Thanks! Your watermelon is pretty beautiful, too!EnlightenedOne said:I don't have as much experience and talent as these professionals ^
(Those facial expressions are amazing ElecMaw...)
Actually, Why don't I do the inking for you, then you can just do the coloring? It could split your time in half(I'm pretty decent at inking).ElecMaw said:I would love to, but i think it would take an eternity to do them all. I can draw some of them, if you guys have any you'd like to see colored in.
Are you going to ink them, as in with actual ink or with digital tools?Ultimate Nerd-meister said:Actually, Why don't I do the inking for you, then you can just do the coloring? It could split your time in half(I'm pretty decent at inking).
Not really... Okay, kinda.Randolf said:I see you left this poor thread...
Have you tried looking in electronics stores like Best Buy or Radioshack, or maybe an art supply store perhaps(I too have a drawing tablet, but I hardly ever use itElecMaw said:Doesn't help that i'm busy with another big drawing... So i'm just going to have to buy a new one, but i can only find them on the internet for outrageous prices. Blah.
I use "Model Creator v5.0", which is a modeling program designed to make models for use in Game Maker, and it can also export as .obj. It's a very simplistic modeling program. In addition to that, I used Paint.NET for making the textures that get put onto the model. It doesn't look quite like a 3D model because I used a heavy sharpen effect that ended up doing cool things to the edges, but you can still see the how the edges really are pretty jagged in places. After the sharpening, I also did some color corrections and contrast stuff and ended up with that.Randolf said:Nice one!
It doesn't look like a 3D model for me.
What programs do you use?
Just somewhat small, but I don't mind
Click on the attached picture and it will get a LOT bigger!but i used the horrible "attach file" feature on here so its pretty small now...