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Cave Story Remix Project 2

Jan 12, 2010 at 6:16 PM
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Progress Report

Pk my First Remix Is A Vocal Remix Of Moonsong Called

JetHawk95 - Here Comes Our Hero

It was recorded on my old mic and i now have a better quality one so i need to re-record it

Quite Remix
I have made it just need to some last little bits to it.
A week or so?
Maybe more...

The Name

JetHawk95 - Pure Darkness

Final Song is The Ikachan bonus Track
Same as Here Comes Our Hero I Need To Re-Record It
The Track Is Simply Named

JetHakwk95 - Ikachan
Jan 12, 2010 at 7:53 PM
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@ rtnario: Thanks! I got all your tracks updated. Btw, that sucks to have your PC crap out on you. My PC is also having terrible issues and it is definitely dying, but I bought a new PC, I just need to assemble it.
Anyway, I left your "Running Hell remix" out of the list for now. Hopefully you will be able to work that PC problem out soon and make that totally awesome track in time for the project. If you do get a chance to remix it, I can always add it to the list later. :p

@ JetHawk95: Ok, I THINK I got it right. So there are 3 tracks of yours in all. It sounds like you need to re-record two songs with your new mic and finish up a few things on the other song, so I'm guessing you don't have any links for the list just yet. I would like you to confirm if I put in the right info though, just to be sure:

"Here Comes Our Hero" is a remix of "Moonsong"

"Pure Darkness" is a remix of "Quiet" (You said "Quite" but I think you meant "Quiet"?)

"Ikachan (Bonus Track)" is a remix of/tribute to "Ikachan" (wait, is this a "remix" of some music from Ikachan? I haven't played Ikachan in a very long time so I don't remember if it had music or not. So what makes this an "Ikachan" song? Is it just because the vocals sing about Ikachan or is the music a remix of something from Ikachan?)

I guess I just need a little more clarity on that last song (Ikachan song). :D

@ Other remix artists:
- DaPhinoXX
- KuroKun
- Uncy Dave
Jan 12, 2010 at 9:22 PM
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yar. haro youse.
I'm not really going to be online much, and it's a stroke of luck/ridiculous amounts of work that I am now.

goot job frozen, being all organized like that. My current list of songs is as such:
[access] - frozenfire
huzzah! - leaf xceed md
horizons - uncy dave
cosmic corridor - destroyer9283
pillow of fire - girakacheezer
thermal winds - girakacheezer
[geothermal] - daphinoxx
core oprression - leaf xceed md
[quiet] - jethawk95
through the clouds - wedge of cheese
[balcony] - daphinoxx
soldiers prayer - wedge of cheese
cave story war - leaf xceed md
doukutsu death dance - wedge of cheese
[last battle] - kurokun
collapse - wedge of cheese
the journey goes on - wedge of cheese

but I dunno.
also, that's in order of the track #s, which I like better then alphabetical, at least for the time being.

I'll prolly get to redoing the front with obscene detail after my workload vanishes, which should be. I dunno, friday.

seeya soons.
Jan 14, 2010 at 9:42 AM
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Lace said:
goot job frozen, being all organized like that.
Thanks, organization is one of the things I'd like to think I'm pretty good at. :eek:

And I listed the tracks in alphabetical order just until all the tracks are done; to keep it easier to maintain and easier to insert and modify any future track info I may receive.

Also, if you didn't notice, I changed the name of my track from "Accessing.." to "Initialize E.D." (E.D. stands for Echoes in the Dark). I figured that it would be a good name if the track was going to remain the first one on the album, like you have it on your list.

Btw, I just got myself a new gaming computer because my other one is dying. I need to do some more installation and stuff so I can have the tools on here to finish up my song though.
Jan 14, 2010 at 5:34 PM
graters gonna grate
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Lol, "Initialize E.D." is a somewhat questionable name :eek:
Jan 14, 2010 at 7:01 PM
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Yeah i cant spell lol. Ye It's The Quiet Remix

The Ikachan Thingy is just me singing over the main muisc (not Remixed)
any questions just ask
Jan 15, 2010 at 2:04 AM
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Lol, "Initialize E.D." is a somewhat questionable name.

haha, I caught that too. posted something along the lines of 'lmao', but it deleted itself.
Jan 16, 2010 at 12:44 AM
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wedge of cheese said:
Lol, "Initialize E.D." is a somewhat questionable name
Lace said:
haha, I caught that too. posted something along the lines of 'lmao', but it deleted itself.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.... oh, lol, oops! Dang it! Gonna change the name. :D

How about "Initialize Echoes"?..
I'm just trying to get a name that relates to "access" in some way.
How about, "Access the Epic"? lol, I'm usually a lot better with creativity. I blame college and work for killing my brain.

How about this...
"Do You Has Epic Syndrome?"
... :rolleyes: :p

Meh, I'll figure out a new name for it when I complete the track. I'm just about to put FL Studio on my new PC, so I can begin working on it soon I hope (if FL Studio works on my Windows 7 64-Bit system).
Jan 25, 2010 at 6:55 PM
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how dost this going for you all?
Jan 25, 2010 at 8:48 PM
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Yeah its pretty damn quite round here :(
geuss everyones busy (Schoolwork and Stuff)
Jan 25, 2010 at 11:50 PM
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JetHawk95 said:
Yeah its pretty damn quite round here :(
guess everyone's busy (Schoolwork and Stuff)

Yeah, college has got me pretty busy, among other things. I can keep the list updated pretty easily, but finishing my track is a little more time consuming.

@ EVERYONE(ISH): For those of you that haven't given me the info to update the list on page 34, please check the list to see if I need any info from you in order to get the list completely updated.:(
Jan 29, 2010 at 8:31 PM
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I watch your progress from time to time and glad to see (from page34) that you have already many completed tracks so far. Is this a 1 or 2 cd project (like Remix Proj. No.1)? Since I see you were already thinking about album cover - is the project near completion maybe? Anyway best wishes. And speaking of wishes I wish that I could compose (I even started learning music theory but I can make only blippy-bloppies so far),

Jan 29, 2010 at 8:59 PM
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Since I see you were already thinking about album cover - is the project near completion maybe?
No correlation between the two.
I can't compose, so I try to draw.
Jan 31, 2010 at 12:24 PM
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FrozenFire said:
Yeah, college has got me pretty busy, among other things. I can keep the list updated pretty easily, but finishing my track is a little more time consuming.

@ EVERYONE(ISH): For those of you that haven't given me the info to update the list on page 34, please check the list to see if I need any info from you in order to get the list completely updated.:D

Mine is finished (I guess) Can't seem to find anything to do with it. Or too lazy... Either way I haven't touched it in a while so its done.
Feb 3, 2010 at 9:04 AM
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I just need DaPhinoXX and Uncy Dave to check the list on page 34 and let me know the details on their tracks. With that, to my knowledge, the list will be completely up-to-date! Yay! :o

Of course JetHawk95 is still working on his music and I'm weighed down heavily by college and work as usual, so I'm still working on my track.

I'd also like to point out that we have 12 complete tracks already!! WIN!
Mar 4, 2010 at 5:47 PM
graters gonna grate
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Glad this thing is still alive

I'll listen as soon as I get a chance.

And I am still planning on doing the re-recording of The Journey Goes On and possibly some more remixes. I've just been having some technical difficulties with the re-recording lately, but I think I've got them mostly ironed out now.
Mar 5, 2010 at 12:52 AM
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Lawl that caught me off guard. xD Awesome song as always.
Mar 5, 2010 at 12:05 PM
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@wedge of cheese
Sure. Just post here when you get them done for us to hear! :)

Which, the song or the intro in the song? XD Oh well, thanks!

...also, the project seems to be dead-ish
Mar 5, 2010 at 12:55 PM
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Hey guys im here..
Been really busy with school work and i agree with Rtnario at times i thought the project was dead, but no its still going.
Im still working on my Remix's but as well as Frozen Fire i cant work on em too much, I domt even know for definite if i am going to enter my quite remix yet but i am getting the ambition to get this going again and work on it.

Rtnario i never expect your remix's to be bad cus they just never are and its the same with this one. just sooo god damn good :)
Really got some power to that tune but its hidden and you gotta find it, probably
dont get what i mean but hey :p
My only criticism is thats its too short
can i have permission to edit it Rtnario?

Keep it up guys :D
We can do this, but we gotta set our minds to it and work as a team!