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  1. Schilcote

    RTD: Netland II

    Jake: >Look for a light switch. QXC: Find a note with a bottle attached to it. Drink whats in the bottle, since I can't I can't read the note due to the lack of light. Explosive: look around for enemies and light source Jake: 4 You find a very large, somewhat crude knife switch and pull it...
  2. Schilcote


  3. Schilcote

    The Show

    It's okay, but you need to put savepoints more often. I had to open up the game in Cave Editor and change the level with all the blue bricks to get past it.
  4. Schilcote

    RTD: Netland II

    Cheese: Ask the dudes where I can find a nice magic wand. Explosive: go towards the force field or whatever QXC: Pick up large hex nut from the center of the room and examine it. Cheese: 6 (Hmm... I know what I can do. Heheheh.) You pick up a rod composed of some sort of metal. Well, it's...
  5. Schilcote

    RTD: Netland II

    The thohu wiki has absolutely no idea what you're talking about, nor do I. I'd just give you a big hex nut, but you rolled a six... I forgot to describe how the rolls work. 2 is a plain failure, 1 is an extreme failure (made things worse), 3,4, and 5 are increasing levels of success, and 6 is...
  6. Schilcote

    GalGen Tech Demo/Prototype Game: Alpha Test

    Here's a question for y'all. I'm about to implement the away team system, where you can beam down to/land on a planet and screw around and get your blueshirts shot at and your redshirts shot. Two things: Which would be better, a graphical top-down or isometric system, or a text based system...
  7. Schilcote

    Notable Moments in IRC

    Broken image link. You would have detected it if you were using Verify Redirect.
  8. Schilcote

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    ... Or you could do that.
  9. Schilcote

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Ugh... That's incredibly... inelegant. Brr. Anyway, your problem is that MyChar.bmp (pbm=bmp) has a very small palette, it doesn't have all the colors of your image so when your program tries to paste it in is has to find the closest approximations that are in the palette. Since theres so few...
  10. Schilcote

    Image war

  11. Schilcote

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    I think so. I'll have to try it and see if I can figure it out.
  12. Schilcote

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    I'm pretty sure there's an entity that you need to place to tell the game where you actually want the boss to go. You probably figured that out on your own though. Other than that I don't know.
  13. Schilcote

    Image war

    "Oh, you're one of those imitation black people."
  14. Schilcote

    Image war

    But luckily, they've sworn to do no harm. On a totally unrelated note, "He's got a magnetic device in his belt that controls his balls."
  15. Schilcote

    Image war

    Not after he's done with it. On a related note, ever heard that story of a bomb disposal crew who took their robot fishing?
  16. Schilcote

    If its in front of you I suppose so. You can't just pull it out of thin air...

    If its in front of you I suppose so. You can't just pull it out of thin air...
  17. Schilcote

    Image war

  18. Schilcote

    Image war

    Not anymore.
  19. Schilcote

    "Game referencing actions"? I "made up the netland thing" by use of my IIMMAGINAAATIONNN. As for...

    "Game referencing actions"? I "made up the netland thing" by use of my IIMMAGINAAATIONNN. As for where you can get it, you could try Nevada. I hear it's legal to pay for it there.
  20. Schilcote

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Yes. I grasp basic concepts extremely quickly.
  21. Schilcote

    Image war

  22. Schilcote

    RTD: Netland II

    "Marshall Carter & Dark. Ltd are a company dealing in supernatural artifacts. Not exactly the most ethical bunch. They're a threat to our security and plenty of folks want them out of business, so here we are."
  23. Schilcote

    Know Any Freeware Games? Transcendence.
  24. Schilcote

    Image war

    I hereby refute the existence of dragons.