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Wedge of Cheese

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  • Yo yo. Yo download link for yo mod isn't working. Not sure if it's my fault.
    Mm, that would have made sense. Unfortunately, this hack was done before the era of Doukutsu Assembler and thus it would require me remembering exactly where I put it and what exactly I did, which is more difficult than I'd like for something that more or less works so long as I keep tabs on flag 0x400..
    I was having an issue with FileFilter for javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter not being recognized when I discovered that in fact there are TWO FileFilter classes and I was accidentally using the wrong one.
    I'm experiencing some difficulty; I'm getting the following error
    "The method setFileFilter(FileFilter) in the type JFileChooser is not applicable for the arguments (FileFilter)"
    for the code:
    FileFilter filter = new BmpFileFilter();
    Along with the class:
    public class BmpFileFilter implements FileFilter
    public boolean accept(File theFile)
    if (theFile.isDirectory())
    return true;
    if (theFile.getName().endsWith(".bmp"))
    return true;
    return false;
    public String getDescription() {return "Plain bitmaps";}
    What am I doing wrong :muscledoc:
    which is the same answer I got last time, but it doesn't making sense.
    v should equal 94500*pi km/s
    On the wish thread, edit your post to include a question, and I'll edit mine to include an answer, and then make your next question something completely unrelated so that the next poster looks like a fool talking about time paradoxes.
    Please tell me what is wrong with this integration (the big S represents the integrate sign):

    x = ccos(t)
    t = arcos(x/c)
    dx/dt = -csin(t)
    dx = -csin(t)dt

    S sqrt(c^2-x^2)dx
    = S sqrt(c^2- (ccos(t))^2)dx
    = c*S sqrt(1-cos(t)^2)dx
    = c*S sin(t)dx
    = c*S sin(t)(-csint))dt
    = -(c^2)*S sin(t)^2 dt
    = -(c^2)(t-sin(t)cos(t))/2
    = -(c^2)(arcos(x/c)-sin(arcos(x/c))cos(arcos(x/c)))/2
    = -(c^2)(arcos(x/c)-sin(arcos(x/c))x/c)/2
    = -(c^2)(arcos(x/c)-sqrt(1-(x/c)^2)x/c)/2
    = (-(c^2)arcos(x/c)+cxsqrt(1-(x/c)^2))/2


    Edit: Oh wait damn. When I plugged it into wolfie to double check it's workingness, I used arsin by mistake. This is right. Enjoy your circle integral.
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