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Jun 20, 2007 at 8:01 AM
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Yes go Mizery indeed. But anyway heres a little info on the first four stages (This is well before I can be assed to make the stages and graphics themselves :rolleyes:)

Stage 0 - Home (+5 Life, +Dual Knife) / Crypt (+5 Life)

Stage 01 - Cavern System (+10 Life)
--Boss 01 - Cyclops Alpha -> Cyclops Beta (Balrog 1+2)
--Only a small arena slightly raised at each side.

Stage 02 - The Left Castle Wall(+5 Life)
--Boss 02 - Black Thief (Curly)
--Just be careful of the spikes at the side of the arena

Stage 03 - The Second Climb (+5 Life, +Auto KNifer)
--Boss 03 - Black Thief (Curly)
Same as before, though more spikes and smaller room.
Jun 22, 2007 at 5:47 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
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CociCookie said:
Yes go Mizery indeed. But anyway heres a little info on the first four stages (This is well before I can be assed to make the stages and graphics themselves :p)

Stage 0 - Home (+5 Life, +Dual Knife) / Crypt (+5 Life)

Stage 01 - Cavern System (+10 Life)
--Boss 01 - Cyclops Alpha -> Cyclops Beta (Balrog 1+2)
--Only a small arena slightly raised at each side.

Stage 02 - The Left Castle Wall(+5 Life)
--Boss 02 - Black Thief (Curly)
--Just be careful of the spikes at the side of the arena

Stage 03 - The Second Climb (+5 Life, +Auto KNifer)
--Boss 03 - Black Thief (Curly)
Same as before, though more spikes and smaller room.

how far to a release :rolleyes:

Jun 22, 2007 at 5:59 AM
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So this mod looks cool hope you go through with it : D

Btw xris, what's with the Pikachus everywhere heh, I find it cool cause I mainly play Pikachu in Smash Bros.
Jun 22, 2007 at 6:32 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
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Chaddykins said:
So this mod looks cool hope you go through with it : D

Btw xris, what's with the Pikachus everywhere heh, I find it cool cause I mainly play Pikachu in Smash Bros.

ive been playing smash bros recently but i go kirby or ness sometimes pikachu
and i bet pokemon emerald like 3 weeks ago so i got back into pokemon :rolleyes:
Jun 22, 2007 at 4:45 PM
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not that far, I'm gonna be releasing a demo with the first stage completed. That means I have to graphic edit balrog and man, that could be difficult.

On another note, gonna have to find a tileset I ain't gonna use, I need to edit one so it can have a graphic of Rick and Alucard on it, my menu for choosing character will be at the start.

Also, the characters will split ways at stage three, there is a split where the only one character can head down each path. Stage 3 is renamed to 'Splitting of the Paths' and is still where the auto knifer is found, only it is down the path Alucard cannot go.
Jun 22, 2007 at 8:16 PM
Been here way too long...
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Oh! Can I be the idiot who revives Dracula? Or has Death filled that position already?
Jun 23, 2007 at 12:48 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
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ZTaimat said:
Oh! Can I be the idiot

too late i did the alucard dracula thing :rolleyes:
Oct 9, 2007 at 4:11 PM
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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Eh... is this thread dead too? >.> wheres the release... T.T
Oct 9, 2007 at 5:24 PM
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Stop bumping old threads :D
Oct 9, 2007 at 5:26 PM
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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Aww its considered old already? >.> There ain't evena release xD
Oct 9, 2007 at 11:36 PM
Starbound sucked sadly
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its considered a old thread when its about 2 months old, the only good reason you should have to revive it is if the mod maker decides his not going to make it or if you have anything to bring to this thread
Oct 10, 2007 at 3:25 PM
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Aww man thats sad. Ah well anyway thanks for the info ^^
Oct 10, 2007 at 4:52 PM
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meh, shoot me for this but it is still going

thing is, I'm doing this on my own, and I might wait for Kings Assembler Hall to be completed before I carry on, I want some quick and easy changes, plus I need to edit the weapon damage (and range) and monster health before I can release a demo that leads upto boss 1. If anyone can be so kind as to make some simple monster graphics for me it'd be some help.

Oh and info on the project status:
Oct 10, 2007 at 11:50 PM
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CociCookie said:
If anyone can be so kind as to make some simple monster graphics for me it'd be some help.
Maybe I can help, see how I go, what monsters should I make and what sprites are they replacing? I have never played castlevania so I won't know what the monsters are in those games, but I would like to help, so just show me original sprite so that I can make a new one, and tell me which CS sprite or series of sprites it is supposed to replace.
Oct 11, 2007 at 8:00 AM
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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YAY ITS ALiVE! ^^ I certainly look forward to it!
Oct 11, 2007 at 11:42 PM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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CociCookie said:

i cant really play guns since the game only has american servers.... :(
Oct 12, 2007 at 12:40 PM
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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xristosx said:
i cant really play guns since the game only has american servers.... :(

You should try Legacy Gamers... Less lag and more fun! Free premmies too and lots of other custom maps and stuffs. It rocks. go to www.legacygamers.net
to download it! Sorry going off-topic xD.

Still waiting earnestly for the release of your first demo! Hope its worth the wait :(