Aug 18, 2009 at 2:19 AM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
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Aug 18, 2009 at 2:22 AM
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DragonBoots said:
Shut up, Molly.

I thought we were under the agreement not to call each other these things outside of our S&M sessions where you struggle futilely and I dominate you and tear your rectum asunder, furniture? But yeah, regardless of this, you breaking the agreement just seems like a remarkably petty thing to do, no? I mean, that's the only thing of which you are able? You're incapable of presenting an actual argument? Not that anyone could do such a thing, given how perfect my presentations are. Well, I guess I can't expect much more from furniture, who can't even reach the level of a human.
Aug 18, 2009 at 2:22 AM
The Town Bicycle *cough*
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I snipe people from my couch!

-drops to her hands and knees-
Aug 18, 2009 at 2:28 AM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
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Kageryushin said:
I thought we were under the agreement not to call each other these things outside of our S&M sessions where you struggle futilely and I dominate you and tear your rectum asunder, furniture? But yeah, regardless of this, you breaking the agreement just seems like a remarkably petty thing to do, no? I mean, that's the only thing of which you are able? You're incapable of presenting an actual argument? Not that anyone could do such a thing, given how perfect my presentations are. Well, I guess I can't expect much more from furniture, who can't even reach the level of a human.

As I have surely stated before, Molly, your words do not phase me. I simply speak the words that everyone else needs to say. To re itterate: Shut up, Molly. Nobody cares.
Aug 18, 2009 at 2:28 AM
The Town Bicycle *cough*
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Aug 18, 2009 at 2:35 AM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
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Ignore him.
Aug 18, 2009 at 2:37 AM
The Town Bicycle *cough*
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yes master...
Aug 18, 2009 at 3:08 AM
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DragonBoots said:
As I have surely stated before, Molly, your words do not phase me. I simply speak the words that everyone else needs to say. To reiterate: Shut up, Molly. Nobody cares.

Ah, your words are soooo scathing, furniture. Somebody wants to it to be extra rough, doesn't he? Obviously, your oh-so obligated voice speaks for everyone, doesn't it now? Heheh, sarcasm is fun. See how I subtly put in the fact that it was sarcasm into my post? Furniture like you probably couldn't comprehend it any other way.
Aug 18, 2009 at 3:10 AM
The Town Bicycle *cough*
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-Trembles as she stands in front of DB-
Aug 18, 2009 at 3:11 AM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
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Kageryushin said:
Ah, your words are soooo scathing, furniture. Somebody wants to it to be extra rough, doesn't he? Obviously, your oh-so obligated voice speaks for everyone, doesn't it now? Heheh, sarcasm is fun. See how I subtly put in the fact that it was sarcasm into my post? Furniture like you probably couldn't comprehend it any other way.

Because you are young, I'll let that slide.
But from where I come from, there are penalties for when a woman speaks her mind.
And I mearly spoke for the majority.
Aug 18, 2009 at 3:17 AM
The Town Bicycle *cough*
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DragonBoots said:
But from where I come from, there are penalties for when a woman speaks her mind.
Aug 18, 2009 at 3:19 AM
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"Ha! Ha! Ha! Mega Man is no match for my Mimiga Man!"
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Calling me a young woman? Fool, I might be as beautiful as one, but I am also as handsome as the manliest man you have ever seen. I'm a perfect being that transcends concepts like your insignificant "gender" and "age."

And the majority, is it? You mean Fabulous? Because he's the only person to speak out against me, and he's a moron. MS doesn't speak out against me at all. You, Jacob, and Whyme don't count because you're all furniture. Actually, Whyme is less than furniture so she counts even less than nothing. And who are my followers that I can think of right off the top of my head? Shi, the most active admin, Schoko, Jcys, and Roonil. These four especially.

Really now, you doth protest my reign too much.
Aug 18, 2009 at 3:22 AM
The Town Bicycle *cough*
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You are nothing...

even compared to me...

Aug 18, 2009 at 3:27 AM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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Kageryushin said:
Calling me a young woman? Fool, I might be as beautiful as one, but I am also as handsome as the manliest man you have ever seen. I'm a perfect being that transcends concepts like your insignificant "gender" and "age."

And the majority, is it? You mean Fabulous? Because he's the only person to speak out against me, and he's a moron. MS doesn't speak out against me at all. You, Jacob, and Whyme don't count because you're all furniture. Actually, Whyme is less than furniture so she counts even less than nothing. And who are my followers that I can think of right off the top of my head? Shi, the most active admin, Schoko, Jcys, and Roonil. These four especially.

Really now, you doth protest my reign too much.

But seriously, Kage.
You believe that because they supposedly 'follow' you, that you are some kind of 'king'?
I will grant that Schoko does meet the criteria, but only just.
Jcys and Roon are virtually dead.
And Garde is a self-admitted drunkard.
Mearly because you devolve yourself into believing these facts does not make them true.
Wake up and smell the cinnamon tea, Kage.
You are alone, surrounded by your own imaginings.

Or, if I might save you a moment of your 'invaluble' time, the tl;dr version:
Hell, I barely care enough to get out of bed.
Aug 18, 2009 at 3:32 AM
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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DragonBoots said:
But seriously, Kage.
You believe that because they supposedly 'follow' you, that you are some kind of 'king'?
I will grant that Schoko does meet the criteria, but only just.
Jcys and Roon are virtually dead.
And Garde is a self-admitted drunkard.
Mearly because you devolve yourself into believing these facts does not make them true.
Wake up and smell the cinnamon tea, Kage.
You are alone, surrounded by your own imaginings.

Or, if I might save you a moment of your 'invaluble' time, the tl;dr version:
Hell, I barely care enough to get out of bed.

You seem to care enough to try and be righteous.
Aug 18, 2009 at 3:34 AM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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Fire1052 said:
You seem to care enough to try and be righteous.

Fill-in-the-blank database of these things.
I'm actually looking at porn. =/
Aug 18, 2009 at 3:34 AM
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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Age: 29
Cool story, bro.
Aug 18, 2009 at 3:35 AM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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Aug 18, 2009 at 3:37 AM
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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Aug 18, 2009 at 3:38 AM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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