Do you mean what's a Source Splicer?
Adj.- One who combines many virtual sources & a selective choice of its inhabitants into an area of choice.
Here's an example.
I'm only a 2nd class Source Splicer, however. The Fusion Team, who's responsible for the fangame known as Mushroom Kingdom Fusion, are the
real masterminds of Source Splicing. My methods are by far inferior to their efforts.
EDIT: By the way, it doesn't say who's profile page is being viewed by a user (Unless you're an Admin, I guess, but privacy info like that is never leaked by them)... The majority of my time viewing a user profile was spent on
this one (While curiosity compelled me to watch 'The Rising Son' premiere on [Adult Swim])... That 'tattoo' signature link shouts "Spambot!".