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    Curly AI Help!

    Alright, so I tried everything I could, including using Labyrinth enemies, but I can't seem to have the Curly AI entity work like it does in the game and the other mods I saw. Help please... :( EDIT: Instead of shooting the enemies, the Curly AI entity only stands in a place, not reacting to...

    A Modder's Return

    Alright, so I have been gone for a while now. Heck, must've been years since last time I was here! In case you don't remember, I made a mod back then, when I was still new. However, recent checking shows the mod is no longer avaible... >.> Anyways, you can discuss my surprising return here.

    CaveStory: Community Project

    I've recently got the idea of making a CaveStory mod, but in a team! The steps of the project: -Idea for the story -Creating levels&making script -Beta Testing part 1. -Fix any glitches or bugs -Beta Testing part 2. -More levels&scripts. -Beta testing part 3 -Fix glitches -Final testing...

    Image Edition: (C)Pixel doesn't work!

    I'm editing the item pictures and title, but it just pops an error. And i've added (C)Pixel at the end of them, and it pops an error.

    Core doesn't show???

    I'm making the boss room for the Cork.Though, it doesn't appear on the right side, thus never triggering the boss battle. BTW, i'm using the core boss as the Cork, in map #47 (Core) Only thing i changed is the cutscene before the fight with the Core(Cork) and the arena. I've gave it a load of...

    Boss code?

    I need to know how to code a Monster X fight, a Omega fight, a Core fight, etc.


    I have a problem. I'm trying to make a hard run, but when i reach Plantation, where the bed is, i don't see Curly. (I haven't fought the sisters yet) Edit: Fought the Sisters, but it still doesn't do anything. I did borrowed my polar star for a machine gun, Avoided talking to Booster in...

    CaveStory Modded (Nameless for now)

    Here is my mod: Cavestory Modded. It requires a bit of testing and a good idea for a name. Oh, and don't press load when you launch the mod for the first time. It was used to verify if my boss bug is fixed, but if you want to help, do so FIRST. Or load a new game and don't save. Oh, and...

    Hacks Bugs!

    I now have 4 hacks, with each one problem. 1. The text is the same for all of the NPCs 2. Underwater bug 3. After a set number of ticks, it warps to First Cave 4. Same as 1. Can you help?


    I've canceled one of my Cavestory Projects to try another one, but whenever i enter the second area, it says i'm underwater, and there's no water! What's the problem?!?

    Cavestory Hack In Progress

    I've been making a Cavestory hack, using MIZA to know what number is what object, and Sue's Workshop for the rest. I've also made a new level named Python Alley. I will soon put screenies! After i'm done with the Python Alley level, i will upload Demo 1.