Jun 7, 2009 at 2:36 AM
Join Date: Apr 6, 2009
Location: Forgotten Tower
Posts: 2052
Toroko ate the red flowers in the warehouse which was full of red flowers. Toroko then Hulked out and started throwing bits of glass into T-Jack's eyes. Jacob fired the entire staff of the U.S. government. Anarchy ensued. Mehrunes were not satisfied because Dagon had sex with everyone!!! Apparently, Mehrunes Dagon is just so insane, he has hexakosioihexakontahexaphobia and antidisestablishmentarianism and he doesn't AFRAID OF ANYTHING. Peppy says "Press THE JUMP BUTTON FOR EXTRA SPICY BARREL ROLL!!" That's-a one spicy barrel roll for only OVER 9000!!! But I digress. Toroko threw more grass
Toroko ate the red flowers in the warehouse which was full of red flowers. Toroko then Hulked out and started throwing bits of glass into T-Jack's eyes. Jacob fired the entire staff of the U.S. government. Anarchy ensued. Mehrunes were not satisfied because Dagon had sex with everyone!!! Apparently, Mehrunes Dagon is just so insane, he has hexakosioihexakontahexaphobia and antidisestablishmentarianism and he doesn't AFRAID OF ANYTHING. Peppy says "Press THE JUMP BUTTON FOR EXTRA SPICY BARREL ROLL!!" That's-a one spicy barrel roll for only OVER 9000!!! But I digress. Toroko threw more grass