Cave Con 2012

Aug 22, 2012 at 2:38 AM
In my body, in my head
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Alright bros so the onus is on me to recount the tales of what happened on the first night of our magnificent journey. So, after everyone made it across the border I led them to my house for dinner (lotsa spaghetti) and then we headed down to the basement like the sun-fearing recluses we are. After everyone was settled in, we played Ninja Turles IV: Turtles in Time on the SNES for a while and then the feature attraction for the night, The Chip Factor. I don't know if it is possible to even convey in text just how amazing this movie is. Jacob claims to have picked it up in a bargain bin at some shitty supermarket chain that went out of business the very next month. I think it was perhaps delivered on high with a choir of angels because this shit transcends the mortal realm.

And after that we pretty much mellowed out and went to sleep. My cat stayed with WD and I was kind of bummed about that because she usually stays with me ]:
Aug 22, 2012 at 3:29 AM
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Yeah. People who swear at their parents thinking it makes them look super edgy really look like this, unless they're in that rare category of kids that have a relationship that relaxed, humorous and understanding with their folks.
No Jacob's mom was actually cool with it, Jacob just gets excited easily.

Anyway yesterday, and coincidentally today as well, we had a delicious breakfast cooked by Noxid's grandmother, who is our own personal chef and she makes delicious food. If any of you are ever in New Brunswick I recommend being friends with Noxid so that you can eat his grandmother's food.

Since we've got an SNES, we played Donkey Kong Country for a while after that. We kept dying at the fucking barrel cannons part, except I kept dying way before that because I suck at video games. But I'm good at making sandwiches, apparently, because the sandwich I made was the most delicious one.

The reason we made sandwiches was so that we could eat them at the top of Simpson Hill. We wanted to go on a hike with a view, but unfortunately we had a lot of trouble finding the trailhead. We drove right past it and into St. Andrew's, a quaint tourist town with a red beach and dramatic tides. Jacob had never been to an ocean before, so we had to walk all the way to the end of a spit of rock and feel it. We drastically underestimated the ocean's contempt of all things outside of its realm, though, and almost got trapped as the tides rushed in at 100 mph. Jacob now has a healthy fear of the sea.

After having narrowly escaped death at the hands of the sea, we fell back to a 200-year-old barracks with three cannons in front of it. The fort was used to defend all of Canada from the Americans or someone, because they hoped that they would sail directly at the three cannons. Most of Canada's defense is based on trusting other countries.

SO AFTER THAT we went to a magical place. A building from the past. A place we like to call... the playground of Noxid's elementary school. Yeah, we played on a playground. There were hardly any kids around so it wasn't, like, SUPER creepy. It was a really, really sweet playground, in our defense. There were a whole bunch of tunnels and steeples and all sorts of activities, but we ended up sitting underneath it (it was quite hot out) and sharing our most embarrassing childhood memories. I think hardly any of them were about poop. Of all the things we could have done, we chose to sit around a playground, and you know what, it was great and we have no regrets.

We headed back to the "wilderness" (there are houses every couple hundred meters) and found the trail we planned on hiking. We signed the logbook at the beginning. "Six people from the internet are climbing to the peak today. Daisuke Amaya was here in spirit." The walk wasn't very long, but it was very steep. Some of us learned valuable lessons about bringing water and not a soft drink on a hot hike. Honestly, who even does that.

(Jacob does)

The view at the top was quite nice. We threw our sandwiches at it.

After the hike, we were all fairly tired, so we drove home and stayed in the basement playing Super Mario World and Jesus & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games. At the same time. We bought Jesus a horse-head hat so that he could jump horses in style. Don't worry, we've got pictures of it and they'll be uploaded eventually.

And then, after the night had wound down and we ate more awesome grandma-cooked food, we watched the second movie on our shitty movie list: Birdemic. This movie is quite simply amazing. The trailer should give you an idea of what we watched. It was an educational movie, teaching us about the dangers of climate change and man's impact on the environment, that decided to be an apocalypse film about halfway through. The protagonists are attacked by gifs of birds, and fight back with guns that are way, way too loud because of the awful editing. I REALLY LIKED THAT MOVIE, AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH. I THINK I'LL BUY AN ELECTRIC CAR NOW.

But the night wasn't done yet. Instead of going to sleep, like responsible people, we decided to fuck around in San Andreas. Or, as I like to pronounce it, San Andreas. We stole cars, flew around with them, and launched other drivers into the sky. The highlight of the game was when Noxid stole a commercial jet and landed it on a mountaintop. The police helicopters weren't far behind him, though, and he was forced to stack some RV's up in order to reach the door of the jet and take off again. Then he jumped out of the jet and parachuted down to the first mission of the game like a total badass, or he would have, if he didn't accidentally blow up the jet in mid-air.

After that, we decided it would be a good idea to go to sleep.

So if you want, we'll give you the synopsis of today tomorrow, or maybe just post some pictures. If we feel like it. I dunno guys, there's so much fun to have and so little time.
Aug 22, 2012 at 4:13 AM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
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Definitely post some pictures when you can.

But yeah, all of that sounds like a blast. I love playgrounds, you shouldn't feel any shame or creepiness about it. I personally unashamedly play on playgrounds with parents and kids around. I don't give a damn what they think, I'm having fun. And yeah, there's something kind of special/sentimental about it being Noxid's childhood play area specifically, so all in all, it sounds awesome.

Don't fear the ocean, Jacob! It's the highlight of summer!

Also, +100,000 for what you guys wrote in the guestbook.
Aug 22, 2012 at 5:22 AM
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The Birdemic trailer looks positively delightful. I might have to go see if I can't find that one.

A trailer for Sharktopus was one of the related videos on Youtube. If you're in need of more movies, that one looks promising, too!
Aug 22, 2012 at 3:58 PM
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I feel like if we'd done the playground thing in the US people would be creeped out as fuck.
Aug 22, 2012 at 4:07 PM
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Quote of the day: "...What do you call it when you roast a baby?" -Jacob
Aug 22, 2012 at 7:44 PM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
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Aug 22, 2012 at 11:29 PM
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Californian something, according to Jacob
Aug 22, 2012 at 11:33 PM
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"Run, rabbit run. Dig that hole, forget the sun."
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California Roll.

Aug 23, 2012 at 2:47 AM
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Yesterday we played a lot of video games. Tetris Attack, Dr. Mario, The Lion King (which is bullshit difficulty) and Garfield: Lasagna World Tour, which is funny because if you lose in a minigame, it declares that "you loose."
But most importantly, we carried on a Cave Con tradition: we baked a pie. This year, blueberry. There were too many blueberries and not enough pie, but it still tasted good because we followed a recipe by Noxid's grandmother. Friendship pie was had.
After playing video games and eating pie all day, we went candlestick bowling, which is like 10-pin but the balls are small, you get 3 throws, you don't clean up the pins between throws, and the pins are candlestick shaped.
We were going to play pool after that, but Jacob got underage b& so we just went back and played more video games.
We're really cool.

I can't tell you about what happened today, because there's a video you have to see to fully appreciate it. We'll try to upload it tonight but we might not get to until tomorrow morning.
Aug 23, 2012 at 2:53 AM
daughter of chivalry
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We also stayed up until like 3:30 AM talking about the forums
Aug 23, 2012 at 2:56 AM
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...Did you talk about me as well? :orangebell:
Aug 23, 2012 at 2:58 AM
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Hey, I have a copy of The Lion King for my SNES!
It's a rental from Blockbuster, apparently... I wonder what would happen if I put it in one of their machines?
Anyways I'm playing it now to be like you guys.
Aug 23, 2012 at 2:58 AM
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...Did you talk about me as well? :orangebell:

It turns out nobody talked about Woodenrat. However, they did talk about how to carve little wooden horses and the whole thing turned into MLP marathon night.
Aug 23, 2012 at 3:04 AM
daughter of chivalry
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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Hurr you're funny.

And obviously, woodenrat.
Aug 23, 2012 at 3:12 AM
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What did you say about me?? :pignon2:
Aug 23, 2012 at 3:16 AM
In my body, in my head
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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How we're hella jealous of your sexy pecs
Aug 23, 2012 at 2:33 PM
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What an incredibly happening dude.
Aug 23, 2012 at 2:56 PM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Yeah cultr, DT joined us without telling anyone.

Anyway, I don't think we're going to get that video posted today, so I'll just tell you about yesterday. We went to the beach!!!!!1 and blinded everyone with our sour cream complexions except for Wild Desu's beautiful olive skin. Jacob swam fairly far out (I lied, he's not afraid of the ocean at all) and happened to find a log that looked like part of a beaver dam. Cool, I guess. We told him to bring us back something else. OOPS

He went out and came back again, and said there was some dead animal floating around out there. A beaver or something. wtf. Noxid did the responsible thing and tried to wade out to get a picture of it, but it was too far away and only succeeded in attracting attention to this carcass. People were definitely wondering why Noxid was holding up a camera in water up to his nipples. Jacob and Wedge of Cheese had swum back out to the poor dead animal. I have no idea why. Two canoers paddled by to investigate, and told Jacob and JJ that the animal was, in fact, a seal, which tells us that Jacob has no idea what a beaver looks like.

So Noxid, Wedge of Cheese and Jacob swam back to Wild Desu, Yakkers and I with the news. So sad ;~;. Then Jacob asked for me to throw him the log. I really shouldn't have, but I threw it to him without considering the consequences.

The further WoC and Jacob swam out, the more regrets we started having. Cheese started pushing the seal towards shore with the log, and we thought, "oh fuck, this is actually happening." There were kids at the beach. What the fuck were any of us thinking. Our sense of dread grew stronger the closer this corpse floated to shore. A crowd of people who didn't want to see the dead seal formed around the dead seal. People are weird. Eventually that area of the beach was completely deserted, and we really had no choice but to move as well.

Eventually we went back home and ate a lot of food and played Muppets Party Cruise, which is like Mario Party but totally awful. We also played Oblivion and Fallout to fuck around with console commands and create beautiful heroines . I don't think we took any screenshots though, cause we're dumb. We also left the Muppets on for like five hours, cause we're dumb, but the TV was off so that's why we didn't notice. And then I read Metroid High School for everyone and it was hilarious the end

P.S. we're staying in a cabin without running water or electricity tonight, so we're not going to be in touch with you guys, we're just going to sit around talking about cultr's sexy biceps.