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Search results

  1. brianbdm

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    Well, given enough time, anything could be made possible. It may not be tomorrow, but I'll bet that somebody finds a way to mod the wiiware version. Maybe it won't be in a handy downloadable program, but anything's possible. However, that doesn't mean it will be easy.
  2. brianbdm

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    Woah, you're right! My mind just added that in. I guess it's because I've heard of brushlands before and not bushlands. It's still pretty close to the same thing. And I think grasslands would be better than either... I wonder if we could get a CaveEditor for the WiiWare version... that would be...
  3. brianbdm

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    Brushlands implies a dry area, like where I live. There's grasses that grow with less water, but they're mostly brown. "Grasslands" would be a better name. It sounds like a green feild, not a dry feild. HUZZAH! Er... I mean, OH YEAH! I know it's just another translation, but that was kind of his...
  4. brianbdm

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    I can hear the sfx, but I can't hear much of the new music. I tried running it on Dolphin, but I get the same thing. Edit: DRAT! YOU TRICKED ME! I guess you get post #1,000
  5. brianbdm

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    Well, it isn't on par on either of my machines. I can hardly hear it at all, and on the title screen, I only hear 2 tracks and no drums. Oops. I meant to click "edit." not "quick reply." Man, I'm tired. Sorry.
  6. brianbdm

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    My, that's a mouthful!
  7. brianbdm

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    I've ALWAYS had the sfx down to a third the normal level. There's a problem with the NEW music? I guess I've never heard it work right at all, then. Maybe that's why I thought it just sounded bad instead of not working right, because I was judging by the messed up music. He seems to be shifting...
  8. brianbdm

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    What was wrong with the music? You mean the delay when you switch rooms? I haven't had any problems.
  9. brianbdm

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    The controls are like several of the other wiiware titles I've played. You hold the WiiRemote sideways, with the D-Pad under your left thumb and the 1 and 2 buttons under your right. You move with the D-Pad, 2 is jump, 1 is shoot, + opens your inventory, - is map. (I may have gotten those last...
  10. brianbdm

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    I liked the wiiware version, but I must say, I was hoping for more improvement for $12. The story is basically the same, with just a slightly different translation. They even have a "Play as Curly" option. Now where have I heard that before? ;) This is actually one of my posts from another...
  11. brianbdm

    Cave Story DS: What happened? Is it gone?

    I found this review for it. I thought it was nearly as stunning as the game. It's exactly how I would have put it. I'll just quote the last part: The graphics still look a bit funny, but that's partly because it's such a big screen compared to my laptop, and partly because even though there's a...
  12. brianbdm

    Cave Story DS: What happened? Is it gone?

    Well, it looks like Cave Story is on WiiWare now. I can't believe I haven't seen any release date, and now all of a sudden it's been out for 2 weeks!? Well, I know they'll get MY $12 at least.
  13. brianbdm

    Curly Brace's Story *FIRST DEMO*

    I know that there were at least 2 releases. In one of them, you could only get past omega. After that there was the tower in the second one.
  14. brianbdm

    Translating "Hacker 9" to English?

    Re: Translating "Hack 9" to English? andwhyisit sent this to me yesterday. I thought I'd put it here so you could see it.
  15. brianbdm

    Cave Story DS: What happened? Is it gone?

    Somehow, I REALLY doubt that it won't make the minimum. :D Five thousand shouldn't be too hard to meet in north america, right?
  16. Artwork


    Drawings I've done with Pencil, Pixels, or Photoshop.
  17. brianbdm

    Cave Story DS: What happened? Is it gone?

    Not all Wii stuff costs money. I know that there are one or two that don't. The internet channel USED to be free, or so I've heard.
  18. brianbdm

    Translating "Hacker 9" to English?

    Re: Translating "Hack 9" to English? Don't worry. It's good to resurrect old threads. It gets people's interests back. Yeah, Andwhyisit is working on the data pointer. We don't have a real translator, so that would be great. do you mind if I see your notes? You can e-mail me if you'd rather do...
  19. brianbdm

    Ah, this site is PERFECT! Thanks a bundle!

    Ah, this site is PERFECT! Thanks a bundle!
  20. brianbdm

    Cave Story DS: What happened? Is it gone?

    I REALLY hope it gets done soon. I've found tons of homebrew DS games for my AceKard, but the one I was hoping for the most was CS. Whether it's a C&D or indefinite hiatus... I hope it's the latter, although neither is desireable. The demo I have matches the description dqle gave, so it must be...