Mar 23, 2010 at 8:37 PM
Join Date: Mar 23, 2010
Location: Hidden Palace Zone
Posts: 305
Age: 38
Vercci said:Well I hope they realise how to use it, lots of new people to the game and then their stars disappear, might explain why.
Well, I just found out that no one else is having a problem with the Whimsical Star, and that the guy that complained just didn't know how to use it after all. It was on a GameFAQs topic, that's also where I got a lot of these that I hadn't experienced myself; it's here, if anyone's curious.
I also feel like I have to admit, like I lied or something, that I've never actually used the Whimsical Star, though I've read how exactly it works. I didn't even realize it existed back when I thought I did everything in Cave Story in 2007, and I've been trying not to replay it for the last couple years waiting for the Wii version, the fool I am~