Mar 31, 2010 at 9:04 AM
Join Date: May 25, 2009
Location: Sweden
Posts: 273
Age: 34
No pun intended with the title (as easter is imminent), but I happened to run into something interesting yesterday that wasn't in any of the FAQs I've seen... You know the clouds that's over the Balcony? You can make them rain!
Simply, you need to shoot them. Notice how the bullets disappear like they do when they hurt an enemy? They do the same here, they don't disappear like they would do when hitting a wall. That made me suspicious so I swapped to my profile with the machine gun. (To stay in air for unlimited time). Now, I noticed that you can't shoot the rightmost cloud part (the one right above the "That's all, folks!" signpost). I think that has something to do with the trigger that warps you back to where you came from to prevent you from going out of the screen over the top of the area to the right...
Here's my first screenie.
That is what you need to do, hover to the left until you can't see the wall anymore, with either the Machine Gun or with the Booster. I'd reccomend the Machine gun since you have unlimited air time that way. Of course, the Spur might activate the clouds at once, and I actually tried doing this with the Macine gun at Lv 1 this time to see if it worked. Manical shooting seems to do the trick.
This is what the raindrops look like. They are basically the same as the drops from First Cave, but with the prtWhite pallete. They're actually on that tileset, in the bottom right corner. They look more like snow on this image, but you'll have to see them in motion.
Once you've hitten the cloud a couple of times, the raindrops starts falling. I think the clouds are one of those entities dubbed unknown in Cave Editor, and that they change into droplet generators.
The drops continue to fall even if you fall down to the ground. Entering and exiting any door will make the rain stop. Haven't tried if this works as you go to the Prefab house for a hellrun (the falling blocks makes that very hard to investigate), but I will once I get some more spare time (took a while to get hang on this).
I'll also upload a Youtube video of this soon.
Oh, this was made in the PC original. Don't know if it works on the Wii as well.
Simply, you need to shoot them. Notice how the bullets disappear like they do when they hurt an enemy? They do the same here, they don't disappear like they would do when hitting a wall. That made me suspicious so I swapped to my profile with the machine gun. (To stay in air for unlimited time). Now, I noticed that you can't shoot the rightmost cloud part (the one right above the "That's all, folks!" signpost). I think that has something to do with the trigger that warps you back to where you came from to prevent you from going out of the screen over the top of the area to the right...
Here's my first screenie.
That is what you need to do, hover to the left until you can't see the wall anymore, with either the Machine Gun or with the Booster. I'd reccomend the Machine gun since you have unlimited air time that way. Of course, the Spur might activate the clouds at once, and I actually tried doing this with the Macine gun at Lv 1 this time to see if it worked. Manical shooting seems to do the trick.
This is what the raindrops look like. They are basically the same as the drops from First Cave, but with the prtWhite pallete. They're actually on that tileset, in the bottom right corner. They look more like snow on this image, but you'll have to see them in motion.
Once you've hitten the cloud a couple of times, the raindrops starts falling. I think the clouds are one of those entities dubbed unknown in Cave Editor, and that they change into droplet generators.
The drops continue to fall even if you fall down to the ground. Entering and exiting any door will make the rain stop. Haven't tried if this works as you go to the Prefab house for a hellrun (the falling blocks makes that very hard to investigate), but I will once I get some more spare time (took a while to get hang on this).
I'll also upload a Youtube video of this soon.
Oh, this was made in the PC original. Don't know if it works on the Wii as well.