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A polarizing nerd question

Fractals or spaceships?

  • Total voters
Sep 30, 2011 at 3:44 AM
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Guys, I'm not leaving any time soon.
Shimmyzmizz said:
So back on topic, math kinda scares me (and yet I am apparently good at it) so I vote spaceships.
Haha, so I'm not the only one.
But don't spaceships also require a massive amount of calculation (thus math) to design and produce?
Sep 30, 2011 at 3:46 AM
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Yes, but as long as I'm not the one doing the math, they're cool.

Of course, the same could be said about fractals...
Sep 30, 2011 at 3:47 AM
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Not to fly!
Or so various media would have me believe.
Sep 30, 2011 at 3:48 AM
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And what if R2 blows up, huh?
What then?
Sep 30, 2011 at 6:23 AM
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He's R2 "Motherfucking" D2, he's not going to blow up.
Sep 30, 2011 at 3:44 PM
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Yeah, that's what C3PO is for
Sep 30, 2011 at 6:45 PM
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Baaaaaaaaaaaaw, crawling in my skin, these wounds will not heal.

I didn't know defending another member from a member who was very obviously being a jackass to them was using the forum as an emotional outlet. Leave it to DT to always prove he has no actual intelligence.

Cave Story said:
We shouldn't even be arguing here. This is a thread about fractals and space ships.

Then why in the world did you make the comment about how whatshisname posts are annoying you? You should have just left your opinion on what the thread was about and moved on. And you should have also left out the "I am now going to ignore him" comment. Because saying both of those things publicly is a sign of immaturity.

Tpcool said:
And I do not believe CS will be leaving any time soon.

What are you even talking about?

cultr1 said:
@Cave Story don't listen to Meta, she's just being a douche.

And you're being your typical asshat self. Don't throw rocks at other people when you yourself have flaws.

cultr1 said:
She likes taking the opposing side and responding with unwarranted hostility; it's not the first time it's happened, and (sadly) won't be the last.

Oooooo, look at here. You think you actually know me or something. How cute and laughable!

For your information I wasn't taking an opposing side here or anything, I saw a member attack another member unwarrantedly while thinking they were better than that member so I confronted them on it. There was no unwarranted hostility since I wasn't even close to being hostile.

cultr1 said:
Seriously, Meta, stop being an ass.

Only if you stop being a nerdy idiotic asshat.

cultr1 said:
Please, you're killing the forums with your animalistic posts.

No, people who act like they are better than other people because they are more "mature" or something is killing the forum. I am only beating the forum until it passes out.

cultr1 said:
Also, take your attempted greentext back to 4chan, you'll be less of a cancer there.

Oohohoho, now this is a funny one, a really funny one.

First off little boy, > followed by a statement has been around before 4chan was even thought of, or even 2chan for that matter.

Second of all, the mere fact that you would actually use cancer in the sense that you used it in anywhere outside of 4chan shows just how much of a "cancer" you are. Little boy.

cultr1 said:
Love, cultr.

Love, MetaSeraphim.

OT: I like Fractals more.
Sep 30, 2011 at 7:33 PM
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Y'know, for some reason the word fractal sounds tasty.
Sep 30, 2011 at 7:43 PM
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Fritter, apple.
Sep 30, 2011 at 9:33 PM
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MetaSeraphim said:
Don't throw rocks at other people when you yourself have flaws.
I dunno. I like it when people point out my flaws in a constructive manner. If not for that, how else am I supposed to improve?

@Fab neither fritter nor apple have a c noise in them.
Maybe fractal sounds so tasty because it is "fritter" and "pterodactyl". Nom dinosaurs.
Sep 30, 2011 at 9:41 PM
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Looks like the mindworms have gotten to Meta.
Sep 30, 2011 at 9:57 PM
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MetaSeraphim said:
Then why in the world did you make the comment about how whatshisname posts are annoying you? You should have just left your opinion on what the thread was about and moved on. And you should have also left out the "I am now going to ignore him" comment. Because saying both of those things publicly is a sign of immaturity.
I would just like to point out that of the three posts that started this debate, Cave Story's was in fact the only one that DID contain on-topic content (i.e. about spaceships/fractals). Yours contained none, and norevenge at least attempted to be on-topic, though, as Cave Story correctly pointed out, his post was so grammatically atrocious that it was barely comprehensible.

MetaSeraphim said:
Don't throw rocks at other people when you yourself have flaws.
MetaSeraphim said:
I saw a member attack another member unwarrantedly while thinking they were better than that member so I confronted them on it.
It seems that you don't understand the difference between criticizing someone and thinking you are better than them. Yes, Cave Story criticized norevenge (not without reason) but that doesn't necessarily mean he claims to be "better" than norevenge. I am now criticizing you, but I don't claim to be a better person than you, or anyone else on the forums, or anyone else in the world, for that matter. Everyone has flaws, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't criticize each other (as long as we're not "throwing rocks" as you say, which is a completely different thing). Indeed, the fact that we're all flawed should be all the more reason to offer each other constructive criticism; we help each other overcome our flaws.

MetaSeraphim said:
I wasn't even close to being hostile.

tl;dr: what Lace said.
Sep 30, 2011 at 11:20 PM
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I've read back and could not believe how a thread about a simple choice of fractal/spaceship could lead to drama.


You guys have TOO MUCH FREETIME.

Dg./Too much freetime
Th./Learning, working, take a walk, do sports, read, pet your cat/dog/..., positive thoughts,etc....

Please take this as constructive advice :mad:

@ontopic: fractals
Sep 30, 2011 at 11:43 PM
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I think there's been quite enough back-and-forth over this whole issue now. This doesn't seem to really appear to be a healthy discussion as both sides are immutable in their positions anyway.

In other words enough off-topic. Spaceships are better because how many cool stories have ever taken place on a fractal? Not many that I'm aware of.
Sep 30, 2011 at 11:50 PM
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Noxid said:
Spaceships are better because how many cool stories have ever taken place on a fractal? Not many that I'm aware of.

Oct 1, 2011 at 3:34 AM
I don't anymore.
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Captain Fabulous said:

I would make that movie.