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    Favorite Cave Story Remix Project Song?

    and then a thread for which song of the remix is covered from the original cave story song Q_Q
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    Favorite Cave Story Remix Project Song?

    ok i´m downloading it now^^ so it´s finished in 14min. thanks (for the second time) my windows broken down i´m trying again now
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    Favorite Cave Story Remix Project Song?

    ok^^ thanks
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    Favorite Cave Story Remix Project Song?

    i wanted to download the whole cd´s, but the mirrors are broken and i haven´t got enough time to download them one after another
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    Favorite Cave Story Remix Project Song?

    you are lucky that you can download them at all. i can´t :o
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    Boss challenge video request topic.

    wow, that must be hard work, eh? :o ifi could do something like that,^^ but first: i´m not good enough to play the whole game with 3 hp and second: i can´t hack^^
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    The random ideas topic of doom

    that sounds good. but i have a question: are you playing Quote and Curly one after the other or can you select them ?
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    video recorder

    ok tehn ive got two^^ :D
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    video recorder

    ok^^ thanks a lot now i can make a cave story video for my friends and maybe i put it here too^^ :D
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    video recorder

    sorry if this is the wrong forum, but i didn´t know where to put it either :D so i wanted to ask, where i can find a video maker (sorry my english :o ... i´m german so...) because i waned to make a video from my playing in cave story so that i can send it to my friends and maybe putting here...
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    Favorite Charakter

    curly quote king jack and the other are on the bottom of my charakter favourites :D :D
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    The sickeningly cheerful say hello, introduce yourself; now where's my cookie? topic.

    hi i´m "The Noob" I´m 13 years old and i´m coming from germany (Uedem is my town) Nice to meet you all. :p
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    Favorite Charakter

    ah yes. but what´s about a RPG? i like role playing games like final fantasy. you have quote first and then other charakters. oh well... i think i open a new thred here :p
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    Community Project

    YES TO S.P. :p
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    sacred grounds training room

    ah some are sensitive but i´m not (hehe...) anyway the training grounds shouldn´t be too easy but also not too hard (you know what i mean... i say three numbers: 0´13 :D ) as someone said before ( sry i forgot who) fighting ballos at the beginning would cause that newbies loose, then loose...
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    Recommend a game that you like that no one else seem to play

    Lunar Knights (NDS) If you know "Boktai", then , i think, yyou know something about this game. You are playing two Characters (, and you can give them any name. You have to save a world from the Vampires and the Immortals.
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    sacred grounds training room

    sacred grounds are still difficult at the beginning (10 sec) the three big spikes. if i don´t fall into them , then i pushed the jump button and flew into the big spikes before. it´s good so as it is. i start new so i can see what you meant. oh man first cave is difficult but i managed to get...
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    The Need For Speed

    wow , you are very fast because only finished it in 10´59´3 with machine gun, super missles, nemesis , bubbler and fireball. :D :D :o
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    Favorite Charakter

    oh yes you are so right :eek:
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    sacred grounds training room

    could somebody make a room where the players , which can´t fly with the booster 2.0 as good as you need it ( like me :eek: ) , so they can practice flying with it. thanks in advance the noob