Being a human in Mimiga form, I still count him as human, and put his age (from the BEST ending) at around 33-37Ryuuoutan said:...What about Itoh then? What would his age be in mimiga form?
Nabi said:10 years ago she was a child, and I say Kazuma is around 28-33, being around 18-22 when they left.
they said since she was a child, she had no choice but to come along, because there was no one else left to take care of her, so I think she's about 15-23 years old, being 5-13 when they went up...
well, probably around a few months (looking at the chopper and a few other things...)T-Jack said:Um... are you assuming that they went to the Island ten years ago? 'Cause, y'know, that's when the War took place. The team arrived at the Island a few months prior to the game, tops.
replaying the game, I have to agree on 20-21, with sue being a teenager around 15.Captain Fabulous said:My goodness that is a massive age difference. And how old does Moromin look to you? She'd have to be about 45 at the youngest, which I HIGHLY doubt she is, since she looks like she's still in her twenties and has been living in a cave. Kazuma must be like 20 or 19.
Yea, I just finished the bomb thing(again), and he does seem the 20-21...T-Jack said:Heh. Anyway, I thought Kazuma was younger, around 20.
well, being cockroaches that don't have a clue what they are guarding...Captain Fabulous said:Okay, now how long do you think the Gaudi live? I say 20 years on average.
well, think of the growth of a real cockroach, for example.Captain Fabulous said:They probably know what they're guarding. And they're capable of speech, so it can't be that short.
Oh, for that, they peddle in more eggs from the holes in the walls. (lol)Captain Fabulous said:Obviously they can reproduce in the time it takes for Quote to enter a building and then exit it.
Ha.PunxsatownyPhil said:Chaco, 15 or so. Is a prostitute to 'work off' her war memories that ruined her childhood and created her daddy issues.
What?PunxsatownyPhil said:Ironhead: 103
Monster X cat: 8