S S Slayer666 Aug 11, 2010 Say: what do you see moar? 1. A treatened boy who is put under heavy pressuer, or 2. A foolish twat that does dumb thingz?
Say: what do you see moar? 1. A treatened boy who is put under heavy pressuer, or 2. A foolish twat that does dumb thingz?
S S Slayer666 Aug 11, 2010 K... Then's goo... He really wuz treated as shit, but he also said stupid shit...
S S Slayer666 Aug 11, 2010 whyyou? ... Whutz teh problemo? EDIT: You are befriended with a banned person... Just that you know... Also, whutz your opinion about him? I saw you two getting quite well along... Did you like him? If so, <x3
whyyou? ... Whutz teh problemo? EDIT: You are befriended with a banned person... Just that you know... Also, whutz your opinion about him? I saw you two getting quite well along... Did you like him? If so, <x3
Drunken Applesauce Jul 12, 2010 Sorry for being a dick that one time. I was just kinda pissed about something and took my anger out on the first user I saw. Sorry bout that.
Sorry for being a dick that one time. I was just kinda pissed about something and took my anger out on the first user I saw. Sorry bout that.
Nameisnotname Jun 25, 2010 Mmm, sometimes several pages. Well, my brother wants me to play Combat Arms now, so I'll see you tommorow, ok?
Mmm, sometimes several pages. Well, my brother wants me to play Combat Arms now, so I'll see you tommorow, ok?
Nameisnotname Jun 25, 2010 You've taken over all the posts on my visitor space thing whatever it's called...
Nameisnotname Jun 25, 2010 You know, your posts are gonna end up taking up heaps of pages on my profile, as mine are yours.