A Lost Land

Feb 13, 2010 at 3:58 AM
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Newest version: v1.10

Here's my take on a CS sequel.

Plotline: Takes place after killing Ballos in the original Cave Story. After Balrog, Quote, and Curly fly off and try to find a good place to live, Quote is suddenly struck by... amnesia (Deja vu time). After a while, Quote & Curly find themselves somehow underground. They soon discover that the demon crown still exists and is acting stranger than ever...

Download Links
Version 1.10
Version 1.01

Mirror Links: Only use if mediafire isn't working
v1.10 | v1.10

Yes indeed, this mod is playable on Macs and the PSP.
The mac port of this mod can be found here, and the PSP port is here. Credit goes to Andwhyisit for porting these.

Feb 13, 2010 at 4:10 AM
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carrotlord said:
all right, time to release a mod...

Here's my take on a cs sequel.

Plotline: Takes place after killing ballos in the original cave story. After balrog, quote, and curly fly off and try to find a good place to live, quote is suddenly struck by... Amnesia (deja vu time). After a while, quote & curly find themselves somehow underground. They soon discover that the demon crown still exists and is acting stranger than ever...

download link


fucking awwweeesome.

Feb 13, 2010 at 4:57 AM
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Looks awesome.
I'm gonna download it right now.
Feb 13, 2010 at 7:28 AM
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I get the message:
NOTICE: No Servers are currently available with the requested data on them.
Please retry your request in a moment.

From time to time, I cannot download the file from MediaFire. I will just wait it out. Try hosting your file in other sites just in case I get tired of waiting... (for example... zSHARE)
Feb 13, 2010 at 7:56 AM
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Fluff8836 said:
I get the message:

From time to time, I cannot download the file from MediaFire. I will just wait it out. Try hosting your file in other sites just in case I get tired of waiting... (for example... zSHARE)

Wow. The first day I use mediafire, and this is already happening.

Really sorry about that. Here is another link:

which is hosted on my website (hopefully that should be more reliable than a download server).
Feb 13, 2010 at 4:31 PM
The Town Bicycle *cough*
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Just got to the east exit and I'm liking it so far.

Edit: I found a SECRET!

I thought of going back and checking on Curly, and when I got back to the nest I saw that there was no door back so I tried boosting up to the hole in the roof and I went THROUGH the ceiling.

I thought this was a glitch at first but if you keep going left you find a messed up version of what was the original egg coridor map.

Since carrot changed the tileset from egg to mimi, all the tiles got switched up as well.

So I kept going and fell down a certain point in the leval where I ended up in a place called Mushroom Land!

You then go through a door to fight Ma pignon after she gives you the Mushroom Badge.

No annoying questions asked. You then fight. I don't know whats after that.

EDIT: The secret led to another secret.

No set path, no commands, no sense of direction, no rules, no mercy.

I love this mod.
Feb 13, 2010 at 6:52 PM
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whyme said:
Just got to the east exit and I'm liking it so far.

Edit: I found a SECRET!

I thought of going back and checking on Curly, and when I got back to the nest I saw that there was no door back so I tried boosting up to the hole in the roof and I went THROUGH the ceiling.

I thought this was a glitch at first but if you keep going left you find a messed up version of what was the original egg coridor map.

Since carrot changed the tileset from egg to mimi, all the tiles got switched up as well.

So I kept going and fell down a certain point in the leval where I ended up in a place called Mushroom Land!

You then go through a door to fight Ma pignon after she gives you the Mushroom Badge.

No annoying questions asked. You then fight. I don't know whats after that.

EDIT: The secret led to another secret.

No set path, no commands, no sense of direction, no rules, no mercy.

I love this mod.

Oh God. That's not supposed to happen (glitch, not a secret). You did some serious sequence breaking there...

The reason you got teleported to Mushroom land was that you fell off the map and the TSC script probably went crazy.

Updating now....

If you need me to fix your save, email me your profile.dat and I can do it for you.
Feb 13, 2010 at 10:35 PM
The Town Bicycle *cough*
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No. The story all came together.

I just find it funny that I managed to play some of the game backwards.

And for the record, the infinate machine gun is so broken.

Lvl.3 = infinate flight.
Feb 13, 2010 at 11:21 PM
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FFS, that was a LONG mod.

Spoilers ahead.

Took like 5-6 hours to beat, more or less. It wasn't really difficult, I had a really tough time getting the alien medal though (regular missiles, polar star and fireball? that's hard to do with 0 damage). Also I never had to actually use the pill (I used it once though, to see if the doctor would give me another. He did). I didn't use the 3rd power cylinder I got either, but I used the first 2 to get both the snake and the spur. Nice little trading quest I'd say.

The new graphics were okay, but didn't change/add much to the mod. Also the spur when charged to lvl 3 and shot upwards looks glitched, or at least the graphics do. You should fix that.

The mod's story was kinda weak, as in it was there (you gave a lot of npc's dialogue and such) but there weren't any moving cutscenes, infact there were barely ANY cutscenes. Most of the story just involved talking to npcs, which isn't the best. It did tie up most of the loose ends in CS, but it wasn't all that interesting always. Also the collection quest that you could do for the dog was pretty cool.

The gameplay was pretty average, mostly just remaps and such, but it was done a bunch better than some other mods have. It included a bunch of fetch quests, which aren't always the best thing to do. In fact, the mod itself was kind of like one big fetch quest, except there were a bunch of areas to explore. The mod was just about the right difficulty too, which is nice.

This mod is kinda like jenka's nightmare, except with less cutscenes and less of the story that Jenka's nightmare tacked on (which tried to expand into the genesis and the other thing, and was just kinda bleh).

All in all, good job.

Also it's pretty cool that you waited until it was finished until you released it, making it one big playthrough :D.
Feb 13, 2010 at 11:40 PM
The Town Bicycle *cough*
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I had a really tough time getting the alien medal though (regular missiles, polar star and fireball?

I feel sorry for you now.

It only took me three times to get the alien medal.

Also, When you enter Drainage B through the pipe, you can jump up at just the right time to be swept up in the upwards current and just go to the door that leads to iron face.

You did finish the mod, but that does not mean that it is perfect.

You need people to test it first.

People like us.

This mod's rating.

10/10 Very fun, lots of variety, I did not feel like I was forced on an objective, combat suits my level of skill just fine, decent story, the entire place felt like a maze with no dead ends, and thats what makes it my favorite mod.
Feb 14, 2010 at 7:34 AM
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Okay, well, so far I'm up to the clinic area. I haven't found much to say really, although it's getting pretty long now. Apparently it's FINISHED? That makes it the second completed story mod here ever, nice job :D

Early on the areas are kinda too small, although the level design starts to pick up at the first sand zone-y area. There are also a lot of save points spaced closely together, and that sucks some of the challenge out of it.

Like GIR says it does feel a bit like a string of required or optional fetch quests, and I'm not quite sure about the story yet (the Demon Crown came back? Aww man...). The levels are all nicely interconnected though, and the new graphics add a bit of colour in places. The Machine Gun Lv3 in particular looks nifty. The weapon balance has been very good too, although I haven't used the Machine Gun or Super Missiles much yet, so we'll see how that turns out.

What is impressive is that it's very cleanly made, no glitchiness or unstable level design (that I've noticed), no messed up flags, no general awkwardness. There are very few first-time mods that can achieve that, especially ones this long, so that displays a lot of thoughtfulness and care on your part, and it's very much appreciated :D I'll post again once I finish this.
Feb 14, 2010 at 9:52 AM
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FFS, that was a LONG mod.

Spoilers ahead.

Took like 5-6 hours to beat, more or less. It wasn't really difficult, I had a really tough time getting the alien medal though (regular missiles, polar star and fireball? that's hard to do with 0 damage). Also I never had to actually use the pill (I used it once though, to see if the doctor would give me another. He did). I didn't use the 3rd power cylinder I got either, but I used the first 2 to get both the snake and the spur. Nice little trading quest I'd say.

The new graphics were okay, but didn't change/add much to the mod. Also the spur when charged to lvl 3 and shot upwards looks glitched, or at least the graphics do. You should fix that.

The mod's story was kinda weak, as in it was there (you gave a lot of npc's dialogue and such) but there weren't any moving cutscenes, infact there were barely ANY cutscenes. Most of the story just involved talking to npcs, which isn't the best. It did tie up most of the loose ends in CS, but it wasn't all that interesting always. Also the collection quest that you could do for the dog was pretty cool.

The gameplay was pretty average, mostly just remaps and such, but it was done a bunch better than some other mods have. It included a bunch of fetch quests, which aren't always the best thing to do. In fact, the mod itself was kind of like one big fetch quest, except there were a bunch of areas to explore. The mod was just about the right difficulty too, which is nice.

This mod is kinda like jenka's nightmare, except with less cutscenes and less of the story that Jenka's nightmare tacked on (which tried to expand into the genesis and the other thing, and was just kinda bleh).

All in all, good job.

Also it's pretty cool that you waited until it was finished until you released it, making it one big playthrough :D.

Yes, it's true that the story isn't well fleshed out, and there is a serious lack of good cutscenes.

Originally, I started this mod only to see if I could actually make a mod, and it just grew from there. I was more interested in certain gameplay elements and sorta mashed stuff onto the storyline as I went, so the plot seems somewhat generic and bland.

Normally, the items you find would give you some way to get to the next area, and there should definitely be more character interaction (to progress the plot) instead of item collecting. If I want to put in more plot elements, it should flow with the game and not just be episodic cutscenes that happen for no good reason. I do plan to add more to the story, eventually...

The spur laser does look different if you fire it vertically instead of horizontally, since it uses the same square sprite to create the full laser. If it's really that aesthetically unappealing, then I'll change it to a solid color (or a design that doesn't look weird when the squares move in a different direction).

The mod was never intended to be overly difficult. Lots of mods tend to be hard, and such challenges are usually good, but sometimes they can get ridiculously frustrating.

DoubleThink said:
Okay, well, so far I'm up to the clinic area. I haven't found much to say really, although it's getting pretty long now. Apparently it's FINISHED? That makes it the second completed story mod here ever, nice job :D

Early on the areas are kinda too small, although the level design starts to pick up at the first sand zone-y area. There are also a lot of save points spaced closely together, and that sucks some of the challenge out of it.

Like GIR says it does feel a bit like a string of required or optional fetch quests, and I'm not quite sure about the story yet (the Demon Crown came back? Aww man...). The levels are all nicely interconnected though, and the new graphics add a bit of colour in places. The Machine Gun Lv3 in particular looks nifty. The weapon balance has been very good too, although I haven't used the Machine Gun or Super Missiles much yet, so we'll see how that turns out.

What is impressive is that it's very cleanly made, no glitchiness or unstable level design (that I've noticed), no messed up flags, no general awkwardness. There are very few first-time mods that can achieve that, especially ones this long, so that displays a lot of thoughtfulness and care on your part, and it's very much appreciated :D I'll post again once I finish this.

Yes, the mod is finished. It is very sad when mods are declared "abandoned forever". Demo releases are great, as long as they continue.
Feb 14, 2010 at 1:54 PM
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Cool mod carrotlord! I`ll write a review when I finish it completely. Good job!
Feb 14, 2010 at 6:30 PM
The Town Bicycle *cough*
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Well personally I like more game than story.

I say I want to play a game, not watch a movie.
Feb 14, 2010 at 10:11 PM
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I just played all the way through this mod, and it was really fun.
One thing I wanted to point out however, is that you can get another Bubbler if you go and get more Jellyfish Juice. I ended up have the Blade and the Bubbler.
Feb 14, 2010 at 11:54 PM
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I have to admit, I'm not impressed as far as level design or story goes, but it was a pretty fun way to waste my time.
Feb 15, 2010 at 12:03 AM
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~~DL'ing and playing.~~
(This post is reserved for a DBian review - The shorter it is, the more I liked it.)
Feb 15, 2010 at 5:59 AM
The Town Bicycle *cough*
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You're welcome carrotlord.

And thank you too.

seriously... I think thats one of the nicest things that anyone has ever done for me.
Feb 15, 2010 at 6:04 AM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
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whyme said:
You're welcome carrotlord.

And thank you too.

seriously... I think thats one of the nicest things that anyone has ever done for me.

What goes around comes around?

Anyways, just thought I'd report a small glitch...
The treasure chest entity seems to be missing a frame...
It'll briefly blink out of existance every once in a while.
Feb 15, 2010 at 4:12 PM
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Quote009 said:
I just played all the way through this mod, and it was really fun.
One thing I wanted to point out however, is that you can get another Bubbler if you go and get more Jellyfish Juice. I ended up have the Blade and the Bubbler.

Yeah, I guess I should fix that.

whyme said:
You're welcome carrotlord.

And thank you too.

seriously... I think thats one of the nicest things that anyone has ever done for me.

Um... you're welcome.

DragonBoots said:
What goes around comes around?

Anyways, just thought I'd report a small glitch...
The treasure chest entity seems to be missing a frame...
It'll briefly blink out of existance every once in a while.

Are you absolutely sure? I didn't modify the sprite for the treasure chest at all, and the original game has the treasure chest flashing to give a shiny appearance.

EDIT: New version is out, mainly cutscenes have been added. I've got a synopsis of the new storyline down, so that's good.
See spoilers for more details.

The Doctor now has an evil robot army. The nations of the "surface" also have an army that doesn't just stand around and do nothing.

The first cutscene is at the East Exit, and the last is in the Monster X room. There isn't any new content after you get past Monster X.