Cave Story BEYOND

Jul 5, 2006 at 12:15 AM
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yeah, that's what Abu did in HHR. I don't think I'll EVER be good enough for that. =p

Jul 5, 2006 at 12:24 AM
The Bartender
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I didn't think I'd ever be good enough to work on a full-fledged 3D RPG. Have a look at my avatar/signature - my code, my sprite, my textures, all my work. People get better when they try harder stuff and experiment with things they're unfamiliar with. ;)

Keep us updated as you go along. Sounds like it could be interesting.
Jul 5, 2006 at 12:30 AM
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if I ever get Abu to help me with the saving code, that'd be REALLY interesting =) lol

don't worry about that, I'll show more screenshots and keep you all updated.

it may be kinda blocky in byond, but it'll still be fun (especially if I do an online version
too!) and afterwards I can try doing a mod ^^

I can see if I can add new things too that you all might want. (dunno about boosters
or dashing though, you can run as fast as you can hit the arrow keys in byond. and
boosters may be hard to code in.)
Jul 5, 2006 at 1:01 PM
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Is it possible to make a game that doesn't have blocky movement? I was playing Rockman Heroes of Legend and I couldn't beat the first part of it because 1. I ahve Dial and 2. THe controls are blocky.
Jul 6, 2006 at 1:41 AM
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well, byond makes it like that, it's like how the pokemon games are. you move from
one tile to another, and you can't go imbetween like in new gba and ds games or like
it is in CS. An online version will make up for the blocky movement, and later I can see
if I can make a CS mod version of the offline byond cs game.
Jul 6, 2006 at 1:55 AM
The Bartender
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If it's block by block, wouldn't jumping behave very strangely?

I'm not sure I understand how a side-view game could work in a tile-unit engine... Or is this a top-down game? I suppose that could be a unique twist on things. ;)
Jul 6, 2006 at 5:17 PM
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well, there are people who have coded in Gravity that pulls you down into you hit
something dense and also make you only face right and left. then jumping works too,
you press the up arrow key and move before the gravity pulls you down, and the grav
isn't too fast or too slow, so you can jump on things floating in mid-air.

So it does work, it's just.. movement is kinda blocky. (but it isn't really all that bad,
it could be worse. the platforming code I started out with made you jump either like, 9
spaces, or you jump in place and don't go anywhere.)

So it's possible in BYOND at least. Makes me wonder if I could make a version of the
code for RPG Maker or something =p. *jk*
Jul 6, 2006 at 6:16 PM
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Not only that, but there are techniques to bypass the block system, although they aren't really refined enough to be used for side-scrolling. Mainly it's because each entity has two variables that control it's offset. I made a demo once for BYOND where you had 16 different directions of movement. The offset is limited, though, so you need to calculate what tile they're on, or decide between whether they're more on one than another, and change their tile accordingly.

There was one system called the "Royal Nonesuch Engine" that actually achieved isometric 3D in Byond. I believe he had 8 directions in his. The whole world was able to rotate. It was damn skippy.
Jul 6, 2006 at 6:38 PM
The Bartender
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So it does work, it's just.. movement is kinda blocky.
Meh, you can't expect too good of an engine out of something that isn't made through a programming language anyhow, so that's perfectly understandable. It sounds pretty cool. I look forward to some screenshots. ;)

Edit: Osmose, are you talking about this?
Jul 6, 2006 at 9:52 PM
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I remember there is a 2d megaman X fighting game done pretty well on BYOND so, although lightly clunky, 2d sidescroller type games in byond are able to be done well.

Perhaps the game could be done 2d like actual CS? it'd probly take alot of work, but it'd be worth it. Plus, if a online version was created, it'd be amazing. Perhaps even play as other charicters?
Jul 6, 2006 at 10:37 PM
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RuneLancer said:
Meh, you can't expect too good of an engine out of something that isn't made through a programming language anyhow, so that's perfectly understandable. It sounds pretty cool. I look forward to some screenshots. :o

Edit: Osmose, are you talking about this?

Yes. However, I tried the other two entries on it, this and this , which both use the engine, but both, after you click download and it opens BYOND, give 404 errors because their downloads are gone. But yes, if you have BYOND that one will work.

Clicking his name will bring you to his website, which has a lot of screenshots that will show you his engine.
Jul 6, 2006 at 10:58 PM
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Diraru said:
I remember there is a 2d megaman X fighting game done pretty well on BYOND so, although lightly clunky, 2d sidescroller type games in byond are able to be done well.

Perhaps the game could be done 2d like actual CS? it'd probly take alot of work, but it'd be worth it. Plus, if a online version was created, it'd be amazing. Perhaps even play as other charicters?

If you've read the whole topic, you would know that's what I'm doing.

It's going to be a 2d shooting side-scroller, same as CS. and an online version
will come after I do the single-player one. ^_^. (you can see a screenshot
of it on the first page, it still isn't done yet though.)

Edit: Hurray! Everybody thank Abu, because he fixed the save code lol.
No screenshots, cause you don't want to see a screen of it saying that the
game saved. =p

Next up, the story shall unfold~ *works on sprites of Curly and Balrog and
on the map* Huzzah! Balrog shall play an important part in the game ^_^.

You get to ride ontop of him and fly around! <3
Jul 7, 2006 at 10:16 AM
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Osmose said:
Yes. However, I tried the other two entries on it, this and this , which both use the engine, but both, after you click download and it opens BYOND, give 404 errors because their downloads are gone. But yes, if you have BYOND that one will work.

Clicking his name will bring you to his website, which has a lot of screenshots that will show you his engine.
i playthis so i don't have a problem
Jul 7, 2006 at 8:06 PM
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"It's dangerous to go alone!"
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Yes! Finally there shall be weapons in the game ^_^.

Look Ma, no hands! =D. er.. more like no weapons =D.

*bullets appear infront of me above my head and head towards the cliff*

don't worry, that won't be in the finished game lol ;D

neither will that grass, it isn't from Cave Story, so it will be gone. =3

in fact, none of that will be there because that is just a test map. ^-^ Yay.

Enjoy looking at that picture of me shooting a bullet out of meh skull =D :o
Jul 23, 2006 at 6:24 PM
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Sorry for the double post thing, but I got by a lot of junk since last time I posted in
this topic. So don't think I was slacking off D=

Here's how it's doing:

--Shooting is in

--Weapon isn't in yet, should be in soon

--Second area is in

--Story should be in soon

--Enemies work now, but you don't get hurt if you land ontop of them. (need to fix it)

--Healthbar works now. I think I fixed a bug where after a first hit the bar disappeared
until you would get hit another few times.

--Dying works now! YAY. Isn't that great?!!?! =P lol but yeah. you can actually get
hurt and die now =p

--Refilling Health works when you die and don't load a saved game, but it doesn't work
if you find a save spot and try to refill it there. Dunno why it does that. Gonna see if
Abu can help me on that.

--Saving works, thanks to Abu. but since then I added more to the game and now for
some reason if you Load a saved game you are in a black area of nothing ness. =(
and yes, I did delete my old save files and resave in it. Abu was right, saving in byond
is really buggy =/. gonna need more help again from 'im.. *kills the saving codes*

After I get a lot more junk in, I'll let people test play it. But I'm not there yet. there
won't be anything to test until I get to Sue in the game. =o *what about Sue? YOU

okay. :3 I'll upload a screenshot.


note that in the picture, the healthbar shows that I got hurt a few times and I'm firing
at Pignons ;) bad Quote! note that I still don't have a weapon, but still fireing : /) in
the final version, you won't even be able to fire unless you have a weapon =p that's
just to test out the Shoot verb.

again, sorry for the double post meep..
Aug 7, 2006 at 6:16 PM
The Bartender
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Will there be a demo anytime soon?

From the looks of it, you're making considerable progress. ;)
Aug 9, 2006 at 3:17 AM
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well, if you guys really want a demo, I'll finish up a little and put it up for some of you
to play around with. it'll be too short though ;). I should make enemies respawn when
you move to different maps so you can enjoy killing the little Pignons.

After starting on a side project all my own to work on my byond skills, I've figured out
how to fix some things on my own. Refilling health works now! ^_^

Abu told me how to get music to not overlap! Yay for him. Now the background music
shall play! Once I get some Cave Story midis =p.

I got a midi making program! I can make some cave story midis of my own. I made a
moonsong midi, but it stinks and I've found a better moon song midi to use. =p I shall
try and do one of Balrog's Theme. He needs it so bad <3.

Abu got the save code working <3. Hurray! =D he also made it so when you load
a saved game that it'll play the last music that you heard. (Not including the death
music lol. How wierd would that be? =p)


Anyway, next in the game I shall start mapping. I hope to use Sue's Workshop to make
Cave Story Beyond have maps very similar to the original ones. Some new maps shall
also be made. Remember the mimigas you saved from the Doctor? Gonna need more
homes in good ole' Mimiga Village ;3!

not to mention a new way to the Balcony, the Plantation will have an easy way to get to the Balcony. and more of the Outer Wall is now where the "Last Cave" was, had to
make the island safe again! =D all that damage the Doctor did, =o the Last Cave was
cleared out and now there's a great gaping whole in it, so it sorta is part of the Outer
Wall. if that makes any sense. =p

So now that that's out there, most of the enemies that are still on the island aren't
as strong. and the stronger monsters, do lots more damage, as you start out with 25
hp in this game. I don't think I'll have health capsules in the game sadly. =(

So now, after I get the story of how you get your weapon in, I can begin the mapping,
working the doors, and then I can put in the great story, of how you save a true
friend, a Mimiga named Sue ;). bum bum bummm~ okay I'm done.

I'll take a screenshot in a little while ^^.
Aug 9, 2006 at 4:22 AM
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loool Sue's is my favorite charakter ^^ so use some of my midis then? ;)
Aug 9, 2006 at 4:54 PM
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"It's dangerous to go alone!"
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yes, and you shall be in the credits, along with anybody else who provides midis to use
in the game = ).
Aug 10, 2006 at 3:44 PM
The Bartender
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So the BYOND engine can only play midis? There's no way to rig it up to play a custom format (like say, ORG)?

I'd doubt it since it doesn't have a programming language of its own, just a scripting language, but who knows. ;) It'd be cool having the original music.