Bored? Let's play with translations!!

Oct 6, 2009 at 6:13 AM
"Keep on rollin'!"
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Yes, I have. It was really wierd too.

However, this was way too funny to pass up.

Original: Who wins in a fight Pirates or Ninjas?

T: How do I win the fight against copyright infringement and my Ninja is how many people?

T2:You win the fight against copyright infringement and my Ninja people how many people or how many people are you?

And finally: If war, and my Ninja, and copyright infringement, I get why most of the dolphins is different than most people.

It never did find equilibrium, but these were far too funny to pass up.

Ahem, there was also this one.

Original: Monkeys on typewriters are writing my paper.

T: I write a paper in a typewriter monkeys.
Oct 6, 2009 at 6:24 AM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
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Input: Have any of you put in something completely random and got something that actually made sense back?

Final result: In other words, as his next world, do you or random?

Note: I took the end result of the initial (didn't reach equallibrium) and fed it back through, then again.

Run it yourself and see the strange wisdom in there. :D
Oct 6, 2009 at 6:37 AM
"Keep on rollin'!"
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Huh, this is odd:

Original: What starts with an english phrase?

T:English phrase?


Original: My games have gone up in flames!

T: It is a fire in my game!

One more.

Original: How did you work so fast?

T: Shitara fast or how?

What the heck does that mean?
Oct 6, 2009 at 7:50 AM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Does this really count as a game? It would be better suited for Forum-Based Games if so.
Oct 6, 2009 at 7:59 AM
"Keep on rollin'!"
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Oct 6, 2009 at 12:54 PM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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"My name is not to be deceptive in an apple () admits. Ben Bowerman makes a scent disowned."

there ya go, presumably the only place you'll see me spew my name on this forum. good luck finding what it is, though. (as for my previous translation, tjhat was through multiple times, which is why it came out funky)

ooh! good idea:
Necessity of S.I, the end to think. I, young in the accountant of god of were of God in the morning two The control and the protection of the protection had provided the execution of the diagram in the first space considered near volatile the one. The accountant of my God, during the morning, you recommended to his Attachés of the sigh the wall in a distance the Tapisserie. Under him that is many connections, the uproars of the static title at the small moment of the matrix of the CPU to use the extremity that are opened well, execute to the first clergyman seen in volatile the one. Nevertheless this interests mine who was later the father of the inoperative women. If it is begun at the outset in the beginning of the branch and the blood, than Sunday in the track disperses, you you reach bathed. The starting, of that she is red in the red one, fell the Victory Windows, the shade of the temple of Daoist of the modification of the Girlande of the flower of the inoperative women of the creation of the team of employees, than the temple of Daoist of the modification is left, simultaneous he.
That's like, a sentance out of an essay thingy I wrote. Enjoy it.
Oct 7, 2009 at 12:14 AM
Level 73 Procrastinator
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Pretty sure it's now a rule to translate your posts in this thread, now.

DragonBoots said:
Damn, Lowell. Teita This is our little secret. However, market share can be good.

AKA: Damn, Lowell. This was supposed to be our little secret. But no, you had to go share it with the fucking world.
DragonBoots said:
andwhyisit said:
Have any of you put in something completely random and got something that actually made sense back? ( You know it's true. :D )
You've found the crowning jewel of (mis-)translations. @_@
Doesn't seem like such a bad idea showing this to everyone anymore, does it?
Translation Party said:
This method is a bad idea, in this way, what do you already?
Noxid said:
Banhammer me I could not imagine a cloud of witnesses.

elsewise read as:

never imagined I would witness such mass utilization of the banhammer.

Really, all the banning is just showing how bad the forums have gotten >.>;
As long as you don't act like those guys you don't have anything to worry about. :D
Oct 7, 2009 at 1:33 AM
"The Ultimate Sword of Extraordinary Magnitude"
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I put in: Halo is a game and my people rain down going to destroy the world,
and the best ones I got were:

I play Halo in the rain for many people, the destruction of the world are expected

I destroyed a lot of people in the morning, rain is expected to play Halo in the world

I am in the rain for many people, the destruction of the world are expected to play Halo

Oct 7, 2009 at 2:23 AM
Level 73 Procrastinator
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Apr 6, 2009
Location: Forgotten Tower
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Oops, missed some posts

MetaSeraphim said:
Does this really count as a game? It would be better suited for Forum-Based Games if so.
Cyowolf1122 said:
Nah, I don't think so. It's just good ol' random fun.

With words and translators.

That spew the strangest combinations of words I have ever seen.
Yeah, I wasn't completely sure it was a game in itself, but it's so darn fun that I thought it'd be fine here.
If it's in the wrong spot, though, please move it.
That gives me an idea! :rolleyes:

Alright, seeing how you guys seemed to enjoy these, how about a game?
It'd be great if you'd all join in, but please try to stick to the rules to prevent the game from spiraling into chaos. {As I've seen happen to quiet a few others}