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A Story.

Jun 3, 2011 at 6:17 AM
Been here way too long...
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This thread wasn't marked as unread when you posted. So that's why.
Good work as usual, multiple sclerosis.
Jun 7, 2011 at 10:15 PM
graters gonna grate
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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As many of you might have guessed, I'm writing a story. I'm depriving myself of access to the forums until I finish the story, so I have incentive to finish it. I'm only posting this now because I accidentally closed my browser and had to reopen it (don't worry, I backed up my progress on the story to a text document). And apparently there've been some more stories in my absence, including one about me, so even more incentive.
Jun 7, 2011 at 10:49 PM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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This fucking thread.

Is beautiful.
Dec 25, 2011 at 5:40 AM
"In Soviet Russia, graves keep YOU!"
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this is not for the faint of heart (i.e. nsfw)
if you need context for this than read the rest of the thread
breaking off the kiss, woc stared into lace's eyes. lace was shocked, pleasantly surprised; he'd been waiting for that kiss for years. he pressed his mouth to cheese's once more. his lips were so soft, and his breath smelled sweet, and faintly of a rich cheese. defuckinglecious.

"No homo, Lace, but you are a great kisser".

lace let out a laugh and tackled woc onto the grass, lust having overtaken his body. above them, the moon has recently risen. it shines a beautiful, pearly white. some stars are visible, and the light reflects across the ocean.

lace undoes the buttons on woc's trousers. woc shivers, but the cold wouldn't be an issue much longer. they both let out a jittery sigh, full of apprehension and excitement for the upcoming fucking.

both body's were completely bare now. they admired each other. woc's eyes traced the contours of lace's body, lingering on his stormy blue eyes, his strong chest, and his long shaft.

both were ready, the air was fucking electric and shit. woc was the one to bend over. lace took over, sliding his penis into woc's ass, using the dew from the grass as lubricant.

the next few minutes were magical. a sensual dance between woc and lace that ended with both bodies having each other's jizz all over them. by the end, they were both exhausted, and happy.

they took a swim in the ocean to wash off, than returned to the camp. yakkers smirked at them when they entered (everyone else was asleep). woc looked him in the eyes and said "not a fucking word". yakkers than went back to sleep, as did lace and woc.

Dec 25, 2011 at 8:35 AM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
Join Date: Oct 22, 2011
Location: The Plane of Dreams
Posts: 102
This seems were you can place a random story. Now here my dark one

" Sad, so very sad", my Aunt said as my mom was loweered into the ground. The funeral ended after that, but I knew that this was not the end. They say she died of a stroke and they say they have evidence. Bull Shit. My mom was killed in cold murder. Probully a poison that cause a colt to form in the brain, causing death looking like a stroke. They covered up it up as drug overdose, but I know the truth. They will die. If I don't end this, my dad is next. And I wll not allow that. A couple of day afterward I gather my Items, and left. I traveled lightly, know that food would only be a burdon. I taveled day and night, Going through place not even a soldier would dream about. Bunch of peaches they are. I meet some people along, trying to "help me. The blood comes off rather quickly with a little bleach. Two week later, and a couple of "parties", I arrived at my destination. he guards did not stand a chance. The miltia was a bunch of coaroches. The Isralialen Merc. were pathetic. I reach the courtyard. " You came." I did not flinch when I saw her, my mentor, Viod. " You have done better than I expected. I like the way you broke him down and drive him insane. With you stare." She was a fine women. Sure she caused a lot of wars, like the one in Iraq, but she was alright. until she tried to make me her succersor. I ran away, with my mom as well. She could have stayed, finished her training and became a top rank like I had, but she was tired of it too. I was 4 when I left. " We settle this now. We may have fought before, but this is the end. Of your reality." She sighed, her face tured serious. " i though you would join us, see the light, but you always saw the dark, I thought your mum's death would shine it on you, but it worked to no avail", she said as drew her blade," You know who I am, right? I am the one who raised you to be perfect. You went beyond. But you did not want to be the next Succesor. Why?" she said as she got into stance. The White Lily, if I recall. She must be warming up. I smiled, a won as cold as snow," Because, my dear Alexia, I do note believe in the fate you have proclaimed. Never have, have, never will." She sprang at me. I waited. I killed her in Minutes. In her hands was a key to a safe. I opened It. In it Was a letter and a long black box. All it said was, " The begining of the of Darkness." I the box was my prize, a weapon that could destroy the world in a day. Not that I need it. " She never learned that light burns you as it shines. Darkness may freeze you, but it does so painlessly." I went back home just in time to have my birthday. I am now 14. " Happy Birthday to me
Dec 25, 2011 at 3:02 PM
graters gonna grate
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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Winds, as... erm... inspiring as that was, I think you missed the point of this thread. And sexy, I think you win the thread... for now; however, a variety of recent events have inspired me to resume work on the story I said I was writing for this thread earlier, but abandoned indefinitely. Expect it on Valentine's Day, and expect to have your pants blown off (perhaps literally).
Dec 25, 2011 at 3:05 PM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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Meh, I just felt that it neede to be written. I don't care if this is a shipping thread or a comic thread, when it was put in the S.P.O.T., anyone can post in there, right?
Dec 25, 2011 at 3:12 PM
daughter of chivalry
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What a story, Mark.

@Sexpy: You forgot the part where they scream "MATHEMATICAL!" in orgasm.
Dec 25, 2011 at 4:02 PM
"In Soviet Russia, graves keep YOU!"
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i was going to include a bunch of stuff about how woc remarked that lace's body followed certain curves of mathematical equations or something but honestly i am so bad at math ughhhhh