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Search results

  1. hammil

    The Doctor survives

    I think he is dead. We know a few things from the game: - Destroying the core will turn the mimigas back to normal - The mimigas are frenzied because of the red flowers - The red crystal is refined red flowers - The red crystal keeps the doctor alive after his body is destroyed. Thus we can...
  2. hammil

    MALCO: Gay for Quote?

    LYNCH MOB!! But for whom...?
  3. hammil

    Hey. Got some stuffs for the function list: 00420FA0 - Nonessential 00421040 - Map parse...

    Hey. Got some stuffs for the function list: 00420FA0 - Nonessential 00421040 - Map parse 004213B0 - Whimsical star 004215C0 - Script parse 004218E0 - Nonessential - calls _strcpy 00421C50 - Nonessential 00421C80 - Text display - Movement of enemy projectiles - 004257F0 - Adds movement 004258B0...
  4. hammil

    The first time you played Cave Story...

    ...I died three times on the first spikes.
  5. hammil

    Thanks for the heads up. I'll take a look at that now... EDIT: Hey, I know this might sound...

    Thanks for the heads up. I'll take a look at that now... EDIT: Hey, I know this might sound like a completely noobish thing to say, but what is the connection between the CPU thread data and the file data?
  6. hammil

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Thanks, just what I was looking for! If anyone was as confused as I was, you need to go to View>File to see the actual code.
  7. hammil

    Well I wasn't on for like 6 months, I believe. and I couldn't think of anything else

    Well I wasn't on for like 6 months, I believe. and I couldn't think of anything else
  8. hammil

    Stuff you think is normal that other people find incredibly bizarre.

    I stand with my left leg crossed over, my left foot perpendicular to my right, and my knees touching. No one else does that.
  9. hammil

    How many languages do you speak?

    3. English, French and Computer.
  10. hammil

    Kazuma: Retarded?

    KAZUMA IS NOT RETARDED. HE IS KWL SUPR AWSEM H4XX0R. Yea, he actually is, remember he hacked the Sky Dragon puter?
  11. hammil

    Connection between Midorins and Drolls?

    Well, to me it seems likely that the mimigas, midorin and drolls all get along together. When you go in the teleporter room for the first time, you get jumped on by a droll who denounces you as a KILLER ROBOT. A killer of mimigas. Maybe they're natural friends, or the doctor put them there to...
  12. hammil

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Hey guys! I'm just taking my first few steps into the brave new world of CS assembly, and I was just thinking it would be really useful if I had a quick way to convert between the assembly instruction format and the hex code, like viewing the NPC EXE data in CaveEditor, but with editable boxes...
  13. hammil

    Itoh and Sue

    I agree about Jenka, but I think I would go one step further. I believe that the magic in the Island corrupts the user. Ballos used his magic (unwillingly, I suppose) on himself, to make him massive and awesomely powerful. Jenka, on the other hand, has just as much magic but is not at all...
  14. hammil

    I really, REALLY think Pixel is making a new game

    hmmm. Looks....interesting But unfortunately I can't understand a word of Japanese.
  15. hammil

    Secrets behind characters?

    Hmm, I couldn't find anything on the internet linking Balrog/Baelrog with 'Norse'. The best thing for Balrog I got was LOTR, and for Baelrog the most I got was a brood of Zerg in StarCraft. It is most likely that Pixel named Balrog after the LOTR version, but as to why he turned out like a...
  16. hammil

    Day and Night

    Remember that 90% of the game is in caves. Including seemingly fecund places like Grasstown and Plantation, as the ceiling is solid rock, the left/right walls are solid rock, and the wall in the distance is solid rock. (Most plausible is that the plants get light from bioluminescent fungi, like...
  17. hammil

    Ikachan Modding Guide

    I'm not sure. I don't think you can, as it uses a completely different engine. You'd need to do some serious assembly editing, which I'm no good at.
  18. hammil

    Ikachan Modding Guide

    I hope you like it. It took me quite a while to compile. PiyoPiyo: http://spgardebiter.sp.funpic.de/CaveStory/Programs/PiyoPiyo.zip Tileset visual reference: http://miraigamer.net/cavestory/images/ikaeditor_1.gif EDIT: Sometimes lists of random info look weird: there would normally be Tabs...
  19. hammil

    Your favorite quote (saying) in CS

    Who the hell is Puyo? Anyway: -Funny- "Muhahaha! So you've found me out eh? That's just a silly badge!" - Ma Pignon "I've got the nose of a bloodhound!" - Balrog "The nose, and I daresay the brain as well." - Misery "And you as well. [teleports Balrog] Heavens, that felt good!" -Misery...
  20. hammil

    The Official "I Just Beat Hell/MonsterX/etc. For The First Time!" Thread

    Well, the first time I played cavestory it was hard, but then again so was Balfrog... After that I defeated it first time. Hell, though, is f ing hard. I don't know how anyone does it. 3 maps of death spikes, falling blocks and 9^99 Butes followed by an ultra hard boss with 4 forms -- and NO...
  21. hammil

    Multiple Save Files?

    *sigh* Right, there are three simple tasks that can be done: 1. To create a *new* profile, click File>New. Type a 3 letter name for the profile. The new profile will automatically be set to the *active* one (the one that is loaded when you select LOAD in CaveStory) 2. To change the *active*...
  22. hammil

    Booster = Ballos?

    I don't know if we're still talking about this, but... It is slightly suspicious that when booster teleports from the labyrinth (if you save him) he tells Quote to flee the island, knowing full well that Quote is the only sentient being with half a chance of stopping the Doctor and his world...