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  • today i had the honor of cleaning out a 22 year old windows xp computer. the owner had not used it in 12 years and gave it away. i found a lot of stuff like a hatemail folder which contained various documents written angrily against people they knew, and various businesses. this old lady had her whole life on this machine. it was a dell dimension, and still had the matching CRT monitor. That was fun carrying back to my car (along with the pc itself) from the IT class lol.

    i didn't go through much of the personal stuff since it just felt weird, but interesting nonetheless. a lot of character on a windows xp installation lol.
    i’m just now reading back all this old shit and i realize i edited a lot of my old posts here to fit some weird character i thought was necessary to “lay low” after someone kind-of-didnt-kind-of-did took advantage of me online while i was using the name Jacred. i loved that name so much and i was like 13 but after that i felt the need to distance myself from that identity.

    i thought there was no way anyone should be able to link me after that incident, esp. regarding my age. so i got all weird abt it and deleted like 40% of my old posts and edited a lot to sound less like a kid. really strange coming back to it. it also fucked up my post count and makes reading threads from like 2018 i was active in harder because i really edited my posts to shit. and none of it really ever helped me either, since i was running from a fear of something that really didnt exist. this isnt really important to me anymore, but its kind of funny how even this forum, something usually so far removed from my personal life, was affected by something
    Yep, I'm the guy who made the fourth ending mod. I've been doing pretty well. I graduated college a few years ago, and have been working full-time as a software engineer since then. Not much else to say on that topic, but I still post here and try out some mods now and again. It's kind of weird now with my mod being so far into the past though.
    What do you actually do as a software engineer? I've heard that's different from just doing programming as a job.
    Well, it is a programming job, but it also involves having discussions about software architecture with other engineers, sometimes writing up design documents, and sometimes presenting to product management. But it is a programming job at its core.
    Miss this place I remember joining when I was 12
    Wow I clearly had the same thing on my mind the last time I came here to update my status :droll: :droll:
    It's a vicious cycle
    There is no escape from Studio Pixel
    I wanted to shitpost more on the Mimiga Ballsack(tm) thread, but it's now locked :C
    Thank fuck.
    What are you, insane? That was clearly the most insightful, intelligent discussion to ever grace this forum. It made me see Jesus in its light.
    OptiFine has made me realize how poorly optimized Minecraft actually is.
    minecraft. the only game i know that has multiplayer lags in singleplayer
    Lesser known fact is that bedrock in comparison runs quite well.
    It does I believe. Sucks because the features itself I actually dislike.
    Cave Story, but Quote and Curly never stopped being Mimiga-eradication bots and thus the game takes a darker turn and your ultimate goal is being the largest piece of shit in the game.
    Actually they were specialized robots programmed with destroying the Demon Crown in mind. They were never originally killer robots.
    Oof, I'm rusty on my lore I guess.

    Cunt Story: Quote and Curly go rogue and commit mass-genocide...with teamwork!
    Man I’ll never forget the chatrooms I used to frequent where they were obscure enough that there were almost never new people and as such virtually everyone knew each other. Sucks that they eventually die ‘cause of it. Those were the best.
    Okay, so I haven't played in a while, and after killing a bunch of jellyfish in Grasstown, does that bubble sound effect when you kill them sound like the one in the gen 3 & 4 Pokemon games? Like when you'd use a move like bubble or some shit.
    They probably just come from the same sound library though.
    Very unlikely. All sound effects in Cave Story are made with Pixtone (not Pxtone, to avoid confusion).
    Huh. Didn't know. Maybe it's just me then.
    Not sure if I’ve mentioned this before, but the 3DS port’s talksprites are just the ones in CS+, but drawn in the style of the original’s. Or at least I think. You notice this the most with Toroko.
    i think it's all of them, just downscaled
    It probably is; I can't easily see for myself cause, I lost my 3ds somewhere. I don't know where.
    It's not a "CD ROM" dumbfuck, it is a fucking CUP HOLDER.
    The largest they can hold is a
    goddamn thimble.
    My PC has a tray for its CD rom and this is the first laptop I've had with one (or windows in general), I constantly make this joke now.
    is the "liquid cooling" option worth it??
    i like my drinks COLD

    Guzzlord possibly might be a nod to Hydreigon, even if such is unintentional. They're both dark/dragon types[as well as the only]; both are said to either devour everything or constantly be devouring other things, and both have mouths on their arms. The difference, however, is that Hydreigon is actually good and Guzzlord sucks.
    Hydreigon's a good boy, unlike Guzzlord, he wouldn't just devourer mindlessly
    I had to look up what the hell Guzzlord is and ew, it's a bad Gen 7 pokemon
    It's unfortunate because I feel like I would appreciate a lot of the Gen 6/7 designs more if they didn't have that boring 3D look. I dunno if it's the style or just the fact that it's 3D entirely, but the spritework in the 2D games was way more appealing to me, and I feel like it would have made these later generation designs more endearing.
    who the hell actually asks for level 1-10 box legendaries on the GTS; are you stupid?
    I mean, I think it's technically possible to get a legit level 1 Palkia, but I doubt anybody who has a real one would be willing to be part with it. ;p
    You can get a lvl 1 Palkia/Dialga/Giratina via the Arceus event in the gen 4 games, and you can transfer 'em up to gen 7, so it's technically possible, just highly unlikely as hell.
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