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Borderlands 2 and Co-Op!

Jul 14, 2013 at 7:05 AM
Melon Lord
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So, I bought the BL2 Season Pass while it was at a discount. Figured that while I'm returning to play the game, why not bring some friends along for the ride?

Then this thread was made, both for discussion on this insane madhouse of a game, and members of the forums who own said insane madhouse gathering together to have some fun, get some loot, and PUNCH SOME MIDGETS IN. THE. DICK.

I'm currently planning on making a Mechromancer (Gaige) from scratch, with a focus on 'Ordered Chaos' AKA COMPLETE AND TOTAL ANARCHY! Why? Because the idea of having -700% Accuracy, but being able to hit like a train if just a single stray bullet hits someone is hilarious to me.

So how about you guys? Got anything to say? Any plans? We could always schedule something.
Jul 14, 2013 at 1:25 PM
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You know that I'm in! I'm not sure how much time I want to put towards playing it because I'm working on becoming a game developer and I have a day job, which means I don't have a whole ton of time to play around. But yeah, there's no way I'm missing a fun-filled Cave Story group Borderlands 2 co-op massacre.

When we have 4 people, we should schedule something I guess. I'm on Pacific time and I'm almost always free between 2PM to 10PM. I tend to have Mondays and Wednesdays off work, but it's never a sure thing, and it might change.

Also, I do have a mic, which is EXTREMELY useful with co-op anything.
Jul 15, 2013 at 9:51 AM
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I finally broke down and bought it... (late night loss of inhabition = shopping sprees)
So count me in :D

For now I'm around quite a bit on Steam~
Jul 15, 2013 at 8:43 PM
Melon Lord
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Dunc2403 said:
You guys don't suppose I could play with you on my xbox, do you
Assuming 3 PC players in Borderlands 2 can play (connect/compatibility, I dunno) with someone on the Xbox, sure! We need one person to fill in the last spot anyway.
Jul 16, 2013 at 10:55 PM
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"What is a man!? A miserable pile of secrets! But enough talk, have at you!"
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The first Co-Op was pretty fun, though I missed most of the story the first time... everything was new; and was focused on Figuring out How to Play D:

Looking forward to another session now that I'm hopefully getting better~

I mentioned I'd post some of the characters I started :

^ Here's the first character we played with, used him in during the game.
I call him "Zero"... in honor of Mega Man Zero's Zero. :D Kinda looks like him to me...
Had a lot of trouble figuring out how to play with him. Easy to die... Can't melee with the Z-Blade too well :/


^ This is the character I played with next. I call him "Spelunky"
No whip sadly, but he has a mean shotgun...

The rest of the images are characters I might use :

Can't think of a good name for him. Who does he look like...


^ I was going to call her Curly Brace; and tried to find a Curly Brace look, but sadly... Well, I'll have to think of a new name...
(She is actually slightly altered from a user mod, so others won't see her looking exactly the same without the mod.)


And this Maya is a pretty different look... Thought about using her, but maybe there's another look... hmmm
Oh, and I did make a "Misery" once lol...
Jul 17, 2013 at 12:00 AM
Melon Lord
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Well, those certainly look like good costumes. Anyways, we're still looking for a 4th person. We're at level 9 or 10, but that's about to change since we're going to start another session.

Which is gonna be livestreamed, if anyone wants to watch. Just click the link in my signature.
Aug 2, 2013 at 3:17 AM
Ms. Haze
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I can join, but I'm a level 40...
(even though I only started like 3 weeks ago...)
Aug 2, 2013 at 4:16 AM
Melon Lord
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Actually currently we're like, Level 26 and about to uh, get Control Core Angel (We already got to the Bunker, we just had to stop). So, if we keep going at the pace we're going (AKA Lots of sidequest stuff and the like before moving on to the Story), maybe we'll get high enough so you can join us on True Vault Hunter Mode without having you do all the work.
Aug 2, 2013 at 4:38 AM
Ms. Haze
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That would be nice, but I doubt it, 'cause I keep leveling up...
(I was a level 32 two days ago)
Aug 2, 2013 at 5:25 AM
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Hey there, hate9! Actually, once the three of us complete the main story, we could have you power level us and see how fast it works (my brother got power leveled VERY fast), and we could all work toward the current level cap, which is 61. The level cap will be 72 around the end of October, along with T.K Baha's Bloody Harvest campaign, which I'm very much looking forward to (it's a little extra $$, but it will totally be worth it).

Personally, after going through the main story with X and Jon, I wanted to play the Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep campaign with them to try to get leveled up all the way, as it is very enjoyable DLC. I started into it a little with my level 50 character, but I haven't played much of it at all because it was so good that I wanted my first play through to be with other people (because it's way more fun that way).

So yeah, tl;dr, once the three of us beat the main story, we could join you and get power leveled (hopefully it would be quick). If you don't want to, that's fine. It generally is the most fun when everyone is within 5 levels of each other. Even then, the lower level people usually can't deal optimal damage.

I've had BL2 ever since it first released and I never even hit the first level cap (50) until fairly recently, all because the guys I used to play with kinda fell off the face of the earth into something called Dota 2. It's very slow going, leveling up by one's self, and also not nearly as enjoyable. I haven't even gotten a chance to play the first massive ending boss to get all kinds of awesome loot, because I doubt I'd survive alone.
Oct 6, 2013 at 4:48 AM
Melon Lord
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Hey, for anyone out there who still cares/is interested, the folks over at Borderlands 2 are having a $100,000 Loot Hunt.

Though, the cash prizes are only for the U.S. Citizens. Sorry about that, rest of the world. Least you can get the virtual loot.
Oct 6, 2013 at 5:43 PM
Ms. Haze
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Oh yeah! I heard about that yesterday!
Nov 5, 2013 at 5:25 PM
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JonSpider said:
Hey, for anyone out there who still cares/is interested, the folks over at Borderlands 2 are having a $100,000 Loot Hunt.

Though, the cash prizes are only for the U.S. Citizens. Sorry about that, rest of the world. Least you can get the virtual loot.
Wow..... why is it that everything wants my time these days? I can't afford to try for it, so I'll just have to pretend that I have zero chance of winning anything in the first place. But I hope somebody here wins something! Good luck!
Jan 23, 2014 at 12:19 AM
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Most if not all of the videos I've seen of Borderlands 2 were those making fun of the ridiculous glitches in it.