Search results

  1. Fahrenheight

    Sturmfaust II (Need Artists)

    :confused: sigh.. sorry SP this all I can do for now(choose is the best, but I expect that they all rejected) School is stressing me out( Finals is near, study.. ) I can't nearly do anything(Finishing one deviantion take me 2 weeks damn!) and thinking is hard (goddamnit!) I-I wish...
  2. Fahrenheight

    Hell Mod Contest *VOTING THREAD*: COMPLETED!

    Re: Hell Mod Contest *VOTING THREAD* I vote for... INVISIBLE Hell Because its fucking hard.. Special Mention to Wedge of Cheese's Hell If I know and Safusuka's S.H. because of their awesome soundtrack. I edit My Mod using CE(CaveEditor98d), and you know what happens when Sue meets CE...
  3. Fahrenheight

    Mimiga relationships.

    when you see Kanpachi, you have just lost your virginity, no exceptions. If you already lost your virginity, you lost it again, no exceptions. I Hate You.. Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate you.. everything else, I agree on whoever theory is there..
  4. Fahrenheight

    Balrog: Toaster-like or Suitcase-like?

    I wonder If this was pixel.. He wears Glasses and Have the same style of hair( I think ) nah could be wrong.. (Megane) EDIT: BAlrog's a toaster, he goes huzzah whenever he finish toasting toasted bread
  5. Fahrenheight

    Sturmfaust II (Need Artists)

    working on Main Charater's running animation. I was Thinking of Changing his running animation, the last animation is like his just walking because I based his animation in a Gun Walker Thingy something. So I'm going to find some raptor or a Chicken for its running animation. Also I was...
  6. Fahrenheight

    Cave Story FanArt

    @Lord of Carrots yes thats lameza and catball... my body just felt like drawing him, maybe anticipation of the new Lamulana.. @Mr. Fist Robotnik no, thats not Mr. Little, Mr. Little is on Curly's chest, you can't see him because his little.. ...*lightbulb*... TO THE DRAWING CHAIR!!!! in...
  7. Fahrenheight

    Cave Story FanArt

    I'm Glad you Like It. and Now for AndWhyisit Idea... hmm.. *poofed*
  8. Fahrenheight

    Cave Story FanArt

    *nInJa AApeaRRANCE!* *PooFFeeDDD* *NinJA VanisHED!!* *pOOffeD*
  9. Fahrenheight

    Hey Happy Birthday!! well According to my calendar anyway

    Hey Happy Birthday!! well According to my calendar anyway
  10. Fahrenheight

    oh ok thanks, I'll try looking at it(I'm such a noob) <I>wow that's so many..</I>

    oh ok thanks, I'll try looking at it(I'm such a noob) <I>wow that's so many..</I>
  11. Fahrenheight

    umm hello wedge of cheese, sorry to bother you but do you know the maximum capacity of entities...

    umm hello wedge of cheese, sorry to bother you but do you know the maximum capacity of entities in one map(Cave Story)?
  12. Fahrenheight

    Cave Story FanArt
  13. Fahrenheight

    Sturmfaust II (Need Artists)

    Which one do you like..[/SPOILER] ... crap, stupid pool ... sorry SP this for now.
  14. Fahrenheight

    Sturmfaust II (Need Artists)

    good idea but.. well wait on sp's idea on this.. also: (darn, I put 0 delay frame speed but..) Legs done ( comment plz ) Head, not yet.
  15. Fahrenheight

    Sturmfaust II (Need Artists)

    @SP Ok. I hope that you and your computer recover. @xristosx yes, the dummy should be a real human, I already have in mind what it should be the final form. Lazynez just struck me. @Lord of Carrots um I leave that to sp
  16. Fahrenheight

    Sturmfaust II (Need Artists)

    ITS A TRAP! sorry S.P. lack of Inspiration.. EDIT: depends on SP. comments?
  17. Fahrenheight

    Sturmfaust II (Need Artists)

    The Bleeding Vageeva.. or In other terms, The Bleeding Vagina.. as they say.. meh..
  18. Fahrenheight

    Sturmfaust II (Need Artists)

    Thanks Lord Of Carrots.. Its Still in Concept.. so should I add some Extra wings? Change its bone? change its carapace?(carapace?) change its muscle? etc.. also for what I understand..capable of my brain.. ???>>???>???>>???(?) ???>???>>???>???> Primary Attack: Collision Damage Secondary...
  19. Fahrenheight

    Sturmfaust II (Need Artists)

    OH MY GOD!! ITS THE CUT-OUT FLYING WEENERS AAHHHH!!!! (sorry animation block) wee I going to be release tomorrow :D Goodbye cute pettanko ninja nurses!
  20. Fahrenheight

    Sturmfaust II (Need Artists)

    KekeKekeKekeKeke no nothing serious, I'm really.. o.. kay.... crap here they come again, I wish the hospital was not boring, so that I wont always escape.. I'm bored. EDIT: Before dragging me again, my name have "g" it. darn ninja cute nurses.. and Doctor Badass. EDIT2: kekekekekeke... I...
  21. Fahrenheight

    Sturmfaust II (Need Artists)

    sorry this for now, gotta go, I fell ill, escape from hospital, device-ing a new full proof plan to escape again, sorry sp, laters, maybe a I will be release this friday or
  22. Fahrenheight

    Sturmfaust II (Need Artists)

    She's your original character right? so she's your copyright. Right?
  23. Fahrenheight

    Sturmfaust II (Need Artists)

    @SPG no never mind I'm blahbling again @Cap'n FAbulous No there not chicken legs. wait, RAPTORS are the chickens ANCESTORS!? FTW!!
  24. Fahrenheight

    Sturmfaust II (Need Artists)

    umm okay?(h-he's yours r-right? your property?) errand, that stupid errand, you could see the bleeding vageeba being chase by the naughty tentableeba in ain't for my stupid errand.. not as cool as the dancing main character
  25. Fahrenheight

    Sturmfaust II (Need Artists)

    why now, why not yesterday, stupid errand.. EDIT:RUN POLLUX RUN!