Ok, I haven't worked on this in a little while, and I figured I'd post an update on what's what.
First of all, you may want to have a look at this little toy:
click me!
Injector isn't just for assembly, but for absolutely anything. The way the project is going, if it's binary and can be described somehow, Injector can edit and re-inject the data into an executable. This includes NPC data, scripts, and even specialized decompilers to view weapon/NPC/etc code in plain english! You can probably see where I'm going with this...
So. Cons: it will be a long while before there are purdy fancy buttons to click. It'll be very text-mode for a while. Pros: not only can new editors be added in very little time, anyone can have a look at what's going on and change the editors around to suit their needs. Also, it beats having the project on standby.
And, I expect a usable version of Injector will be out in a week or so, which also means some editable stuff for CS.