I seem to be reading your last few posts about ten times before actually understanding them fully.

At least I'm getting them.
Have a look at the NPC guide I posted in the NPC thread.
Alas, the link has expired. i could have sworn I took a look at that at some point, but a search turned up nothing.
Being the regular idiot that I am, I got thinking that the hex for 16 was 0F. No. It's 10. A search of that came up with...
00487A72 FF 75 F0 push [ebp-0010]
00487A75 FF 75 10 push [ebp+0010]
It might be something completely wrong, but it matches what I'm searching for. The only other search came up with:
00487B54 FF 75 F0 push [ebp-0010]
00487B57 57 push edi
So I don't think that's it.
I'm about to test it, so I'll edit this post to let you all know.
No, failure. I don't know what it did, but I didn't stick around to find out. I kept a backup copy, so it's all good. However. The reason I think it failed was because I missed the
Before those commands. This makes me almost certain that i'm looking for the wrong register command, but, well, I have no idea.
Edit2: That shouldn't be a register command, should it? It's not a temporary variable, so there shouldn't be any need for the [ebp+0x10], it should just be push 0010, or even push 10? There has to be a command around linking it to the fact that there are however many sprites in the MyChar, but i don't know whether that would be a pointer, or a figure.