• Hey everyone happy Christmas Eve we're aware of what's happened with the source code so to keep this simple absolutely don't post it on the site or use it to make mods with (it's not particularly preferable toward this end anyway) and tread lightly in general until we see how this settles, thanks to all and have a great holiday season -DT

Cave Story Framerect Tool (ALPHA PRE-RELEASE)

Oct 29, 2021 at 4:20 PM
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Have you ever been doing framerects and thought: God damn, this is really a pain in the ass. I wish there was a graphical program to make this process easier.
Well then THIS is the app for you. Written in Haxe, this tool allows you to get framerects from Cave Story sprite sheets.
Screen Shot 2021-10-29 at 10.19.13 AM.png
All you need to do is box select a portion of the sprite sheet, and it'll output a framerect.

This tool is NOT finished.
The only drawbacks at the moment is that it doesn't support .bmp spritesheets and I haven't made a file open dialogue yet. So you'll have to go into assets/images and replace ItemImage.png with your spritesheet (in png, with the same name). Also, the program doesn't work with big sprite sheets as there isn't a way currently to scroll through one yet. You can also enter a framerect in the input box and display that rect on the sheet. It's useful to know what rect is what on the sprite sheet.

  • You can box select backwards. That's it.

You can download a alpha build of the tool on it's GitHub: https://github.com/BTTRG/CaveStoryFramerectTool/releases
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Oct 30, 2021 at 1:05 AM
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This is pretty cool, this should save people time with getting the right numbers for whatever framerects they're entering. Just to clarify the functionality, is the purpose of this program to let you open up an image, and more easily come up with the numbers that you will then enter into whatever hack or modified source file you're editing? Are there plans to have some feature that reads a CS EXE and lets you view and edit what framerects are defined? That would be really powerful.
Oct 30, 2021 at 2:02 AM
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Are there plans to have some feature that reads a CS EXE and lets you view and edit what framerects are defined? That would be really powerful.
I don't plan to design the application for opening the CS exe, but I will make it easier for those using ASM by providing rects in decimal and hex.

EDIT: When I get better at coding, I'll probably port the Framerect Tool to Java (which is similar to Haxe), and copy the code from Boosters Lab for loading and editing the CS exe. Or I could just make my own fork of Boosters Lab with the Framerect Tool in it.
Anyways, the Framerect Tool will probably be finished within the next few days, however I'm not sure if Haxeflixel can load anything outside of the game's assets folder as a sprite.

Just to clarify the functionality, is the purpose of this program to let you open up an image, and more easily come up with the numbers that you will then enter into whatever hack or modified source file you're editing?
Yes, you open an image and come up with the numbers. Like stated in the top post, you can also do it the reverse way by entering a framerect and pressing Display Rect. It will show an orange box over the rect you typed in.
Also, let me know if the Windows build works.
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Oct 30, 2021 at 5:42 PM
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I'll get around to installing Haxe later so that I can build the source code, but as a quick note, the compiled Windows version isn't working for me. When I open it up, I get the error message "The code execution cannot proceed because neko.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem."