Cave Con 2012

Aug 19, 2012 at 4:45 PM
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Yes, it's that time again!
As I type this, most of the party is driving through the states en-route to my house, but I wanted to start the thread up early because I am both excited about it and bored of sitting around waiting. What wonders await? What crazy travel tales do the rest have in store for us? Only time can tell.

In this thread we'll be posting probably semi-regular journals of our funtimes both so that we can go back and look fondly upon it later, and also to make the rest of you jealous >:]
Aug 19, 2012 at 4:49 PM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
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Yay, jealousy!

Seriously though, how exciting. It's going to be awesome and I'm excited for you.
Aug 19, 2012 at 5:44 PM
Tommy Thunder
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So it's the same group as last year, right? Anyways, I demand even more silly pics than last year (you know, if that's alright with you!).
Aug 19, 2012 at 7:40 PM
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I remember this thing.
Aug 20, 2012 at 12:09 AM
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So it's the same group as last year, right? Anyways, I demand even more silly pics than last year (you know, if that's alright with you!).
Four out of the five people from last time (Noxid, Desu, Yakkers, and Fab, no Lace this time), with the addition of Jake and Wedge of Cheese

Also I can't wait to listen to your silly antics and become jealous just like last time.
Aug 20, 2012 at 2:04 AM
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Heh, I hope you gents have fun. I was about to get there as well but then I doubled checked and it turned out there's a fucking ocean between us.

Take as many photos as you can, sounds like you'll have a blast.
Aug 20, 2012 at 4:34 AM
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Damn, I wish I can join you guys.
Aug 20, 2012 at 5:00 AM
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godspeed (. _ .)7
Aug 20, 2012 at 8:51 PM
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Okay, we were gonna post in this thread last night, but we were too busy dicking around on IRC and sleeping, so we'll now inform you all of everything that has happened.

The first person to embark was me, and I had an 11 hour flight to Boston on the 16th. The only two things about it were 1) everyone on the Vancouver - Montreal flight was watching The Hunger Games for some reason, and 2) Montreal still has a crappy airport layout. I had to walk at least a kilometer between my connections, and when I got to my gate they were just starting to board so I didn't have any time to eat, so I was really hungry on my flight to Boston and it made me sad :(.

Desu and her mom (who is a very nice lady) were there to pick me up and drive me back to Desu's house in the Massachusetts countryside for three nights, where we watched YouTube videos and went on IRC until Wedge of Cheese and Jacob showed up on the night of the 18th.
Aug 20, 2012 at 9:34 PM
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Fab left out a few things. We also made some delicious gingerbread cookies and drizzled them with icing. Fab, being Fab, drew a penis on them. I have pictures but they aren't important so let's move on. We also played Windwaker because man that's such a great game. Nothing much else happened.

Wedge wouldnt reply yo any texts or calls so we thought he was dead and called his mom. That was kind of funny I guess? But yeah they arrived safe and sound.

The next morning we took off to pick up Yakkers, while listening to some great Sunday morning polka music. Eventually we switched to some nice RPG music that Wedge made himself, and we proceeded to talk about being in an RPG and making a mod called Cavecon Story. Many Minecraft Story jokes ensued. And in case you didnt kn0ow, this will most likely never come into existence.

But the really cool part is that we took a detour to Lace town! The same place where we picked apples, actually. Jacob ordered 2 of every pastry since he has all the money to burn, so now we are stuck with them and the cookies we made. We will most likely have diabeetus by the end of this trip. At one point, Jacob mistook some guy who was buying bread for Wedge, and questioned his purchase with his Javob-sass. I'm sure we hurt his feelings very much. Lace bought us a bunch of donuts and a jug of cider and maaan that was so delicious. All the memories of last Cavecon came back to me and it was beautiful dear lord. Then we had to leave Lace which kinda sucks, but I'm not sure he'd be able to fit in the car anyway. And I'm not sure how much of the trip I should talk about so I guess I'll pass this along to someone else now.
Aug 20, 2012 at 11:08 PM
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Sounds like you guys had a blast, and damn Fab, you flew for 11 hours just to hang out with all of them? :pignon2:
Aug 21, 2012 at 12:03 AM
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The car ride to New Brunswick had its ups and downs, and the first down was discovering that Yakkers gets carsick. We pulled over several times to let him rest/eject the contents of his stomach, but at one point we couldn't get to the side of the highway. Yakkers had to spray his stomach juice out the window, and it only sort of got all over the side of the car. We all forgive him, it's all part of the road trip experience. He felt better later, after we stopped at a food court with a big statue of a moose. Then Jacob's mom wouldn't stop trying to call him, even though he was getting terrible cellphone reception, and Jacob had to show off how cool his mom is by swearing as he talked to her. Then we all had fun and shared poop stories all the way to the border.


Because everyone coming into Canada could be a terrorist, customs asked us a lot of questions, and made us get out of our car, and sit in an office for about 15 minutes while our car was searched. Customs wanted to know why we're coming to Canada. To meet a friend, you know. And they wanted to know how we all met, since we're all from different places. We all met... on the internet. And they wanted to know which website. So I can only assume that the customs officer went there to make sure it's not a CP trading ring or something else awful and incredibly illegal.

Noxid watched the whole thing, as he sat on the curb in Canada, looking very sad.
Aug 21, 2012 at 2:31 AM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
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alright so i got on my train at around 9:30 and the whole ride was a fucking ordeal. I got a seat next to the fattest black woman so i ended up chilling in the dining and lounge cars until she got off the train, at which point i got the seat aaall to myself.
so the first thing that went horribly wrong was that the drawbridge in front of us was stuck in the up position, so they had to call in an expert to tell us that it was fucked.
after waiting for about an hour, the train finally started moving, and i started listening to music. ICP's album "Bang Pow Boom" is surprisingly good, and i recommend it. Marilyn Manson is a cool guy, but his music is fucking horrible. I listened to a bunch of other indie shit nobody cares about too. Let's move on.
I also bought some shitty food from the lounge, such as a "kind-of" cheeseburger, the cheese of which melted at the bottom of the container into a cheese-like pool. Yum.
So then I met Wedge at Boston South, and we walked like a fucking mile to his car because wedge is a fucking jerk. we met a really cool homeless guy. Real talk, he was pretty great and gave us a pretty awesome motivational speech for only $2.50. There was also this maybe-crackhead that needed 7 bucks for something so we helped him out. I made it a point to give him twice as much as Wedge did.
So then we headed off to WD's house, where we fucked around on IRC and watched Bleach and made fun of Bleach.
End of post.

Homeless people can be fun and Bleach is terrible.

The car ride to New Brunswick had its ups and downs, and the first down was discovering that Yakkers gets carsick. We pulled over several times to let him rest/eject the contents of his stomach, but at one point we couldn't get to the side of the highway. Yakkers had to spray his stomach juice out the window, and it only sort of got all over the side of the car. We all forgive him, it's all part of the road trip experience. He felt better later, after we stopped at a food court with a big statue of a moose. Then Jacob's mom wouldn't stop trying to call him, even though he was getting terrible cellphone reception, and Jacob had to show off how cool his mom is by swearing as he talked to her. Then we all had fun and shared poop stories all the way to the border.


Because everyone coming into Canada could be a terrorist, customs asked us a lot of questions, and made us get out of our car, and sit in an office for about 15 minutes while our car was searched. Customs wanted to know why we're coming to Canada. To meet a friend, you know. And they wanted to know how we all met, since we're all from different places. We all met... on the internet. And they wanted to know which website. So I can only assume that the customs officer went there to make sure it's not a CP trading ring or something else awful and incredibly illegal.

Noxid watched the whole thing, as he sat on the curb in Canada, looking very sad.

What do you mean you guys discovered he gets carsick? Did you (he) not know before the road trip? Otherwise there are a ton of things you could have done to alleviate it/eliminate it altogether. Hopefully now that you know you can set those things in motion if you guys are also traveling back together. Either way, suddenly not as jealous that I didn't get to come along (> severely emetophobic).

Yeah. People who swear at their parents thinking it makes them look super edgy really look like this, unless they're in that rare category of kids that have a relationship that relaxed, humorous and understanding with their folks.

And border control is really that tight into Canada? I had an awful time getting into the US when I was traveling... out of everywhere I've traveled, US customs was definitely the worst. @_@
Aug 21, 2012 at 2:48 AM
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we all had fun and shared poop stories
A hallmark of true friendship.

Jacob ordered 2 of every pastry since he has all the money to burn
If it really lasts the whole trip, I will be impressed. I guess it might not be quite as expensive as other trips if you're at Noxid's hizzle and can cook for yourselves rather than always going out to eat. I hope you all do get to experience some good poutine, though. That's still on my bucket list.
Aug 21, 2012 at 7:38 AM
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Well have fun messing around.
Aug 21, 2012 at 7:07 PM
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Canada barely even had customs last time I entered, US Customs was a bitch though. They basically tested my family on how much we knew about our home state, it was kinda creepy.

Well have fun goys.
Aug 21, 2012 at 10:00 PM
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The car ride to New Brunswick had its ups and downs, and the first down was discovering that Yakkers gets carsick.

I don't, this is the first time that's ever really happened :v
I blame eating too many of Lace's donuts
Aug 22, 2012 at 1:46 AM
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Aug 22, 2012 at 1:55 AM
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Waiting for pics.
Aug 22, 2012 at 2:01 AM
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Pics or GTFO.