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Oct 10, 2007 at 3:48 PM
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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Ehh i'll try... >< Doesn't seem to work for me though... Just for your information, I'm using Windows Vista so... Is there anything wrong with Vista that is wrecking up the paint program? >.>

Edit: ok so far i've tried editing the MyChar.pbm file. I managed to save it back to .pbm format. The thing is when i start the game it gives me the all-hated error massage. -.-"

Edit 2 (to save myself from spam accusations): Same for everything else! OMFG. Please tell me whats wrong?

I still don't know how they work. What makes which image on that black screen show on the game when you press a certain button? It seems like a mess of images to me still >< I'm really a nub so please help? :rolleyes:
Oct 10, 2007 at 5:28 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Read the threads its about the (C)Pixel problem.
Oct 11, 2007 at 8:11 AM
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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I don't understand most of it... Thats why i'm in the noobs section ^^

It would help if someone gave me the link to the (C)Pixel stuff and all about hexxing
Oct 11, 2007 at 12:47 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Sorry, we can't make a thread for every new member here, the questions were already answered over 9000 times. Just read the threads :rolleyes:
Oct 11, 2007 at 1:14 PM
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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Hmmz. Actually thats not what I meant but its ok nvm. Don't wanna bother you guys too much ><. I'll just search till i find it. Thanks anyways :rolleyes:
Oct 12, 2007 at 12:08 PM
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Oct 15, 2007 at 11:56 AM
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I would like to apologise before I start asking my questions.

What does TSC mean? And what are flags for? Sorry, but I really need some 1-on-1 tutoring. Because I can't understand most tutorials. And this is my first time using Sue's Workshop.
Oct 22, 2007 at 10:42 PM
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"Fresh from the Bakery"
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I'll just start off by thanking Gardebiter, I have lurked on and off (well, mostly in the past week) absorbing information about hacking Cave Story.

I have a recent problem with horizontal/vertical triggers - I was messing around with the nifty "platforms appearing after you pass a trigger" effect and I noticed that, for some reason, they seem to be 'locked' into a certain y position despite event placement within the editor. For example, in my map of height 20, it appears that vertical triggers are placed no less(higher?) than position 14, meaning that at one point you'd have to pass underneath a platform to generate the next one - not really all that useful ;_;.

No other blocks are blocking the 'path' of the event except those blocks that are created - and the blocks are placed under the event. It's sort of driving me nuts. <_<
Oct 25, 2007 at 5:13 PM
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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Mosgerion said:
I'll just start off by thanking Gardebiter, I have lurked on and off (well, mostly in the past week) absorbing information about hacking Cave Story.

I have a recent problem with horizontal/vertical triggers - I was messing around with the nifty "platforms appearing after you pass a trigger" effect and I noticed that, for some reason, they seem to be 'locked' into a certain y position despite event placement within the editor. For example, in my map of height 20, it appears that vertical triggers are placed no less(higher?) than position 14, meaning that at one point you'd have to pass underneath a platform to generate the next one - not really all that useful ;_;.

No other blocks are blocking the 'path' of the event except those blocks that are created - and the blocks are placed under the event. It's sort of driving me nuts. <_<

Gosh... People who are newer to this forum than me know a hell lot more than me... I feel ashamed :o (emo)(emo)

I don't even understand what the Flag ID affects and what on earth a flag is lol.
Oct 26, 2007 at 11:00 PM
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*headscratch* That's an odd problem you have. I honestly don't see what's wrong in your setup. By all means, it *should* work...

The only thing I can suggest is that if you can post the map here (or PM it to me if you want to keep it secret), and I'll take a look at it myself and see if I can diagnose the problem.
Look in your /data/stage folder and locate three files -- mapname.pxe, mapname.pxm, and mapname.tsc, where 'mapname' is (obviously hehe) the filename of the map in question... the original game uses 'eggs' for the Egg Corridor and the Mimiga village is 'mimi', for example.
If you could zip those and send them over, I promise I'll take a look at it. No guarantees on a solution, but hey, it's worth a shot. ;P
Oct 28, 2007 at 9:53 PM
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J-j-j-j-j-JACK ATTACK!

(Hehe, delete this message with the above if ya want... it just felt necessary at the moment. :p )
Nov 4, 2007 at 12:17 PM
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Helloes. I'm sure this is a pretty sad thing to ask, but I couldn't find it anywhere, throughout SW, the FAQ, and anywhere else I could think of.

I've looked at the scripts, and it definitely seems easy enough for me to comprehend. However, I have problems seeing how everything's connected. There are event numbers inside singles scripts, which I suppose can be called from within the script, and there are global scripts that can be called from every script, somehow. SW told me that whenever you select 'New Game', the engine will automatically go to event 200 of the start map. Does this mean the engine will call event 200 of Null or event 200 of Start Point? What decides the start map, anyways?

EDIT: Here I've made a very crude script that I'll use for my mod - the opening scene. Please point out any errors. I've done my best in using other scripts as reference, but I may still have some errors. Also, I need to know how to point the engine at it whenever it first starts up so that I can test it out! Anything after a semicolon is a comment and will not be included in the script. Also, the characters aren't original but they're all I have to work with at the moment.


<KEY<SPS<CMU0000<WAI0100<SOU0101<WAI0020<SOU0035<WAI0200 ;start helicopter sound, hear some missiles.
<ANP0000:0000:0002  ;helicopter moves into view
<FON0000:0000 ;focus view on helicopter
<MSG<FAC0010We're nearing the Island...<NOD<CLR   ;show Kazuma's face.
<MSG<FAC0022They shouldn't be able to see us from this angle...<NOD<CLR  ;show Momorin's face
<MSGQuote, Are you ready?<YNJ0101<CLR  ;ask yes/no. If no, go to #0101
<MSG<FAC0022Good. Hold on. Kazuma, It's time.<NOD<CLO
<SOU0035<MSGAAHH!<NOD<CLO<ANP0000:0000:0010<DNP0000  ;everyone dies after going off-screen (not really)


<MSG<FAC0022Booster was right... You're already gaining personal preferences.<NOD<CLRPlease don't adapt to become a killer...<CLRMake you decisions wisely, Quote.<CLRYou may be our only hope.<NOD<CLO
<SOU0035<MSGAAHH!<NOD<CLO<ANP0000:0000:0010<DNP0000  ;everyone dies after going off-screen (not really)

If there is anywhere else I may not have looked, please notify me!

- keantoken
Nov 4, 2007 at 2:49 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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keantoken said:
Does this mean the engine will call event 200 of Null or event 200 of Start Point? What decides the start map, anyways?

Quotes Start Point - Look into the FAQ if you want to know, how to set it.
Nov 4, 2007 at 3:02 PM
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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keantoken said:
Does this mean the engine will call event 200 of Null or event 200 of Start Point? What decides the start map, anyways?

It will call event 200 of Start Point.

And... YOu can choose your start map in Sue's Workshop by click Game Settings in the Tools Menu.

Also, you can set your character start position on the starting map by right clicking and clicking "Set start position" or something like that.

Nov 4, 2007 at 3:17 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Metalogz said:
It will call event 200 of Start Point.

And... YOu can choose your start map in Sue's Workshop by click Game Settings in the Tools Menu.

No that's wrong, its just as I said :x

S. P. Gardebiter said:
Quotes Start Point - Look into the FAQ if you want to know, how to set it.
Nov 4, 2007 at 9:02 PM
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Okay, I'm starting to figure things out. Refer to my mod thread for an example of my progress.

- keantoken
Nov 7, 2007 at 11:33 PM
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I have another question! (The previous one was never completely resolved, but I changed the level around and was probably some strange setting I completely forgot to check. Oh well.)

This is purely from a lazy standpoint -- is there a way to copy a map? More specifically (because I could just copy the pxe/pxm/tsc files), where is the "ID" of the map stored? For example, First Cave is #12 in Sue's Workshop. I know that I'll probably have to dig around with a Hex Editor, but I'm just not sure where. >_>
Nov 7, 2007 at 11:38 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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First Cave is just map number 12 thats all.
I don't get why you need the number?
Nov 8, 2007 at 7:33 AM
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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Oh... thats weird... I'm learning the wrong things :D

And maybe he needs the number to set which map a door leads to... It uses the map number. :D

edit: Err Hex Editor? Ok maybe I don't know why you need it. I only know you need it in Sue's Workshop =S

Sue's workshop ftw!
Nov 9, 2007 at 9:10 PM
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"Fresh from the Bakery"
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I only recently remembered...
I realize that it probably isn't most modders' worry, but does anyone know how to remap the keys? I've gotten used to playing with my azerty keyboard, but it still tires me to stretch out my fingers to reach out for both z and x at the same time...