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  1. Schilcote


    Exactly. Bans sort of work like nukes, you rarely ever have to use them, and when you do the problem is gone. All an infraction system does is cheapen the whole thing and cause more problems than they solve (absolutely none). A PM to the troublemaker in question is more than enough for a...
  2. Schilcote

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Uhh... I think... What are my choices? It's hot in here. EDIT: Fan on. I have a sprite, but I need to know how to include it into a cutscene.
  3. Schilcote

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    I have a character sprite that I need to show up in a cutscene and animate. Is there a way to add more NPC entities to the game or will I have to somehow replace the existing ones? How would I do that?
  4. Schilcote

    GalGen Tech Demo/Prototype Game: Alpha Test

    New version! Yaaaay! Same link. Ore Metal and Food now cost less on low-TLevel planets, and you can upgrade your cargo bay (and your ship speed, but that's buggy and doesn't do anything yet anyway). EDIT: Also going to get more permanent hosting.
  5. Schilcote

    RTD: Netland II

    Explosive: Offer porn magazine as bribe to do whatever we want QuoteXCurly: Pick up RPG with a 10 missile pack from the corner of the room. EVERYONE(GM'd): Look in the armory and find WEPON. Explosive: 5 You approach the encampment and offer the PlayBot to the nearest person who looks like...
  6. Schilcote

    Your Cave Story Videos

    It used to be that among the recording devices you could select there was one that let you record your speaker output. The RIAA bullied all the sound card manufacturers into removing that functionality.
  7. Schilcote

    In this Topic we rate eachother's Avatars/Sigs.

    A: PAINIS/PINGAS S: A much more manageable size. Hmm... what should I get as an avatar?
  8. Schilcote


    I've noticed that one other forums an infraction system usually leads to "oh, he did something really minor, I'll just give him an infraction" and before you know it everyone's banned. Or maybe the admins were just dicks over there. I dunno. I support the simplest system, you're banned or...
  9. Schilcote

    RTD: Netland II

    Yes, but according to my databanks, by which I mean this little notepad window open here, you're in the game as an AFGNCAP.
  10. Schilcote

    Post Your Favorite Game Track
  11. Schilcote

    RTD: Netland II

    You're going to bribe an entire squadron of mercenaries with a single robot porn magazine?
  12. Schilcote

    RTD: Netland II

    To whom?
  13. Schilcote

    RTD: Netland II

    There is no response.
  14. Schilcote

    RTD: Netland II

    Arright, here we go. Post actions after this. The party stands in a field of TV static. The horizon extends infinitely. You do not know how you got here, and you cannot move. You hear a voice. It has no apparent origin. Sermo: "Welcome, travelers. I am Sermo, and I represent the gods of your...
  15. Schilcote

    cool 404 errors.

    Not exactly a 404 error, but my Gmod server's webserver (lets you read the logs) was getting a whole bunch of script kiddies trying to use some outdated exploit, so I made this.
  16. Schilcote

    RTD: Netland II

  17. Schilcote

    RTD: Netland II

    It means pootis. It means fiction. You can be a Tau from Wh40k, a Protoss from Starcraft, an anon... anything really.
  18. Schilcote

    RTD: Netland II

    *pointed stare*
  19. Schilcote

    I feel horrible for having to do this...

    Da, this will voark.
  20. Schilcote

    I feel horrible for having to do this...

    ... UGLLYYYY (jk) It's okay. Kind of... I dunno. I think the colors are too muted or something. It's also not a crew cab.
  21. Schilcote

    RTD: Netland II

    Hmmm... No. Didn't Interrobang have superpowers anyway? You could, however, be a robot of the same series as Quote and Curly (they might show up in person, that's why you're not allowed to be an established character). Yes. I don't know if you read TvTropes very much, but the old one has an...
  22. Schilcote

    Notable Moments in IRC

  23. Schilcote

    Noodle Soup

    You know that one scene in Silent Movie when Mel Brooks gets a gigantic wine bottle and becomes King of the Winos? That's you, except with impoverished students and instant noodles.
  24. Schilcote

    I feel horrible for having to do this...

    Wanted to post this somewhere, thought I might as well do it here. They're okay, but they look totally out of place alongside Pixel's work...
  25. Schilcote

    The Official "I Hate Most & I Like Most" Topic!

    Typed "edgy" into Google Image Search, trying to find a reference to that one XPlay episode. Did not think about the repercussions until it was too late. I hate Google Image Search. ALL I WANT TO DO IS GO ONE DAY WITHOUT SEEING A SINGLE NAKED WOMAN. EDIT: I also hate my extremely poor...