While i'm against copy-and-pasting other artstyles, re-drawing other drawings that inspire you is certainly not a bad idea. You'll be able to see the more subtle ideas that the artist put in her/his work which you might not have picked up just by looking at it. Not saying that you should make an entire replica but a simple black-white drawing works just fine too, the real point is to understand why it's drawn this way and why it's appealing to you!
Most notably is that people seem to miss out on the techniques of streching and squashing, exaggeration and all that fun stuff. When just drawing from real-life you could start to think that anatomy should be adhered by with an iron fist, and that any deviancy from your inner 3D model of a human being is automatically terrible. It's a good idea if you want to draw realistic and
only realistic stuff, but with cartoons it would be useful to break anatomy every now and then to exaggerate emotions/poses. Taking
this for example by one of my favorite artists, Vivzmind. Note how the fox's smile is streching all the way to the side of the face and allmost to the ear, it's anatomically impossible but it still just looks better that way!
You really shouldn't publish these replica drawings anywhere though, that's pointless when there's a better version out there (not to mention it's kinda jerkish to the author). It really isn't something to be ashamed of as a learning tool, as i've noticed your mind seems to pick up other artstyles subconsiously anyway. From when i've made my beginnings in art i've been drawing with the same guy for years, and as a result
our artstyles are still kinda similar over the years. He likes anime a lot and you can kinda see that back in his art aswell.
But even then, like Dorsu said draw w/e you want. If you don't give a shit about exaggeration, ignore it and just do things like you've done as always. Don't let people tell you what you should be drawing if you don't like it.
Whoa, i'm rambling for a bit again

Nice drawing, BLink! Ever thought of drawing other birds? You seem to be pretty good at that.