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Ages of the characters

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Aug 8, 2009 at 2:52 AM
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Aug 8, 2009 at 3:04 AM
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Aug 8, 2009 at 3:58 AM
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Aug 8, 2009 at 4:36 AM
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Captain Fabulous said:
Korons: 4
The Korons would have to be 10. Their parents died in the war. That is why I suggested maturity at 13 earlier, because 10 obviously isn't quite there yet.
Aug 8, 2009 at 9:54 PM
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I love how people are trying to compare the Mimiga to rabbits and give them the average lifespan of a dog or cat. They live in a cave (no sun) and feed off flowers (I have no idea how they can safely grow without sun).

Their island is high in the sky, so oxygen must be sparse and it must be cold. Yet they still survive.

I would say they have the average lifespan of a human. The reason they remember nothing of the war is because they do not want to remember it. That's why they say red flowers "kill" people: So that nobody eats them and goes on a murderous rampage. How they came to completely forget the thing is beyond my knowledge, but Jenka or someone else might have done a spell that erased their memories or something. Ballos had been in the sacred grounds for a long time already, so it probably wasn't him.

I would say Kazuma is twenty years old whilst Sue is about the same age as Toroko; that's why they get around so easily. Misery, Jenka, Ballos are probably hundreds year old.

Ballos is Jenka's little brother, so he is younger. Misery is her daughter, so she is younger.

I have a little theory about Booster, so I won't list his probable age yet.
Aug 8, 2009 at 10:14 PM
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I like to think that Toroko is younger than Sue. I always felt that they had a "Big Sister, Little Sister" relationship, which is why Toroko looks up to Sue so much.
Aug 9, 2009 at 2:53 AM
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Yeah, when I posted the Koron's age I forgot about that line... but is it really in there? Because I don't remember it. Ah well, I'll take your word for it.
As for Toroko, I absolutely think that she is younger than Sue. Not by a whole lot, still close enough to be friends, but they are not the same age.
Aug 9, 2009 at 8:06 PM
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Wild Desu said:
I like to think that Toroko is younger than Sue. I always felt that they had a "Big Sister, Little Sister" relationship, which is why Toroko looks up to Sue so much.

I like to think it's more than that.
Aug 9, 2009 at 8:23 PM
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If you're trying to be the other other Jacob, stop. Right now. Jacob holds his place in these forums and you will never measure up to him, you will only be shamed.
So anyway...
This is where we start getting off-topic because there's nothing more to discuss. In about 10 pages this thread will become a cesspool of dumb posts, and after that it's anyone's guess as to how long that goes on for.
Aug 9, 2009 at 8:28 PM
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Sick Bastard said:
I like to think it's more than that.
Because you're Sick Bastard.

As for the Korons, I'm not sure if their parents actually were killed in the War, since I don't recall ever seeing that line in the game (and if it's not used in the game, I don't consider it canon). They could've been born to a couple that was just before adoulthood during the War, and thus was spared.
Aug 9, 2009 at 8:41 PM
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Sick Bastard said:
I like to think it's more than that.
You know what's a little sad is that Sue and Toroko is the only common pair of characters I don't think of like that.

On topic: The Korons always seemed around 6 or 7ish to me, but by the logic of the war it would have to put them at around age 10. Not knowing the average lifespan of mimigas makes this a little confusing.
Aug 10, 2009 at 12:28 AM
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I think they're all 14.
all of them.

I mean, think of the possibilities! Mimiga world would be OSM.
Aug 10, 2009 at 1:08 AM
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Now that I think of it, King seems more like a mature 16 or 17 as opposed to my original 21. Like he had a rough childhood (being in the war possibly) and mentally matured earlier, but is still relatively young.
Aug 10, 2009 at 1:35 AM
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Lace said:
I think they're all 14.
all of them.

I mean, think of the possibilities! Mimiga world would be OSM.
Yeah, I can totally see Toroko being 14. If she's a "special" child.
Also, an entire world full of 14-year-olds is a horrible idea, and would probably only appeal to 14-year-olds. Unless OSM doesn't mean what I think it means? 'Oral Satisfaction Market"?
ON TOPIC TIEM: What did we figure out, Jacob? Your own personal theory?
Aug 10, 2009 at 4:22 AM
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Moupi said:
I love how people are trying to compare the Mimiga to rabbits and give them the average lifespan of a dog or cat. They live in a cave (no sun) and feed off flowers (I have no idea how they can safely grow without sun).
I regards to the sun thing, just because there is no sunlight doesn't mean that there is no light. There are numerous theories around the subject of light sources but all we can confirm is that there is light and that we don't know where it comes from.

Mimigas also eat fish btw.

Moupi said:
Their island is high in the sky, so oxygen must be sparse and it must be cold. Yet they still survive.
They have fur.
The caverns would trap in heat.
We on Earth would have species that have evolved to fit in with such conditions, so why not Mimigas?
And I think I recall that oxygen becomes sparse as you go deeper underground as well.
Aug 10, 2009 at 7:25 PM
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andwhyisit said:
And I think I recall that oxygen becomes sparse as you go deeper underground as well.
So if they're in a deep cave floating high up in the sky, the air must be very thin there.
Also, it can't be too cold or thin or whatever else, because all the humans wear for warmth is a long white jacket, which they sometimes leave unbuttoned. So the average temperature must be above 10 degrees (Celcius, Muricuns) in the caves or the humans would be freezing.
God damn this is so off-topic. What does the weather have to do with how long they live? I think we've agreed that Mimigas live about the same time as humans, and sorted out all the ages of the characters except for the immortal ones.
Speaking of which, does it say anywhere in the game that Ballos is Jenka's younger brother? I thought he was an older brother.
Aug 10, 2009 at 11:47 PM
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Captain Fabulous said:
I think we've agreed that Mimigas live about the same time as humans
No. We agreed that they mature in the same amount of time. The lifespans being guessed are anywhere from 30 to 50 years.
Aug 19, 2009 at 9:18 AM
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I don't recall it ever saying older/younger, but since I decided to play through it again, I will try to find it out before some other sneaky people do :p
Aug 19, 2009 at 6:43 PM
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andwhyisit said:
No. We agreed that they mature in the same amount of time. The lifespans being guessed are anywhere from 30 to 50 years.
Fine, if you want to be like that, be like that. KILL THEM OFF EARLY why don't you?

Aaanyway, I'm positive that no one ever says anything about Sue's or Toroko's age, aside from perhaps that they're young.
Aug 19, 2009 at 11:51 PM
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andwhyisit said:
Misery is not that old, most of her life has been in stasis. She is severely limited with her magic compared to Ballos or Jenka.

Jenka has been around for a long time, though do I believe that she is only capable of extending her life and has limits.

Ballos on the other hand seems to have been incapable of dying from old age.

Most of the Mimiga were either killed or "never seen again" as of the end of the war. All of the Mimiga were either young or old with nothing inbetween ten years after the war. Who would enlist the young or the elderly in a war?

The 15 year lifespan thing is almost plausible though. But then what is with the whole age gap thing? Everyone besides Zett look young. Not to mention that (if I recall) Zett is Chie's grandfather, which is difficult to pull off with a 15 year lifespan.

Actually, King doesnt seem young.
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