"i didn't ask why, I already figured out it's because you can.
I asked why.
And I'm not sure I want to search for that."
>i didn't ask why
>I asked why.
23:00 *** Schokobecher joined #curlybrace
23:00 Landonpeanut just realized that neopets are furries
23:00 WildDesu MMMMM
23:00 +++ ChanServ has given voice to Schokobecher
23:00 Cultr1 D:
23:00 GIR o hi schoko
23:00 Landonpeanut lol
23:00 CptFabulous ffffffuuuuuu
23:00 Landonpeanut o hi
23:00 WildDesu kusomiso
23:01 *** Schokobecher left #curlybrace (Verlassend)
13:45 Landonpeanut ADARK IS A GIRL
13:45 sigh hello
13:45 adark I'm not a girl
13:45 sigh uh, what?
13:45 Landonpeanut no really
13:45 Solid_Kitty I am
13:45 sigh oh okay
13:45 Landonpeanut lol