. Never has my objective been clearer. This time, I go not to rescue. This time, I go not to protect. No, this time, I go only to kill.

I will not show any mercy for the one who wields the power of the Demon Crown.
Never again will mimigas be forced to swallow mouthfuls of Red Flowers down.
I will not stop till the world is rid of this terrible power that tyrants can bear.
I will not stop till The Doctor falls from his throne, so I sing this soldier's prayer.

Soldier's prayer.
I pray for all of those for whom I care,
for the defeat of he who bears the Crown,
even if it brings this island to the ground.
I will fight for what is right,
even if it pulls this island from the sky.
I will not fail and you should be scared
if on your head the Demon Crown you wear.
Soldier's prayer

Soldier's prayer.
I pray for all of those for whom I care,
for the defeat of he who bears the Crown,
even if it brings this island to the ground.
I will fight for what is right,
even if it pulls this island from the sky.
I will not fail and you should be scared
if on your head the Demon Crown you wear.
Soldier's prayer, soldier's prayer, soldier's prayer, soldier's prayer, soldier's prayer.
Jan 21, 2012 at 8:25 PM
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I swear you are all trying to make me go blind squinting at this stuff
Jan 21, 2012 at 8:26 PM
graters gonna grate
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What the flying fuck? I swear I never even touched any formatting buttons :/
Jan 21, 2012 at 8:32 PM
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There is no formatting in his post, ox.
Jan 21, 2012 at 9:21 PM
graters gonna grate
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IPBoard oddities aside, the new Lunar Eclipse is now on the site.