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  • As your time of the year comes around, I wish you a pleasant birthday and the best of life, Polaris.
    Even if you are apt to turning a blind eye to it, you've been such a remarkable friend for the past years. Time really flies, and I myself can't wait for a fresh new year together. And hey, look ahead of yourself, a whole brand new adventure awaits you too! ^_^

    Oh and don't forget that traditional gardevoir birthday celebration ritual. ;3
    Happy Birthday Polaris.

    Just so we're clear I don't hate you.
    Thanks, everyone! This is all quite flattering and nice. c:

    @Miccs Other than the chance to vote in this rather scary election, I'm not too interested in the whole "adult" thing! :o (Or at least, I'm not interested in the other "bonuses" which come soon after.)

    @Kenzo_ITN I didn't think you did, don't worry!
    @Polaris Can't say I'm hyped for it myself either, I would rather wait a few years.
    I stole your identity in Pokken. Named myself Alfonso, mains Gardevoir and dresses fancily and even adopted a playstyle I think you would have. Don't know why I am telling you this but I figured I would let you know just in case you ever play the game and you run into an Alfonso.
    Well, that's excellent to know! I'm flattered, in a weird way. :3 (Out of curiosity, what's the playstyle you decided on?)

    I don't have a Wii U and I'm not likely to own one in time for every one else here to still be using one. But if I do, Gardevoir maining is on my priority list and I'd probably use my given name for the system. Expect mirror matches. ;>
    Excuse me if I seemingly disappear from the Earth in the next few days. I have been overrun by the Unofficial Squaresoft MUD and will shun all human contact at most possibilies to nurse this addiction. It will slow down eventually, it always does. ^_^
    It seems that I have fallen into the same addiction abyss with Polaris with no hopes of a point of return. ^_^'
    Watch your level counter though, I will surpass you one day!
    Beginning emergency breakout procedure...
    /me gets out a massive vaccum cleaner to clean up all the MUD
    there. Fixed.
    Sounds interesting, I should consider looking at it.
    Then again I might also get addicted to it, and that could hinder my progress in a certain other game. :P
    I just remembered that today is Gardevoir Day! I ought to think of something to do to help celebrate that. :3
    Goerge Bobicles
    Goerge Bobicles
    To be honest, I can't agree. If you honestly hated someone, wishing them a happy birthday would seem insincere at best. I think the same applies with most any event, even if you only mildly dislike it.

    That aside, I did a pretty bad job of celebrating Gardevoir Day this year. D: Hopefully I'll have something better up my sleeve for next year's!
    I'm technically a few minutes late but whatever, I was sleepy. Happy 20th anniversary, Pokémon! :3
    Unpopular Opinion: Pokemon Sun and Moon is a rip off of Digimon World Dawn and Dusk!
    -stares at her copies of Blue and Yellow- welp, this is retro.
    @tvb; It gets hard to find proper inversions. Also... Both Dawn and Dusk are technically 'sun,' just at different positions.
    I still have my copy of Red! ^_^

    Gold and Silver, too, but...you know, internal battery tragedies. It would be kind of nice if they rereleased Generation II, as well - though it wouldn't affect me due to my current lack of a 3DS.
    Never give up! Trust your instincts! :D
    Hm, that's a bit of a sticky wicket. I'd recommend attempting to divide by zero, the shock might break the stalemate.
    They just laughed at me and told me to get a life. I don't think my drives or instincts listen to anything beyond basic and/or childish thought.
    the last time I played it I made it to Venom on the good path but ran out of lives there
    maybe i'll try it again soon it's a pretty fun game
    I've been slowly but surely learning how to heat tortillas, help with meals, and be a greater asset to my family. I might even graduate to cooking a meal or two for us. It's nice...and that's my irrelevant Valentine's Day experience. :3
    It's definitely a pleasant state of affairs. :>

    I was thinking more along the lines of preparing potatoes or eggs. I have to get more comfortable with naleśniki before serving them to anyone else. ^_^;
    Remember to send me a picture of the naleśniki when you make some! :3
    Churros are scrumptious! £:
    Yes, they're quite tasty! It's been a few years since I've gotten the chance to eat one, though.

    @Noxid - Could I just pay you to get some for all of us? I've no transportation. :<
    I know that the summer camp I go to has a "Mexican day" where they server apple-cinnamon filled churros for desert on dinner. Not many people seem to like them, which means I get to have more. ^o^

    @Polaris - Sounds like a good idea, count me in to help put some funds into the cause!
    Oh no, now I'm thinking about the taste. Churros ARE delicious after all :p
    I've been reading my old profile posts lately. One long-forgotten site in particular stood out to me.
    "We grill tha arduous minutes dat lie before our asses up in tha warm courage of tha nationistic unity; wit tha clear consciousnizz of seekin oldschool n' precious moral joints; wit tha clean satisfaction dat be reppin tha stern performizzle of duty by oldschool n' lil' alike. We aim all up in tha assurizzle of a rounded n' permanent nationistic game.

    Us dudes do not distrust tha future of essential democracy. Da playaz of tha United Hoodz aint failed. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! In they need they have registered a mandate dat they want direct, vigorous action. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. They have axed fo' discipline n' direction under leadership. They have made me tha present instrument of they wishes. In tha spirit of tha gift I take dat shit."

    -"Only Thin We Have ta Fear Is Fear Itself", Snoop Dogg's First Inaugural Address
    Give this man the presidency. Or a cookie. Definitely a cookie.
    Why not both? £:

    I wouldn't mind having Snoop Dogg as President, in a semi-serious non-practical way.
    Due to poor life decisions and other priorities, the 10 uploads for the Gallery will need to be done at a later date, most likely 5 at a time to avoid a sudden flood that no one wants to look at. This message will self-destruct when that time comes, naturally. :3 Edit: 5 done! But then I missed another week so we're back to 10. Oops.
    < A futile attempt to archive a message :P >
    Almost wanted to ask about this.
    Hope it will go well.
    Why the deleted previous profile post? There wasn't anything wrong with it..
    No particular reason!

    For the record, I once had a status update that read "According to Papi, I've upgraded from Gordo Cabron to Flaco Hijo de las Garras! All that running did some good after all. :D".
    I hope that I remember all of the beauty I feel when I'm older. Writing helps, to be sure, but nothing is permanent.
    Every time I start a new RPG, I have a moment of panic and indecision over whether to go through it as a blind LP. So it is with Pokémon Glaze, which looks like a pretty promising romhack. (I got over the panic and started it anyway.) I really should just make a test LP sometime, it'd be an interesting exercise even if I'm terrible at it and it never sees the light of day. ^_^;
    Haha, I myself often push off games for long periods of times just for that blind LP. ^_^;

    I should really get into making a proper one though; I've often been gratuitously commented as being a very interesting player, so who knows.
    I've been quietly updating the Special Album along with my weekly Grand Gallery of Gardevoir uploads, but with the last few avatars up (if not complete), I've finally begun uploading some of the nice gift art I've received over the years. That may be more relevant to the majority of you who aren't interested in my usual fare. ^_^ Also, I'm a day away from my third anniversary, so that's neat!
    Whoa, that's quite interesting, reminds me of how I 'lurked' here a little for CS mods since...25 may 2014 I think..
    Here's to another year of internet fun times! *clink*
    *clink* :3
    This year has been strange and distressing in many ways, mostly in the latter half. But I still managed to make some small improvements - here's hoping for a nicer year. Let's all work towards something better! ^_^
    Right, sorry, I wasn't trying to pry for new info, but to piece together old ones.
    Liking the bracelets, they look nice!
    @Thatnamelessguy and @Jpzarde - Thank you for the compliments! They're greatly appreciated, I just tend to run away when such things happen ~'v'~

    @Miccs - Easy improvements are fairly rare. But no matter the difficulty, it's always worth it and I'm happy to hear that you're finding some :3

    @Raus - Don't worry about it, I don't recall thinking that you were!
    This year, we're finally breaking the gross tradition of attending gross parties for New Year's! We're going to stay at home as a family and it's going to be rad. <3
    I hope that everyone has a lovely night!
    thanks polaris i hope you have a good night too
    not because of christmas or anything you should have a good night anyway
    @Anuken Christmas? What is this "Christmas" that you speak of? Should it be a ritual of yours, I'm sure that you'll be practiced enough to experience a satisfying one. :3

    @VinylCheese ^.^

    @Bionicobot I'm very sorry to hear that! With any luck, things have settled down by now or will soon. D:

    @Thatnamelessguy Yeah, likewise! What even is this Christmas thing, anyway.
    One can never say "Good Night" enough times, in fact I've got at least 10 different ways of saying it...Merry Christmas Polaris!
    We set up a Christmas tree! Given how lax our family is and how messy our home is, that's actually an accomplishment that we don't manage every year. Also, I found an app to play NetHack on my phone, so if I'm strangely silent it's because I'm terribly addicted. I cooked some subpar naleśniki on Wednesday and I have yet to detail it because of NetHack. ^_^;
    Don't get your hopes up, it wasn't anything great in any way.
    I suck at NetHack, good luck.
    Also the christmas tree is set here too, only problem is that our dog(which has never seen a christmas tree yet, because not even yet a year old.) is also really interested by it, or in other words: she attempted to eat a christmas ball.
    Lucky us that we have plastic christmas balls, and not glass, although the tree is real.
    I doesn't matter if they were subpar or if they were cooked with years of expertise Polaris, what matters is that you took the time and effort to get your hands messy and cook something.
    Besides, imperfect practice makes perfect! ^_~
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