I thought that this thread was fairly relevant, instead of making a new one, so here I am, ready to ask a question.
Basically, I've got Cave Story on my Mac but I've always just played it on Windows. I wanted to transfer my saved game over to my Mac, which SHOULD be no big deal. Except for one thing - I cannot, for the life of me, find the save file ANYWHERE on my Mac, and I'm going crazy trying to find it. I've looks in every damn Library and Applications folder that exists, I've used every search field imaginable to no avail, and I've manually searched through many folders, including the app package contents. There is no Profile.dat anywhere, nor is there a com.Nakiwo.Doukutsu.plist file. To make matters worse, in the app package contents is Info.plist which has, well, info, but there's one line that just annoys me:
So that basically tells me that the .plist file exists. Kind of. Maybe. If I change that, the game won't be able to load the saved game. I tried changing it to "helloworld" (because... why not?) but once I save, it can load from that, and if I edit it back, I can access the old save file. But I can't find "helloworld" or "helloworld.plist" anywhere on the computer either, so I'm stumped.
If anyone can help me find the save file so that I can convert my Windows one and replace the Mac one, I'd REALLY appreciate it.
Oh, and if anyone knows where on earth the settings are (not including what is available in Finder when the game is open, because those are very minimalistic compared to the .exe (forgot its name) in Windows that controls the settings (although it is all in Japanese)), I'd appreciate that too. I want to make the game full-screen instead of a piddly little window, but no dice.