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Search results

  1. R

    *spoiler alert* What does the password mean?

    Yep - in kana, doukutsu monogatari is written Do-u-ku-tsu Mo-no-ga-ta-ri which, backwards, is ri-ta-ga-no-mo tsu-ku-u-do When it was being translated, he didn't realise it was backwards, so just romanised it as 'litagano motscoud' ^_^
  2. R

    Promo Art

    Yeah, Shih Tzu said somewhere that he didn't realise it was backwards until after he'd done it, whoops! F-ram, that's some _awesome_ artwork. I'm really looking forward to your comic being completed!
  3. R

    Cave Story: Jenka's Nightmare

    Shmitz, I love you. I love this mod. So far it's going well, but I'm really REALLY stuck on the Gaudska-teers. I skipped the Monster X fight (don't worry, I'll find that great white critter on my next playthrough), made my way through the Revolutionarium, and I can't even get close to killing...
  4. R

    Poll which graphics do you like best?

    Nice look to the new polar star! Also, I really like the mushroom on the left. It looks like you painted it by hand!
  5. R

    Poll which graphics do you like best?

    I thought the flowers were pretty nifty. I looked at the picture before I read your post, and I thought they looked good, not realising that they had a purpose. They kind of make it look a bit overgrown, giving it a 'nobody's been here for ages' feel, and a 'I hope the roots haven't made the...
  6. R

    Want to play my edited game?

    SeriousFace, just to let you know, this mod is looking frickin' awesome.
  7. R

    Cave Story Room of Glitches

    This is cool! I like the way you've incorporated them all into one room, its a fun little mod having to figure them all out, a couple were a surprise to me! I just assumed that drowning was a neat little way to end the room, but xristosx got me wondering... is there another glitch I'm missing?
  8. R

    cave story stepmania

    Damn that's hard... looks cool though! Are there any easier songs out there? This game seems pretty fun.
  9. R

    Want to play my edited game?

    http://www.sendspace.com/file/csaif5 :-) BTW, I can't remember what version this is.
  10. R

    Cave Story or Doukutsu Monogatari or both?

    it's just plain old "doukutsu" to me and my friends. But then again we'd all know what each other meant if we called it "cave story" or "doukutsu monogatari".
  11. R

    Looking for a mod.

    Yeah that was a good mod, it's a shame Shmitz hasn't updated it. The same goes for yours, SeriousFace, are you planning on updating it at all? (I mean the first one, not the boss rush one)
  12. R

    So I started a hack.

    I just finished the demo, and I must say it's fantastic! I love the new weapons, new graphics, and the story! I wish I could think of more to say, but I can't :) Oh, I did find a couple of odd bits of maps - there's the cave wall acting like water, which caveoholic! mentioned a few posts...
  13. R

    So I started a hack.

    I found that place - at first entirely by accident, but now because i'm adept at finding secret blocks (thanks to Shmitz's mod ;)) I could spot where they went and based on the fact that the other one was a fake, I assumed there might be a real one hidden at the bottom. I was right! As for...
  14. R

    So I started a hack.

    I'd like to second this. There's a similar bit, slightly before it where it's very easy to get stuck. I tried loads of times, and ended up just putting turbo on and holding jump, edging forward a tiny bit at a time, and it was still a very hard jump to make. Aside from that, it's looking really...
  15. R

    Cave Story: Jenka's Nightmare

    Hi, first off I would like to say I love this mod so far, and I'm really looking forwards to the final version. Some suggestions I have are: * Make it so the player has to pick up the snake in Start Point. I found it quite easy after a couple of tries to leave it where it was and get through...