Dec 29, 2021 at 1:20 AM
Join Date: Dec 26, 2007
Location: Lithuania
Posts: 1946
After you beat the core in the labyrinth, then drown, then Curly "saves" you (the character), you actually entered a deep permanent coma and just kept on dreaming everything else, over and over. that's why the game is repeatable and the speed run timer is there. it's the same dream. but slightly different each time, just like every dream is.
I have yet another theory, that in fact our very lives are just a simulation created by Quote's quantum AI brain that has reached the next level of sentience, but that's a theory for another schizo thread.

I have yet another theory, that in fact our very lives are just a simulation created by Quote's quantum AI brain that has reached the next level of sentience, but that's a theory for another schizo thread.