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Wedge of Cheese

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  • <3 Thanks~!
    Right now, I'm trying to find another slow, simple song like that to make. Truth be told, there are some songs I already know I want to make, but I simply don't have the skill to make them; they're way too fast for me to make by ear.
    I would categorize it as "most likely dead", since I havent' heard anything from him about it in months and the last I had, he'd been having misgivings about it.
    Alright, I'll check those out. A box layout with panels containing float layouts sounds like a good combination of easy and stylish.
    How about the setup of it? Like, is it normal to have all the gui objects be private class variables, or would you create them within the scope of main, or some other function, or... what?
    Well ideally it'd look like this: http://n0xid.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/mockup.png
    although maybe no preview button, that's a little ambitious. I have a vague idea of how I could do it, but I'm not really sure what would be the *right* way to do it and that is something that bothers me. We did a GUI example in class where we made a simple calculator with 4 buttons and 2 text fields, but it just used a float layout so the buttons went everywhere when you resized the window. I'd prefer something more static...

    Also, I do know about the api docs, that's been of help to me so far, but with so many options that seem so similar, it's easy to get lost :muscledoc:
    Yo Wedge, I'm doing a bit of work in Java for school and was wondering if you could give me some pointers on GUI, like, swing and awt and stuff like that.
    Haha that would be fun. I'm not sure if I agree with your analysis of algorithms being evil (they let me do stuff I couldn't otherwise), but I do think it conveys the correct message. Especially since The Algorithm sounds threatening. However, these would give matrix connotations, which I'm not sure if you want.You might translate them into other languages. Say, orientues for heuristic and algoritmo for algorithm. (hewristig is heuristic in welsh. :P)

    As far cool story bro, I value intelligence and opinion a lot, and 'cool story bro' is simply a way of dismissing what someone else is saying. It's like tl;dr, except it has more the connotation of your mind has no worth.

    Wedge of Cheese
    This message has been deleted by Wedge of Cheese. Reason It posted twice...

    Anyway, algorithms != programming, no? Newton's method? Euler's method?
    I dunno
    I want a fast algorithm, not some brute force stupid.
    Also you posted twice by mistaken.
    Suppose an arbitrarily large grid, each cell of the same width and height covers the x/y plane.
    On this plane is also graphed the function f(x). What cells does the function go through?

    And we're obviously looking for an optimal algorithm.

    ALSO, the functional thing would be for like a bullet/entity hack in cs in this hypothetical thinking.
    have entities represented as continuous functions, rather than iterative ones.
    so x = 1/2at^2 + ct +k, and then have the time stored in-entity. So positions could be calculated on the fly. a and c would also be bytes, so it would save information. On a collision, k = x, t = 0, and c and a get recalculated to make the collision work.

    Would this be worth it? Would there be any implementation troubles?
    Also I have a math problem I can't even begin to solve.
    I have another fun idea.
    It doesn't have nearly any scope, so it's easily implementable.
    I need your braaaaain.
    It's only the beginning that's really cool. The rest is basically him talking.
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