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A game so good, the laptop can't handle it.

Aug 2, 2007 at 5:12 AM
Lurking in the Shadows
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Thanks for all the advice, SkyWelse. I appreciate your taking the time to write all this great information.

The last eight forest sessions (and everything else Zelda3C) is officially out of harm's way! With help from some friends, I have safely copied everything from my laptop to my PC.

I wish I could say the same for my other files -- as I continue the salvaging process, I'm finding corrupted files that lock up the computer when I try to copy them. Whatever has happened to this machine has caused a lot of damage -- my friends are saying to rescue all I can and then reinstall Windows. I'm wondering if I should get a new hard drive altogether, but maybe it's just the file index that has gone bad.

While I'm feeling relieved that so many important things are secured, I know it's a long road ahead to normalcy. I have files to copy, an OS and all my programs to install, and all the configuring & customizing one usually goes through when getting a new machine. I know everyone's heard this a thousand times, but back up your data habitually and do everything you can to protect your computer!
Aug 2, 2007 at 5:16 AM
Lurking in the Shadows
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What kind of laptop is it? Some computers come with a partition that will restore your computer to the state it was when you first got it - like all the programs that came installed on it would be back.

Glad to hear you got the forest progress back, by the way!
Aug 2, 2007 at 9:03 AM
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SkyeWelse said:
so we looked up a specific program called Vundofix that targeted that Virtumonde program and eliminated


yeah my comp was messed up with adware and i used vundofix a while back and it cleared everthing up :D

but you need to use it in safe mode
Aug 9, 2007 at 3:11 AM
Lurking in the Shadows
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just wondering- will it be possible to still work on the game while the laptops being fixed? or is the pc too old to run HM? id like to see it continue, because development on this game has continued through bigger complications than this before.
good luck, as always, gm!
btw, i have a few new graphics for you, but i cant send em yet cause i cant access them on my psp. ill get em to ya ASAP.:)
Aug 9, 2007 at 3:41 AM
Lurking in the Shadows
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Hello again,

I feel like I've been haunted by bad luck all week. My 5 GB Seagate Pocket Hard Drive has gotten weird on me. It reports almost 8 GB of available space. When I copied almost that much data onto it and tried to read its contents on a different machine, I found some strange files and folders with gibberish character strings for names. All I did was try to restore the factory settings... I reformatted and I can safely copy data less than 5 GB, but I no longer trust it...

Anyway, the long process of backing up my files continues. I don't like working on Zelda3C on this PC because it's old with a very small screen. I can't even listen to music & browse the Internet without serious lag. I can't stand being crippled this way; I'm tempted to just spring for a new computer.

Once I get all my data recovered and Windows XP reinstalled on my laptop, life can start to get back to normal. I do have some great news about the project, but I'm waiting until I have time to update my diary page, so I can make the announcment properly. Until then!
Sep 27, 2007 at 9:56 PM
Lurking in the Shadows
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hey gm. its been a while since we've heard from you. :confused: i (really) don't want to sound impatient, but how are the computer repairs coming? i dont want to sound pushy either, but since we cant hear any calatia updates right now, maybe we could hear about your quest to computer normalcy. :)

within a month, i should be getting the new computer ive been talking about. sorry its taking this long, but its taking forever for all the money to come through to the bank for some reason. so hopefully soon youll be recieving a lot more graphics from me. :D
Sep 30, 2007 at 7:49 PM
Lurking in the Shadows
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Hi -- sorry for the delay -- the latest entry is really long; it took a while to compose.

I just realized, replying to this message is a great way to notify multiple people of the new update!

This is a BIG update, too; please start a new thread for the latest topic -- don't reply in this one unless it's laptop-related. :) Thanks!

Oct 24, 2007 at 4:02 AM
Lurking in the Shadows
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Guess what....I, darkprince909, now have a working computer! im not sure who all out there cares, but now i can start creating graphics. :D :D :D i wasnt sure where to post this, so since this thread was dealing with computers, i put it here. gamemakr, you can start to expect wonderful things from me!!!
Nov 12, 2007 at 2:55 AM
Lurking in the Shadows
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As you may have read in the latest update, my laptop is fixed now! All it took was replacing the hard drive. ($$$, whew) Things are finally getting back to normal. :)

Congrats to you too, darkprince909, for a similar achievement. No more taking the computer for granted, right..? Looking forward to those new graphics!
Nov 12, 2007 at 3:41 PM
Lurking in the Shadows
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It's great that you are back! I'm realy looking forward to reading your updates now that you have a new HDD.

With the latest achivement regarding sprite behavior the possibilitys seem endless. Playing this game, once it's finished, is going to be mindblowing...

...especially on the original hardware! I'm fortunate to have a 64mbit flashcart that works great on my old snes. For those of you that dont have a GameDoctor, SuperWild Card or whatever, check this site out where you can get one pretty cheap: Tototek Hardware

Keep up the good work guys!
Nov 14, 2007 at 7:09 PM
Lurking in the Shadows
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Great to hear that you've got that laptop back in action, GM. You're right, I'm currently incapacitated by school work, and I doubt I'll start back hacking again until Christmas break (that's officially December 15 - January 22, a good chunk of time, if I get back into the swing of it quickly enough).

Anywho, on the topic of playing the game on the original hardware, I myself am interested in being able to easily play snes games (mostly hacks) on the TV. I was thinking of getting my old original Xbox modded (have a 360 now, of course), so I can keep it in my room and use it to play snes9x. It's just sitting under the couch right now unused anyway.

Have any of you had experience with this? Is it worth it?
Nov 14, 2007 at 9:25 PM
Lurking in the Shadows
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Hi. I think playing SNES games on XBOX is nice experiance. There are great emulators with 100% sound support that run very smooth. You might get an XBOX chip with installation for around 30 USD.

BUT, if you have the cash, i definately recommend getting a 64mbit flashcart from Tototek, it will cost you around the double but it's worth it, especially if you're a SNES ASM Hacker ;)

Original hardware rocks!
Nov 18, 2007 at 7:19 PM
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Yes Xbox SNES emulation is great and I use it for just about all of the SNES hacks out there, but you can't beat the original hardware. Besides, I'm too damn tempted to use Savestates religiously when I have access to them in the emulators. lol

Nov 21, 2007 at 5:04 AM
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PSP, SNES on the go is better. :D

I used to overuse the save states in the same way but I got out of it after using console emulators because it doesn't feel right to do so, so as a result I only do it on pc.
Nov 24, 2007 at 5:07 PM
Lurking in the Shadows
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Hate to continue this since it's off topic, but there's really nothing else to discuss at the moment, and you all might like to see that I'm still alive. :) I got my XBOX soft modded, and it didn't cost me but $5, only because I had never actually purchased a memory card.

ZSNEXBOX 3.3 plays the games flawlessly, it's amazing to be able to play the games on the TV, and XBOX the controller works great for SNES games, which surprised me. I was expecting to have problems with accidentally hitting the diagonals on the D-pad (many new controllers have this problem), causing Mario to duck when I didn't want him to, or making it impossible to run Link in a straight line. But the XBOX D-pad doesn't have this problem. And the games run smoothly and look great on the TV.

One of the highlights of this is that I can effortlessly FTP my hacked Zelda 3 ROMs to the XBOX and see what my new "bots" actually look like on the real TV. So there you go, at least that's connected to Zelda3C. :) I'm not dead, but I can't really hack again until mid December, when christmas break starts.
Nov 26, 2007 at 12:55 PM
Lurking in the Shadows
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Cool! Yeah, I rememer the box playing SNES very nicely. Does it feel like your playing on a SNES or can you tell it's emulated by graphich glitches, smooth edges, music etc.

Hmm, what I realy wanted to know was if you can tell any difference between SNES emulated on the Xbox and the real deal?
Nov 26, 2007 at 2:16 PM
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eggz said:
Cool! Yeah, I rememer the box playing SNES very nicely. Does it feel like your playing on a SNES or can you tell it's emulated by graphich glitches, smooth edges, music etc.

Hmm, what I realy wanted to know was if you can tell any difference between SNES emulated on the Xbox and the real deal?
I don't know about x-box but the snes emulator for psp works perfectly fine, on most games you won't notice any difference apart from the image looking sharper on the emulator.
Nov 26, 2007 at 6:44 PM
Lurking in the Shadows
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For the most part it plays just like the SNES. The picture does look a little clearer due to edges being smoothed, and occasionally the sound effects aren't exactly the same, but in ways it's better than the old SNES, since it takes practically no time start up or to swap games, etc. It's definitely worth the trouble if you have an old xbox lying around. I'd almost recommend buying an old used one just to soft mod it and play old games on. :)
Jan 2, 2008 at 9:16 PM
Lurking in the Shadows
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i was finally able to put a custom firmware on my psp last weekend :D (had to f*** up one of my batteries to do it tho :mad: ) i been playin games like zelda, super metroid, final fantasy, chrono trigger, etc. the psp plays the games almost perfectly! :cool: yes, the sound is sometimes a little off (eg. lavos' scream on chrono trigger) and occassional slowdowns on zelda when theres several sprites on the screen, but the emulator is pretty solid none the less.

ive also been playing euclid's hack, parallel worlds, and it is f***ing hard!!! :eek: im stuck on how to get to the third dungeon on the sky isles (cant find the power gloves) please help anyone.
Jan 7, 2008 at 5:53 AM
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darkprince909 said:
i was finally able to put a custom firmware on my psp last weekend :D (had to f*** up one of my batteries to do it tho :mad: )
I know. It's hard to do but worth it in the end. :D

darkprince909 said:
occassional slowdowns on zelda when theres several sprites on the screen
Change the settings around to fix that if you want. A frameskip of 1 never hurt anyone. :D

Are you using the ME version of Snes9xTYL since that is the best version.