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Search results

  1. D

    i thought you were winter salt

    i thought you were winter salt
  2. D

    What would you want in a Kero Blaster sequel?

    I've always had a pipe dream of me making a sequel mod for Kero Blaster. (...of course, any motivation of actually doing that was dashed once I figured out how to mod CSE2 lol) What I would've done for a Kero Blaster sequel is: Make it more open-ended, rather than a series of linear levels...
  3. D

    Gimmick / Mr. Gimmick has some bangers, and you can't go wrong with any of the NES Mega Man...

    Gimmick / Mr. Gimmick has some bangers, and you can't go wrong with any of the NES Mega Man soundtracks. Kid Dracula I also think deserves some love, that soundtrack is pretty good imo. And if you don't mind extensive use of arps, I just discovered that the NES Asterix soundtrack isn't half bad.
  4. D

    hedera smokes weed and watches the sunrise, colorized

    hedera smokes weed and watches the sunrise, colorized
  5. D

    Show off your org music...

    Thanks, I'm glad you liked them! I'm still proud of how Palmtree Panic turned out. Anyways, dead forum, amirite? someone suggested I post a few more of my orgs here, so enjoy. I may or may not keep this up :debug: Dynamite Headdy - Hustle Maruyama (Part 1 Only)...
  6. D

    doko mono Atari or something like that

    doko mono Atari or something like that
  7. D

    holy shit i have to warn everyone now :toroko: nerd mario how could you!

    holy shit i have to warn everyone now :toroko: nerd mario how could you!
  8. D

    Show off your org music...

    This is my first org that i've finished. I tried to make it faithful to the original. Feedback would be greatly appreciated Dynamite Headdy - That's the Way the Boss Is Killed (link embedded because website seems to have trouble playing the org)...
  9. D

    Heya! Havent touched the game for months and now I'm lost :P. Anyone got any tips?

    Depends on whether or not you want to spend money (unless you already have CS+ for PC). The PC version has a few extra challenges, as well as another soundtrack option (though iirc that was a pre-order bonus or something?), but otherwise i don't think it really matters which version you play.
  10. D

    Cave Story Beta Song Names?

    Thank you! I didn't even know there were translation patches for the old OrgView versions other than V5 :o Just curious, but the kanji at the end is different between OrgV01-14 and V15-17, even though it apparently translates to the same thing in English. What exactly is the difference in...
  11. D

    Cave Story Beta Song Names?

    Ah, you even went out of your way to compare the well-known english names with more accurate translations! All in all, I feel like you got them all, The only one I'm sure you missed is Meltdown having a "beta" (β) symbol at the end between OrgV01-02, which would've been something like...
  12. D

    lamp oil. rope? bombs? you want it? it's yours, my friend, as long as you have enough rubies.

    lamp oil. rope? bombs? you want it? it's yours, my friend, as long as you have enough rubies.
  13. D

    Cave Story Beta Song Names?

    Wow... Beta Hero's End Requiem's name sounds too grim compared to what the song actually sounds like in OrgV05, lol. I guess it would fit with the OrgV01 version, though... Anyways, since it seems like you know Japanese, do you mind going through all the OrgView versions in Japanese locale and...
  14. D

    Cave Story Beta Song Names?

    So, I'm sure we all know about the songs from Cave Story Beta and how different yet similar they are to their final-game counterparts. However, something I haven't seen as much discussion about concerning the songs are their names. Everybody always calls them "Beta Hero's End" or "Safety from...
  15. D

    Ma Pignon is Female (and possibly the originator of the Pignons)

    Huh. When you mentioned that I googled to see if "Pignon" was a French word. Apparently the Pignons' names are similar to (and probably derived from) the French word for mushroom (champignon). So, Ma Pignon might just translate to "My (Curly Brace's) Shroom". Maybe this is more of a fringe...
  16. D

    Ma Pignon is Female (and possibly the originator of the Pignons)

    This might have seemed obvious to some people, but here's my take on Ma Pignon's gender, which as far as I know is not explicitly mentioned in the game. ...Except for in Ma Pignon's name. *MA* Pignon. Ma. Shortened from Mama. Short for Mother. Ma Pignon is probably female, which even the...
  17. D

    Does anyone have a video of a full Ikachan 3DS Playthrough?

    So, I was really curious to know what exactly is different about the 3DS version of Ikachan. (without, you know, actually buying the game :mahin:) However, I looked on YouTube for a full game playthrough and came up empty-handed. Is anyone on here aware of any full playthrough videos? If not...
  18. D

    What are your least to most favorite bosses in Kero Blaster?

    I don't think it's a stretch to say that the bosses help define Kero Blaster as the quirky game that it is. Since apparently there doesn't seem to be a post like this before now, what are your thoughts on all the bosses, from worst to best? To avoid any arguments about which bosses are actually...
  19. D

    Help with the Kero Blaster page on TCRF

    ALL HANDS ON DECK! So, this is the page for Kero Blaster on TCRF. As you can plainly see, it's in a very sorry state. The article is missing many pieces of unused content that have been known about on here for years. Additionally, now that we have patches to generate older versions of Kero...