"Cave Story Prime"

Mar 19, 2013 at 3:40 AM
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Very tentative title. Definitely not the final one.

if that doesn't show up click here for a vid

This is not actually a Cave Story mod - it's a Doom mod. Yeah, that old first-person shooter from 1994 on DOS. I plan to re-create Cave Story in full 3D as a first-person shooter. Not like that Cave Story 3D bullhonkey, I mean running around in 360 degrees. To accomplish this, I'm using the ZDoom engine. It's based on old Doom engine and Build engine games. While it seems like old technology, ZDoom is actually very capable for a lot of things now, and is still in active development. I'm also using it because it's very "retro" in aesthetic, very easy to develop for, multiplatform, performs well on older hardware as it doesn't require a 3D graphics card, and supports voxels.

Again, I know this isn't a mod of Cave Story, but the reason I post this here anyway is because I need the expertise of the members of this community. I need to re-create the behaviour of basically everything in Cave Story. The hardest part of this is stuff like weapon or entity or enemy behaviour, which AFAIK is assembly-level stuff. It would take a hell of a lot longer for me to start delving into that territory than to inquire with some of the great minds here. I hope you guys are willing to help me out a bit with the finer details as I work on this project! I plan to update this topic as I update this project, posting screenshots or videos or beta versions, along with asking a few questions about some of Cave Story's inner workings. I'd like to do as much of this by myself as I can, rather than just having the idea and asking you guys to make it, but there are just some things I can't deduce on my own.

Currently this project is in its very early stages. I've only made four weapons, but they're fully functional, and are proof of concept that this can be done in the ZDoom engine.

Hopefully this is the right forum to post this in ???? Feel free to move it somewhere else I'm just sorta wandering into these forums here
Mar 19, 2013 at 4:10 AM
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Just wanted to share another old project you might want to check out for ideas or inspiration or something, if you intend to make new maps as well~If you can get a copy of his work!
It's an old topic, and he is rarely around here anymore, that being said... :

It could be fun playing Cave Story in real 3d, so I wish you good luck!
Mar 19, 2013 at 5:47 AM
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(EDIT: I took out the video, seeing that GFD fixed the link in the OP)

How to post a youtube video:
Except I used "[ ]" instead of "{ }". All you have to do for a video is take the part after "watch?v=" in the link. It will usually just be a bunch of letters and/or numbers.

I'm usually not much for FPS, but this could really turn into something pretty cool. I'm keeping my eye on this one for sure. Oh, also, WELCOME TO THE FORUMS! :mahin:
Mar 19, 2013 at 1:19 PM
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Nice Wad, how much time did that take to do?
Mar 19, 2013 at 3:48 PM
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Not surprised someone else has already tried making Cave Story maps with id tech - it's very suited to the task. I'll look at that for sure.
Thanks for the embedding help!
Each of the weapons took a full day to create. Overall I've spent about 7 days on this project so far.
Mar 19, 2013 at 8:57 PM
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If you want, I can try my best to offer some help creating maps with doom 2. (I did create a video that I guess I'll link here)
I had them uploaded to youtube since a project I used these with school decided to not let me upload the video files. I was able to search for a youtube video though, So I linked them through that.
Anyone know how to make youtube videos appear small in the fourm's? Like what GFD was able to do.
Mar 19, 2013 at 9:19 PM
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Ah, MM8BDM. Memories. I made a couple maps for that too, I remember. I do appreciate the offer, but I don't think I'll need any help mapping for this project.
Mar 21, 2013 at 11:29 AM
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Yay Doom mods!

This looks like a great concept, and I want to see more :P

Also, Wario Land 4 is awesome :D
Mar 21, 2013 at 9:48 PM
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If this is ever finished, I believe it could inspire more people to make 3d cave story mods. Best of luck to you, kind sir.
Jul 9, 2015 at 8:00 PM
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Please tell me this isnt dead? Also do you by chance still have the video of you showing the maps?

USER WAS WARNED FOR THIS POST - Bumping an old thread without due courtesy (GIRakaCHEEZER)
Jul 9, 2015 at 8:17 PM
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Nom.exe said:
Please tell me this isnt dead? Also do you by chance still have the video of you showing the maps?
This thread is over 2 years old, and the thread starter hasn't logged in since Mar 21 2013 05:44 AM. I think it's dead.

Also here, have a warning for bumping an old thread.
Jul 9, 2015 at 10:38 PM
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But it's not dead!
Jul 9, 2015 at 10:50 PM
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OP will deliver, even if it kills him
Jul 9, 2015 at 11:02 PM
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I actually think about this project a fair bit, but haven't worked on it for two reasons. The first is that my spare time has still been going to Zuper Mario Doomers this whole time. When I made this thread, I probably thought I might be close to finishing up that project. Definitely not the case. The second is that the scripting branch of ZDoom hasn't been completed yet. This project will probably need to be built from the ground-up using the scripting features for it to be manageable and fully-functional.

That old video of those mock-up maps doesn't reflect the current state of the project at all, which is why I don't have it set to public anymore, despite the attention it was getting. Frankly, it was very amateur stuff. I also don't know if those maps even exist anymore, due to a sudden hard drive failure I had in April.

Anyway, I don't want to call this dead. I still have a vision for a Cave Story re-imagining in ZDoom that I'd like to complete someday, I just don't know when I'll be able to do it.
Jul 13, 2015 at 12:37 PM
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Jul 15, 2015 at 5:32 PM
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Well, I hope you luck. Also, can you jump in doom? I've never played it before, and it would be kinda awkward to not be able to do any platforming in a Cave Story fps, because of the fact that the original game was a metroidvania. Also, if you need any help with voxel models, I could help.
Jul 16, 2015 at 5:26 AM
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You can't jump in Doom, but you can in ZDoom. I don't technically use ZDoom's jumping system in ZMD, though, and I wouldn't for this either, because it has deal-breaking limitations. One is you can't have the player jump higher when they hold the input, but it's a fixed velocity. Another is that you will always auto-jump after uh, I think it's 20 tics of being grounded, if you're holding the input, and this mechanic can't be disabled or altered. Here, I would implement jumping more like how I did in ZMD: using a looping control script for full control.
Mar 6, 2020 at 6:23 AM
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is this project dead...? can i use the name...? im doing basically the same thing and i really like the name...
also if anyone has the old attached video it would be kinda cool to see
Mar 6, 2020 at 6:54 AM
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can i use the name...? im doing basically the same thing and i really like the name...
That... REALLY depends if you're trying to continue what he started or rebooting the whole thing (somewhat like the three versions of Jenka's Nightmare), unless this was all entirely by coincidence. Nobody's stopping you from using the name though, if you really can't think up a better name for your project.