Alrighty, got a little update. I've been working on Quote's body. You won't be able to tell at this stage of development, but Quote's proportions are super close to the original Cave Story. If you don't see it, wait for me to take away the crappy "chunky" lighting, add a head, and texture it. The texture usually gives certain form and detail to the model, so simply looking at the mesh can make it a bit difficult to envision the final product at times.
With the original sprite, his body takes exactly 8 pixels from the neck to his feet (16 pixels for the double res version, obviously). For the body width, I had to take an educated guess. I looked at cave story 3D artwork along with the original sprites to judge what seemed right. For the most part, the proportions are all set, but I will tweak things as necessary when I get the arms and head modeled. It's 272 tris so far, if anyone cares about poly count, but I don't expect there are many people here who work with 3D models (?). A very low poly character today would be between 500-1000 tris, and I expect to come up with a count between there when the model is finished.
I know that the shoulders might need some tweaking, and the shoes, and the crotch, but I need to make more of the model to get a better idea before I know for sure. This is my first body I've modeled, so I'm learning a bit as I go.
One last thing: If there ARE any people here that know about 3D modeling, they would suggest lowering the poly count on the legs to about 5 or 6 sides on a loop and the arms to 5 or 4. BUT, since Game Maker lacks vertex animation, I have to go about things in a rather unorthodox way, so I will be making a model out of jointed parts instead of having one model that bends. Shaders can accomplish vertex morphing/bending, and beta shaders were just released for the newest Game Maker Studio beta, but I need to look into those and I don't know if they are going to be reliable at this point, so for now I'm going with what I know works. If it weren't for this, I would lower the poly count on the arms and legs. This is also the reason why the model isn't designed for bending at the joints (in case anyone noticed that), because it will not be bending vertices at joints. If you don't follow, just know that I know what I'm doing. At least in this case.

- "You'd better know what you're doing!... DON'T SCREW QUOTE UP OR I'LL HIT YOU SO HARD THAT I'LL SEND YOU ALL THE WAY TO THE ISLAND!!!"
Frozen - *sigh* ... wait, you aren't on the island? Wait, that means..where am I? ... GAH! I'm
HERE?!?! What if-!
Frozen - ........

- "Quiet! Sheesh, I need to keep this stick ready at all times or he might just get a chance to ruin the whole thing! .... hmm, maybe I should use the baseball bat next time? Or something metal? .. oh, no-no-no, I might kill him, and that wouldn't be very good 'cuz then he wouldn't be able to finish this. Better just stick with the stick.... ooooohh boy, I did NOT just do that... ok, yes I did, heh heh.
Frozen - ..ehhhhh~... I think you've got a slight head prob-
*wakes up rather suddenly... somehow... a miracle!*
fadoink said:
Is this ever going to be a Game?