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  • Router died, was messing around with Org Maker 1.3.4's samples when I found that I can't even open them in Audacity even though they are seemingly valid Wave files? What's going on here
    I'd guess Pixel magic, but that probably wouldn't be the correct answer?
    Well, I believe it's got something to do with the file structure. It uses a "fact" chunk, which is required if the audio data itself is stored in a "wavl" chunk. If the audio data itself is stored in a "data", the "fact" chunk isn't required.
    For some reason, the wave files have both a "fact" and a "data" chunk.
    I believe that when a program tries to read the file, it gets confused and fails to load the file.
    You can probably fix it with a hex editor, but I don't have enough knowledge to properly do it.

    Then again, it could be something completely different, but this is the only theory I have right now.
    Everytime I listen to Access in Org Maker I feel like the song keeps getting off-beat and it's driving me mad because I can't check if they are off-beat or if my mind is just being crazy again
    The only theory I have right now is that it might be a framerate issue, but I doubt that too
    (I came across this while searching through your posts to understand what you're doing with OrgMaker waves.)

    I don't know if these settings still exist in modern versions of Windows, but when I tested in Windows XP, I found different "Audio Performance" settings can cause undesired effects on ORG playback -- see http://rnhart.net/orgmaker/audio-performance.htm

    You might experience symptoms like the following:

    * Some notes don't play at all.
    * Some notes don't play at exactly the correct time they're supposed to.
    * Some notes sound out of tune -- see http://www.cavestory.org/forums/posts/122887/
    * Notes start with a previously used volume level, then quickly change to the volume level specified by the file -- see http://www.cavestory.org/forums/posts/163876/

    Be aware other people may not have the same symptoms, even with the same settings. For example, in the results I listed on my website, one sound card experienced notes that didn't play at all, but the other one did not experience that symptom. Also be aware if the symptoms are very small, some people might not notice them.
    I've actually been looking up and down my pc settings, my soundcard is very old and does not have any sort of settings like the ones described in your notes. I don't even know what my soundcard is called, every device manager on my PC just lists it as "High Definition Audio Device" which is extremely vague, as one might guess.
    With the internal percussion stuff, and the differences in certain instruments between various programs that play .org files, is it fair to say that the way the unedited orgs sound in Org Maker 1.3.4, is the way pixel intended them to sound?
    For someone with such an attention to detail, who semi-frequently scraps his games if he doesn't like where they are headed. I doubt he wouldn't have noticed the difference. I'm pretty sure he knew that the org player in Doukutsu played them a specific way and didn't care/was perfectly fine with how they turned out. If he wanted to he could have programmed in the alternate instruments.
    they're intended to sound like they sound in the game
    fair point
    Just finished a 6 hour non stop coding session. See ya'll in 12 hours, or whenever I wake up again.
    I've been eating nothing but ketchup all day and now I feel like I'm gonna die
    Finally someone who suffers as I do.
    Waitaminute if you were cancer and it was good for cancer then it wouldn't make you feel like dying. Your argument is invalid!
    Although it's delicious stuff, I'll admit.
    I'm confused what is going on anymore
    Can't come up with anything remotely intelligent to say, so here, have another extremely useless profile post from me
    It's kinda hard to not read the profile posts if they're right in our faces whenever we get to the main page.
    Especially when there are other members who would make posts like this one, too. We don't need more members doing that.
    Oh well. I suppose I should've considered that. For me it's like, I don't see the profile posts unless I directly look at them.
    And for other members doing similar stuff, well I haven't encountered any yet (which is no excuse for shitposting like this)

    TL;DR: Sorry, won't do it again
    Goerge Bobicles
    Goerge Bobicles
    Holidays? Its the beginning of october
    Studying stuff you like on your own can be fun, though! Although that probably doesn't actually count as 'studying'.
    1. Yes, autumn break started for me like 2 days ago (I live in germany)
    2. No sure if TLinkan means Goerge or my teacher
    2a Goerge has left a total of lkie 3 or 4 replies to me regarding studying
    2b my teacher actually told the class to forget school during the autumn break (I call those breaks holidays, which is probably grammatically incorrect, sorry about that)

    3. In regards to IdioticBaka, I know and I do that, though when referring to studying, I mean studying school stuff only, not hobby stuff.

    4. Didn't think a poll about me not knowing to do with my time would get so many replies o-o
    Why am I up at 12:13 PM watching japanese pepsiman commercials. Well, doesn't matter, PEPSIMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN
    Holiday goal: Write a virus in batch that has the personality of flowey the flower.
    In batch? Really? I wouldn't really call it a virus then.
    i know i know
    but aside from the generic %0|%0 and del system32 (lul) there's actually some pretty nasty stuff you can do in batch.
    I'm doing it as a side project while I'm (slowly) learning C++ so I can code some proper stuff one day.
    Gonna try to make a decoder for something related to Cave Story. wish me luck
    well, i gave up on it
    it was more of a challenge to myself anyway, as it can be done by hand way quicker than any program i could make
    What was it?
    Well, I was gonna make Wave100 / Wavedata splitter and converter, kinda like the one included with Org2XM v1.0, but my knowledge was too limited.
    So I just took the time to extract all samples (Including the 100 melody waves) from Org Maker 2.10 (English) for use in FL Studio or whatever. Would release, but not sure if it's legal for me to do so. Either way I think I did a pretty professional job :p
    I'm very lonely, feel free to send me a message about whatever, I'd love to have more people to talk to.
    One is the loneliest number you ever knew.
    Two can be as bad as one.
    It's the loneliest number since the number one
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