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Cave Story Remix Project 2

Nov 20, 2010 at 5:20 PM
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
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Lorizzle yo mamma we gonna chung i'm in the shizzle amet.

I mean... yes.
But maybe we should make them expandable/collapsible?
Nov 20, 2010 at 5:21 PM
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Good, idea, but I don't know how. :rolleyes:
Tually, cheese might be able to write us some javascript.
Nov 20, 2010 at 5:25 PM
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
Join Date: Apr 5, 2008
Posts: 776
nvm scratch this.
I like the current layout :rolleyes:

CSS errors fixed, Peoples Page is now validated :3
Nov 20, 2010 at 10:28 PM
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Sections of the main page have completely disapparated!

What errors were there in the css?
yay validation
Nov 20, 2010 at 10:30 PM
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
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That could have been me.
I was so silly to overwrite the index with the people page and vice versa.
Damn you open tabs...

What sections do you mean?
I have a copy of the index here D:

There were two missing "#" in front of the color codes.
so when I added the Transitional Doytype, the colors wouldn't work D:
Took me 30min to figure it out
Nov 20, 2010 at 10:33 PM
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There was a paragraph between "and then there was light" and "its name was cave story" (you can see it here). The top corners had also been changed to btl and btr instead of gtl and gtr respectively (to fit w/ the banner). Lastly, why is it all centered? It looks kinda odd.

And in a completely unrelated error, tabs change size depending on which page you're on.
Nov 20, 2010 at 10:43 PM
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
Join Date: Apr 5, 2008
Posts: 776
Paragraph is back.
Corners fixed.
I dunno about the Tabs
I didn't change anything related to them D:
The "The Project" tab never changes

€: What is next?
Nov 21, 2010 at 11:38 PM
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Umm, is this an okay title/logo/banner? Or maybe something to this effect?


I have no idea how you've coded those tabs, so I don't know if putting them in the pic messes anything up or not, and I don't really know the right dimensions to use.

I haven't seen anyone else come up with anything yet, so I just thought I'd try to get a little something up. What do you guys think?


This is just a temporary one btw. Just trying to get a little something up in the mean time.
Nov 22, 2010 at 12:01 AM
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I like it - nice job (although there may be some legality issues w/ using wii graphics...)
Also, as this has been bugging me, why is everything centered? Do people like it better like this or leftized?
Nov 22, 2010 at 12:01 AM
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HEY GUYS! Somewhat unrelated, but: Did you know that there's MORE BEING ADDED TO THE FIRST CAVE STORY REMIX PROJECT?!!? Check it!


They say that it's thanks to Nicalis.
It's at 125% now. Cool beans! :eek: :cool:
Nov 22, 2010 at 12:03 AM
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Yeah, I noticed a few weeks back.
Apparently the guy who ran the original one actually posted on these very forums about it.
Nov 22, 2010 at 12:05 AM
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Lace said:
I like it - nice job (although there may be some legality issues w/ using wii graphics...)
Also, as this has been bugging me, why is everything centered? Do people like it better like this or leftized?

So should I avoid using the Wii graphics? I mean, the main cave story tribute site uses some of the Wii graphics, so I don't see a problem. What do you guys think?

And I think it might look better leftizzled for shizzle meh dizzle.
Nov 22, 2010 at 12:12 AM
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I fix'd the centerization. What say you?
Nov 22, 2010 at 12:17 AM
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Lace said:
I fix'd the centerization. What say you?

Hmm... it needs divider lines or bullet points or something. I dunno. It doesn't look quite right to me somehow. Maybe we shouldn't worry about that just yet anyway because it's all going to change quite a lot, won't it?

I'll start figuring out a good layout and maybe we can go from there.
Nov 22, 2010 at 12:38 AM
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I guess. I just think it's nice to keep stuff pretty.
Nov 22, 2010 at 12:45 AM
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The website?
Also, why do different browsers display the same color differently?
Nov 22, 2010 at 12:53 AM
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Why is the teleporter on fire? D:

Lace said:
I fix'd the centerization. What say you?

I'd say it'd be better without indentation at the start of paragraphs.
Nov 22, 2010 at 4:25 AM
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Wedge of Cheese said:
Why is the teleporter on fire? D:

I had a moment of foolishness, for which I apologize. It's just a placeholder until the official logo is figured out. That is, unless everyone likes it. I could easily take the fire away and keep the rest as is. I plan on doing a new one though.

Anyway, I was testing out an idea I had for a divider:

But, it really didn't work as a divider because it was too thick and/or had too many colors. SO, I was thinking that I could make use of this for the titles of each section, like this (though probably centered):

What think you?

-- EDIT --

I just posted this in a conversation with Lace, but then I realized, why not post it on here? So here are my proposed ideas and thoughts:

... I'll probably end up replacing those section titles (with King going nuts) to something more musical. As cool as King is, it just doesn't make sense to have him.

Either way, I plan on using section titles, much like those King ones, for all of the pages.
Here's my idea for the 3 pages that the site has:

MAIN (a.k.a. Home, About, The Project etc... pick one):
I think that introductory part is great, but it's super long. People should be able to read a short summary at the top in order to understand what the heck the site is about. That current beginning part could be a funny "history" section, but I think there should be a more concise "about" section before that.
I think the first page should be divided up something like this:
1a) ABOUT - Welcomes the viewer and tells them what they're looking at (a Cave Story Remix Project of the original music).
1b) ABOUT HISTORY - Continues on with that long awesome story.
2) OTHER INFORMATION - Tells about the project release date, etc.

THE PEOPLE (a.k.a. Who's Responsible For This?, The Creators, The Team etc... pick one):
This is already set up really nicely. It just needs all the people put in and I would make the section titles for them "The Mixers (or Artists)" and "The Affiliated". Besides that, the layout is fine.

DOWNLOADS (a.k.a. The Product, The Music, etc... pick one):
This page is the one that really needs work. I'm thinking we should follow the same idea as the original CSRP layout. Pretty easy.
At the top of the page will be a download link (with possible mirrors) that downloads the entire project (music + album art). Below that link will be links for each album (music + art). That takes care of any bulk download stuff.
Below those links, it will look very much like the CSRP download page layout.
I'll separate each album by using a section title of the name of the album (i.e. Echoes in the Dark). Underneath that will be the album art, front and back. Underneath the art will be a table with the Artist, Track Name, and Original Track(s). Just like the CSRP download page.

Sound good to you?

We could also add in a "Links" section somewhere that has the link to our forum thread, the original CSRP website, or any other websites we think would be fitting for whatever reason.